Chapter 4
SARAH's pov
I had been driving for a while, longer than I thought that I could, my eyes starting to get tired and my stomach growling in hunger. Jacob has been asleep for a long time during the trip, he’s always been a good kid, the one person I could count on since mother died, we were there for each other. Always. I know that what we’re doing is hard on him, but we didn’t have a choice, we couldn’t stay with our father any longer, we couldn’t trust him not to hurt Jacob. I had to protect my brother no matter what, keep him safe now that mother wasn’t here to do it.
I would often wish that things were different, that mum hadn’t have died when she did, that we were still a loving family. I don’t know what turned my father so bitter, but I know we couldn’t stay there and watch him to deteriorate. It wasn’t a good environment for me or Jacob.
I saw a road sign saying that a town called Coder Creek wasn’t far, only 10 miles, maybe that could be our new home for a while until we figure out our next move. I knew that I couldn’t drive for much longer, and this was the only place around for miles. Dad wouldn’t find us here.
I had always been the odd one out in my family, my father always hated me for the gifts that I had, but I had helped him out so many times. Sometime I just knew things, like which scratch card to buy that would be a winner, or which horse to put money on.
I had some other gifts also, like I could move trees at will and force dirt to part for me, it was pretty cool. I could basically control anything that was connected to the earth.
But I never used it, my mother warned me that others wouldn’t understand, that I’d be seen as a freak of nature. Father hated it too, he always said I was an abomination when he beat me, saying I should have never been allowed to enter this world, let alone live a happy life.
While my mother supported me in ways no one else could, I was still an outcast, I even finished school two years early and started work without my father knowing. But I couldn’t afford college, not after dad wasted away my college fund. So here I was, 19 years old with a 5 year old younger brother with no place that we could call home. No place where we could feel safe.
“Where are we?” Jacob asks as he rubs his eyes with the back of his hands. “Are we far enough away yet?”
I nod, my hands tightening on the wheel. “I think so, we are going to stop at the next town.” I paused, thinking about how long we had been driving. “Hey, are you hungry?”
He smiles, giving me his signature laugh. “Of course sis! I’m always hungry.”
I spot a sign that points to a small diner up ahead and smile back, “well that’s good cause I was thinking we could stop for some food.”
“Yes please, I could eat a whole burger! And fries.” He groans, giving me the puppy dog eyes.
“Do you think you’ll have room for a chocolate shake? I heard that small town diners are good at making those.” I smile, making sure to keep my eyes on the road as I narrowly made the turning into the diner's car park.
“Oh yeah! That would make a mighty meal!” He says, his voice littered with excitement. “Let’s go!” He shouts trying to unbuckle his belt.
“Woah there bud, not so fast.” I shout, clipping his belt back in as I manoeuvre into a parking bay. “You have to wait until we are parked. How many times do I have to tell you!”
He frowns, slouching slightly because I shouted. “I-I’m sorry Sarah.”
I sigh, rubbing my eyes. Maybe it’s just because I’m tired. “I’m sorry two, I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that.” I unbuckle my own belt and then his. “Shall we get you that chocolate shake?”
“Yeah.” He nods, his smile smile returning.
We both get out of the car and walk into the diner, the bell ringing above the door. It was early morning, so the diner was almost completely empty apart from three guys who turned towards us when we entered, all of of them staring at me and then my brother. But none said a word. Fucking rude.
Jacob and I moved to sit near the window so we could see the car, I was always paranoid that someone would steal it, even if it was just a pile of junk we needed it to get where we were going. Wherever that may be. I didn’t quite know yet.
A middle-aged waitress with brown hair walked towards us with a bright smile, her voice just as soft as her features. Her eyes a deep hazel. “What can I get for you two?” She asks.
Without looking at the menu, I say; “can we have 2 cheeseburgers and fries and two chocolate milks please.”
She nods, writing it down on her notepad. “You guys from out of town.”
“Yeah.” I say slowly, spotting that the men were still staring. “Do you know a good motel? Won’t be here longer than a day.”
“Of course, old Sally’s is just down the road and to the left, you can’t miss it.” She smiles warmly, “I’ll get this order set for you, it won’t be long.”
“Thanks.” I smile.
“Welcome to Coder creek!” She sings as she disappears into the back, still smiling brightly.
“She seems nice.” Jacob comments, watching the door she left though.
“Yeah she did.” I reply with a smile, trying to keep the mood light.
I turned back to see the same three men staring our way, the one closest to us had dark brown hair that hung in tight waves down to his shoulders and deep green eyes that almost seemed to shine. He was tall, I could tell that by the way he was sat, much taller than I was. But there was something about him, something that called to me, as though I just had to get to know him. And he had a twin, just the same as him, maybe a bit broader, they were both breathtaking.
They both smiled when they caught me staring and I almost choked on my own spit, they were beautiful, more handsome than anyone I had ever met in a feral and manly sort of way. But I knew they were older than me, the question was, how old. They had muscles that could put professional body builders to shame, yet I didn’t find him frightening. In fact, something told me that I would be safe with him.
Not that i would, all men are dangerous, i learned that the hard way, yet, i want to know them better, the question is, do they want to know me?
Probably not, i am nobody.
The third guy was just as muscular, but smaller in height and build, he looked really tough with a scar running down his left cheek towards his jaw. He had messy brown hair and hazel eyes, and he was handsome too, but not as handsome as the other two.
I wanted to say something to them, to introduce myself, but I was too shy, I wasn’t good at meeting new people, never have been.