Sparkling Girl

Sparkling Girl

Harper Hall

375.2k Words / Ongoing


After reuniting with her biological parents, Zoey became a well-known failure. She sucked up in college, picked up fights, and skipped classes daily. Moreover, her engagement with the Scotts was called off due to her chaotic private life! Everyone was expecting her self-destruction. But unexpectedly, she slapped them in the face! She had a Ph.D. and was a renowned scientist. She was a national chess champion, a genius investor, a martial arts legend... As these undeniable achievements were uncovered one by one, countless people pursued her.
Meanwhile, Mr. Phillips, the business legend who once treated her with disdain, panicked: That's my wife! Get out of the way!
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  • Visitor

    Uuugggg.... I just can't get enough of this book. Hate it when I'm out of chapter's to read...... 😐😸

    02/12/2025 05:19