Story Continues
Peter woke up the next day with everything Sharon had told him still on his mind. Of course, it wasn't the end of her hardships; he could tell that there was more to come.
He got out of bed and went downstairs, only to find breakfast already made by Sharon. The aroma filled the air, releasing mouthwatering flavours all around.
"Wow, you made breakfast?" Peter asked her feeling quite surprised, "I didn't think you could cook," he said teasingly.
"Why would you think that?" Sharon wondered.
"Well, at such a young age, you started living in the house of a wealthy man. I would think he had cooks and servants all over the place, didn't he?" Peter asked while grabbing a plate and helping himself to some pancakes.
"Well, he did have cooks but I made friends with Martha. She was the head cook. She taught me how to make a lot of dishes," Sharon's expression suddenly changed as she remembered the woman.
"She sounds wonderful," Peter said.
"She was the best. She was like a mother to me."
Peter noticed she was saddened by talking about Martha so he changed the topic and mentioned he was heading to sea to get more fish.
"It's been years since I last got on a boat and went out into the sea just for fun," Sharon mentioned.
"Is that so?" Peter asked and Sharon nodded in response.
"Well, would like to come with me? I could use the extra pair of hands," Peter invited her while getting up, done with his breakfast.
"Really? Are you sure?" Sharon asked.
"Yeah, it'll be fun."
Sharon took off her apron and ran upstairs to change her clothes to something more appropriate for the sea.
They walked side by side to the boat, talking and laughing. It was the best Sharon had felt in weeks and she seemed a bit happier now compared to two days ago. They passed by the cliffside where Sharon almost fell. She stared at the broken ground for a while, remembering the whole thing and could feel her heart beating faster as fear crept into her mind.
Peter noticed this and grabbed her hands in his to assure her that she was fine now, with him.
"That doesn't matter anymore, Sharon. You're past that now. Okay?"
"Yes...yes, I am," she replied shakily.
They kept walking and got to the boat which was named "The Debora," after Peter's late daughter.
"This is a nice boat," Sharon remarked as she got in.
"Yeah, she's not the biggest but she gets the job done," he said, as he untied the boat, released the sails and was ready to set sail.
"Are you ready?" He asked Sharon.
"You bet!"
While on the sea, they both had a lot of fun. Peter cast a net into the sea and showed Sharon how to fish with a rod. He caught a few fish himself but it was more difficult for her to do it so he decided to teach her.
"Here! Let me show you how to do it," he said and walked over to her.
Peter held her hands from behind to teach her how to hold the rod properly which caused their fingers to brush against each other and his face was so close to hers. The heat between them intensified and for a moment, they were both lost in each other's eyes. The wind blew some of Sharon's hair across her face and Peter was tempted to move the hair with his finger but he resisted the urge and pulled away from her.
"I think we should take a break," he said tensely and went to sit on the deck.
Sharon joined him and they both stared at the sea for a while, admiring its beauty.
"So what happened next...after you went to live with Mr Worthington?" Peter asked.
Little Sharon arrived in Denver with Worthington in the afternoon. The car pulled up at the front door of a huge mansion. The butler quickly opened the door and welcomed his master but Sharon was a bit scared and reluctant to come out.
"It's okay, little one. This is your home now and everyone here is a friend," the butler, Alfred said to her with an outstretched hand which she took.
As they entered, little Sharon couldn't help but marvel at the amazing decor and interior of the mansion. The corridors were stunningly held by gold-plated pillars, the furniture was all antique with artwork from all over the world hanging on display, huge chandeliers hung from the ceiling and beautiful lights cascaded downwards.
"This is Genna. She's the head maid and she'll show you your new room," Addicus told her and handed her over to the woman.
Sharon held on to him, not wanting to let go because she was still a little frightened.
"It's okay, Sharon. She'll take good care of you. Don't worry, I won't be gone long. I just need to take care of some business," he assured her.
Sharon was taken to her room and Genna had all her new clothes and shoes packed up in her wardrobe. The room was also magnificent and truly wonderful and it made her happy.
"Would you like something to eat dear?" Genna asked her.
Sharon nodded so Genna took her to the kitchen to meet the cooking staff.
"Sharon, this is Martha, the head cook. She supervises all the meals that are made here in the house," Genna introduced her.
"Is this the girl?" Martha asked Genna who nodded.
"Oh, you poor thing! So young and so beautiful. Life truly can be unfair at times. Don't worry, love, we'll take care of you. Now, what would you like to eat?" Martha asked.