Chapter 6
Lana's POV
When Lana stepped out of Mr. Nikolai Sinclair's sleek black car. She couldn't really get her mind off what Nikolai had asked her.
"Can you be my children's personal nanny?"
The words sounded in her head. For a moment, Lana just stood there on the curb, clutching the little card he'd given her with his contact information. The silver ink of his name-Nikolai Sinclair-seemed to catch and glint in the light. Yet, she didn't even have time to reflect on it. She looked at her watch.
"Thirty minutes!" she yelled.
Bursting through her front door, Lana kicked off her shoes, ran to the bathroom, and jumped into the quickest shower she could manage. The cold water jolted her, snapping her mind back to her immediate reality. Mr. Sinclair's offer could wait. Right now, she didn't want to be late.
Ten minutes later, Lana stood in her small apartment, drying her hair with one hand and quickly dressing for work. She stopped at the door, bending to pick up the card. Her fingers hovered over the embossed name as she threw it into her bag, hearing his voice one more time in her mind.
"Can you be my children's personal nanny?
She shook her head, trying to understand it, and made for the door, more confused than before. Just as she was locking the door, her phone rang insistently in her pocket. She barely had time for anything else, but the caller ID read "Mabel," her best friend.
Lana was already halfway down the hall, jogging, when she picked up the phone. "Mabel, I don't have much time to-"
"Did Mr. Nikolai Sinclair ask you out?" Mabel's voice said through the line.
Lana's eyes widened in surprise. "What? How did you-who told you that?
"Lana! I watched you get into the car with Mr Nikolai.I knew something was up!" Mabel's excitement practically crackled through the phone. "So? Spill! Did he ask you out? Are you going to be jetting off to fancy dinners and… and parties?"
Lana laughed, but it came out more of a nervous giggle. "Mabel, calm down. It's not like that. He didn't ask me out. He." She hesitated, still unsure of how to say it. "He offered me a job.
There was a beat, and then Mabel started laughing. "A job? Nikolai Sinclair came to you, of all people, offering you a job? He's a billionaire, Lana! What could he possibly need your services for?"
Lana sighed, still racing down the street toward the subway. "He wants me to be his kids' personal nanny," she admitted, and those words felt weird in her mouth.
Soon, there was this silence on the other end, and slowly, Mabel said. "You're kidding me."
"I wish I were. I mean, I'm flattered, but… it's just so out of the blue," Lana confessed, "One minute, I was just going to baby seats for his children for one night, and the next… he's offering me this huge opportunity. And you know my schedule, Mabel! How would I even handle it?"
“You gotta do it, Lana," Mabel said suddenly, excited and insistent. "This is your chance! You always talk about how you want a change, and this… this is a huge change. Just think of all you could learn from someone like him! And the salary! Oh my God, Lana, you could finally get off all those exhausting shifts. Think about it “.
Lana bit into her lip as her friend's words sank into her. She knew Mabel was right; this was an opportunity that might never come again.
But, his too hot? Lana thought to herself.
"But Mabel. it's his kids we're talking about here. What if I'm not good enough? What if I make a mistake?
‘Lana," Mabel said, her voice softening from excitement to support, "you are one of the most responsible, caring people I know. Kids love you. And from what I remember, you've always been amazing with every family you ever helped. If Mr. Sinclair chose you, he must have seen that, too.".
Lana took a deep breath, taking small solace in her friend's self-assurance. "I still haven't decided," she said, "I told him I'd think about it, but. It's a big change, Mabel. I can't just leap into it.
Mabel exhaled sympathetically. "I understand. But promise me you will give it some serious thought, Lana. This can be a great starting point of opportunity for you. You never know what door it may open.
It wasn't until Lana finally reached the subway that she looked out of the window, where the soft hum of the train filled the gap in silence between them. And Mabel was right; this was a matter that could not be ignored. Mr. Sinclair's offer came as a shock to her, and she was close to not knowing if she could-and even should-reject it.
"Alright," she said finally, her voice firm but laced with indecision. "I promise I will think about it.
Mabel's cheer on the other end made her smile, if only for a second. "That's my girl! Just… just keep me posted, okay? I want all the details!"
"You'll be the first to know," Lana promised, feeling her own nervous smile creep in. "But for now, I really have to go. My shift starts at ten.
"Great, go make that cash!" Mabel teased. "But remember, I'm expecting a call the minute you decide."
Lana laughed, feeling a little lighter. "You got it. Thanks, Mabel."
“You're welcome, but remember you're still owing me that coffee you promised”, Mabel yelled again from the other end of the phone.
“ I know Mabel, we’ll have that coffee I promise, maybe over the weekend”. Lana suggested.
“Weekend’s not so bad after, it's a date”. Mabel replied excitedly.
“Alright bye now, I'm really gonna be late today”. Lana said, hanging up the call.
“She’s right Lana, she's so right but common, his too good look. Hell no…”
“Hmm, I bet he's not even thinking about me at the moment, it's just a job, how hard can it be?”.