Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1 – I’ll Do Anything

Today was supposed to be the day I married my boyfriend, Blythe. Instead, it is the day we buried him.

My royal family was shocked that I wore a black wedding gown for the funeral. Only Blythe would understand. This black dress is just my little rebellion.

I'd long since grown tired of being a princess and comparing myself to my perfect sister, Ariel.

Blythe – I never thought I’d fall in love, but he completely swept me off my feet. He was just so wonderful – so tall, and handsome, and funny. And just like me, he didn’t care about any of the trappings of royal life.

We share the same interests, and we were about to get married in secret and live by our own rules. But this horrible war got in the way. They called even the least trained warriors to the front. And Blythe died.

God, how ironic is it that the enemy killed him only days before he was supposed to steal me away from the palace and this royal life that I hate?

“Junie?” mom says, tugging on my hand and drawing my attention back to her. Tears well on my lashes, threatening to slip down my cheeks. She frowns at me, confused and desperate to help, as we follow the coffins into the Goddess’s temple. “Do you…want to take a minute?”

Mom gestures towards a little alcove set aside for private prayers and I nod, stepping towards it, not wanting the press to get pictures of the royal family’s youngest Princess sobbing her eyes out. Mom murmurs something about coming with me, but I beg her to let me have just a minute alone.

I glance at my mom over my shoulder as I rush to the alcove. Dad and my brother Mark likewise stand with her, looking after me with worry, and I do my best to give them a smile. But I fail, my lips trembling as I turn away.

I sit down hard on one of the cushioned benches, burying my head in my hands, my shoulders shaking as I sob, the tears again rushing down my cheeks.

My wolf presses herself warm against my heart, trying to give me hope, and I sniff hard, sitting up straight and wiping my wrist across my face because I am so, so sick of crying. I shake my head against my grief, gritting my teeth, hating it - hating the entire universe for taking him away from me, wishing desperately that there was something I could do to fix it.

“Anything,” I say, my words resonating deep in my throat. “I would do anything to fix this – to bring Redman Blythe back into my life.”

My alcove is shrouded in darkness.

“Anything, Princess?”

I jump nearly out of my skin as I turn towards the dark purr of a voice, my eyes fastening in sudden terror on the hooded man standing suddenly before me.

The wind blows the edges of his dark cloak, his face cast so deeply in shadow that I cannot see his eyes.

“Wh-what?” I gasp.

“You’re perfectly dressed for an Underworld wedding,” he continues, his voice silky and low. “Didn’t you know that, when you chose a black wedding gown?”

“What are you talking about?” I can’t tear my eyes away from this mysterious figure, from the way his mouth quirks up in a wicked smile.

“The God of Death has heard your prayer,” the man says. “He wishes to make you an offer.”

I just stare, my lips parting, hope blooming darkly in my chest.

“Come with me,” the man says, holding out a hand. “We will bring you to your Underworld groom. And in exchange,” his smirk deepens, “we offer you the chance to bring your lover back to life. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I breathe, climbing suddenly to my feet and moving towards this man. “Yes, I would do anything to bring him back to life!”

“Then come,” he says, laughing low reaching his hand a little closer. “Let us make a bargain.”


My breath pants from my lips as the wind and darkness rips around us. We only travel for a few terrifying moments before my feet hit hard against stone and light returns to the world, however dim.

I groan in horror at what I see – at the black sky that stretches for miles in all directions over the black marble terrace on which I stand.

A sky lit purple at the horizon, with not a single star in the heavens. But three moons hang low and heavy in the darkness – one round and huge and orange, the others smaller but equally bleak.

“Where…where are we?” I breathe, terrified.

“You are in the Underworld,” says my captor, grinning at my shock and surprise. “What did you expect?”

I just pant, staring at him, completely overwhelmed. This can’t be real.

I shake myself, though, remembering my purpose. “Take me to Redman Blythe,” I order, lifting my chin like the Princess I am. “I want to see my groom.”

“Your groom?” the man says, leaning forward towards me with a wicked grin. “Little Princess, that boy is not your groom. You came to the Underworld to compete for the honor of marrying Prince Orion, son of the God of Death.” He gives a mocking little bow. “It is a great honor to be a candidate in my master’s game.”

“What?” I breathe, horrified and confused at once. “T-the Prince? A game!?”

The man laughs at me, straightening from his bow. “I was quite clear, Princess – it’s not my fault if you didn’t listen closely. You have come to the Underworld to be wed –“

“To marry my fiancé!” I burst out, livid. “Redman Blythe! Who is…is dead, who is here! Why the hell would I come to the Underworld to marry someone I don’t even know!?”

“You came,” the man snaps, “to compete with twenty other women drawn from the distances of time and space to be the Prince’s bride. What you do with the prize given at the end – should you win – is none of my concern. Though,” he tilts his head to the side here, crossing his arms.

“It would be rather traitorous and ironic for you to marry the Prince and then use the wish he gives you as his wedding gift to restore your lover to life. Not to mention a waste, as you’ll live here. Forever.”

I stare at this man in shock for a single moment before I bare my teeth. “This was a trick.”

The man just laughs and shakes his head, truly entertained at my rage.

“No trick,” he says, “just twenty girls, each…unique in their lineage, their abilities. Twenty weeks shall pass, with one girl eliminated each week. And at the end, one bride for the Prince – to rule over the Underworld at his side. And, of course, to produce heirs and continue the master’s dark lineage.”

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