Chapter 5
Dylan pov
Matthew, Drake and I went to the diner early, just after dawn, there was no one else there but that was just how I liked it, I didn’t want to be here when the morning rush started, it was always the worse time to get served. It was a bright morning, the sun shinning high in the sky, which was rare for Coder Creek, normally it rained all the time. That’s why we liked it, the wet weather made it hard for hunters to track us, it kept the pack safe.
Drei, my wolf, was restless today and irritated me in a way that he had never been before, it had me worried and on edge; especially seen as he wouldn’t tell me why he was so tense and angry. An alpha like me couldn’t be seen to have any weaknesses and I had to be always restrained, but with Drei the way that he was I was nervous. I just couldn’t understand what had gotten him so worked up, everything was going smoothly, the deal we made with the town kept us hidden and off the radar, the pack was safe. We were thriving. So why did he feel this way?
“Dude, are you ok? You seem a little… tense.” Matthew asks as we take our seats, his expression showing his worry for me.
I could trust Matt with almost anything, he was my beta and my best friend, we had known each other since childhood. Back when we were hunted for what we were, back when the pack needed a new place to live, we found this place together and so far, we had been safe.
But I wasn’t sure I could tell him this, a restless wolf was dangerous and he would take us back to pack lands before I could hurt anyone. The issue was, something told me that I was needed here, that I couldn’t leave yet.
Drake watches me closely, he can feel my wolf stirring, and i can feel his doing the same, something is off. Something doesn’t feel right.
“Yeah I’m good, just tired. Its been a long week.” I lie, keeping my expression neutral as we wait for the waitress Kat to come take our order.
“You can say that again, but everything is done now. The pack is content in what they have. The land is officially ours and we are already planting next seasons veg.” Matthew smiles, pleased with our hard work.
“We have never been in a better position.” Drake says, watching the door.
We used to rent the land, but now we had enough to buy it from the town and that is exactly what we did, our packs financing had really jumped up in the last twelve months and the online businesses we had were booming. Everything was more than perfect.
I nod, allowing myself to smile at Drake and Matthew. “You are both right, we are finally where we wanted to be.”
The pack also had the best trained men, our army as mundanes call them is better than most of the packs in the area. Even with rogue attacks we were stronger than anyone else around, we could protect our own.
I see Kat coming over and signal for Matt to be quiet about pack business, we couldn’t let the humans know what we were, even if we did work along side them. It was against shifter law. Unless they were your mate.
“Hey guys, what can I get for you?” She asks with her signature smile, always a bright and happy face.
“Hot dog and fries for me, with a banana milkshake.” Matthew smiles, second against the breakfast menu.
“I’ll have the same, but with a coffee.” I smile tightly, not used to having to deal with humans up close. They used too many processed shampoos and body washes, it hurt my nose.
“I’ll have a bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake.” Drake says, not even turning to look at her, his eyes still on the door.
She nods writing it all down, “No problem, I get that right away for you all.”
She walks away and goes into the back to give the cook the order, and just as she leaves the bell on the door dings, signalling that someone else was there. I turned my head to see who it was, my senses automatically assaulted by the sweet smell of chocolate and lavender. Drei shot to the surface and I had to grab the chair in order to stop myself from jumping the petite girl who had just entered.
“Mate!” Drei cried, wanting to be closer to her.
“She’s human, we can’t scare her!” I shout back, causing him to calm slightly.
She was a beauty to be hold, with Raven black hair and deep honey eyes, ones that looked more gold than brown. She was petite, skinnier than I would like her to be, with strange bruises coating her neck and cheek. Had someone hurt her? I’d kill anyone who laid a finger on her, she was mine. At first, I thought she was human, but as I took a closer look I realised she was like us, so was the kid, but their scent was weak, as though they had never shifted before. She also smelled of something else, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
“Dude! Can’t you hear me talking to you, what’s so interesting about a woman and her kid?!” Matthew shouted through mind link, his voice concerned.
I turn to Drake, and sure enough, his eyes were black as well, he could sense her just as much as i could. “Do you smell that?” i ask him through link.
He nods, watching her closely, as though she is in danger. “She isn’t human, but I'm not sure she is fully wolf either.” he turns to me, his eyes so dark i can no longer see the bright colour, “Someone has hurt her.”
That’s when I first noticed the kid properly, he had the same black hair as her and looked to be about five or six years old. They both wore clothes that were too big for them. I watched as they took a seat near the window before turning back to my beta and my brother.
“She is our mate.” I tell him through mind link.
His face turns into a deep frown, “dude she already has a kid what if she’s taken?”
I shake my head, “She can’t be, look at her bruises. They are running from something. She is a wolf, but I don’t think she's shifted yet.”
We watch as Kat goes over to them, my mates voice like silk as she makes her order, I would never grow tired of hearing her voice.
Kat nods her head, writing the order down on her notepad. “You guys from out of town.”
“Yeah.” My mate say slowly as I’m unable to take my eyes off her. . “Do you know a good motel? Won’t be here longer than a day.”
“Of course, old Sally’s is just down the road and to the left, you can’t miss it.” She smiles warmly, though I can sense her concern for the two. “I’ll get this order set for you, it won’t be long.”
“Thanks.” Says the girl her smile lighting up the room.
I had to know more about her. We both did.
Now that we had found her, we were never letting her out of our sight again.
I turn to my brother, and then to my Beta, “We will protect her from whatever or whoever she is running from.”
They both nod, Drake was itching to go to her, and so was i. but we needed to be careful, we can’t risk scaring her away.
She may not even know she is a wolf, by her smell, she has never shifted. Not once. Does she even have a wolf?
Not that it mattered to Drake and i, she was our mate, and to us, she was perfect.