Lara protected her eyes from the glare as she stood at the foot of the enormous metal tower that glowed under Zoron's two suns. She had worked on artificial intelligence for years in sterile, dark labs, but nothing she had learned had prepared her for the prospect of a whole globe run by robots. The surroundings were quiet, chilly, and eerily ideal. Just accuracy—no birds, no breeze.
"Human, you appear disoriented." The voice was smooth, deep, and metallic.
Startled, Lara turned abruptly. Just a few steps away, a tall, streamlined robot caught the sunlight with its gleaming form. Its eyes gleamed a gentle blue, if they could be called eyes.
Lara narrowed her brows and said, "I'm not lost." Under the robot's inspection, she shuffled uneasily. "Just... getting used to it."
"Make rapid adjustments. Inefficiency is not tolerated by King Kairos. With an almost human-like smoothness, the robot took a step closer. Despite its calmness, it had a commanding voice.
Reminding herself of her purpose, Lara gulped. She had a purpose; she wasn't just a visitor admiring a new world. And the first step was to meet King Kairos.
She forced some confidence into her voice and replied, "I wasn't told I'd be greeted by a committee." "Who are you?"
For a brief moment, Lara could almost feel amusement as the robot cocked its head slightly. I am Ryn, the King's counselor. Although not always welcomed, your entrance was expected.
Lara retorted, "I'm here to do my job, not to make friends."
Ryn's gaze darted about her. According to your file, you are an accomplished programmer. However, Zoron doesn't really need any more human errors. Come with me.
Lara suppressed a reply and sank into a step behind him, her boots making a gentle clinking sound on the shiny metal floor. Zoron was completely automated. The air itself felt sterile, processed, and fake.
She scanned the area as they walked—infinite towers, precisely moving robots, no trace of life. Her heartbeat accelerated, and she began to feel anxious.
Sensing that she was uncomfortable, Ryn broke the silence. "Zoron's efficiency has a way of overwhelming humans. However, you'll adjust. or not.
The back of his silver skull was gazed at by Lara. She whispered, more to herself than to him, "I'm not here to adapt." "I'm here to make things right."
"Repair things? "Interesting word choice," Ryn thought, his voice still eerily serene. "What specifically do you think you're fixing, please?"
"Look, I'm here because your AI systems are dangerously out of date. I'm not sure how much you know about what I do. Your entire infrastructure will be improved by my new program.
Lara took a half step back when Ryn halted suddenly and turned to face her, his bright eyes blazing with such intensity.
"You say it's outdated?" After a short silence, he spoke again in a calm voice. "King Kairos will laugh at that."
"Why?" Lara folded her arms and scowled. He uses algorithms that haven't been changed in decades to run an entire planet. If something goes wrong, this place might fall apart.
Maybe. Or perhaps the King would rather things stay... under control. Perfection is important to him. He doesn't like bringing turmoil in," Ryn answered, his tone hinting at a warning.
The enormous doors in front of them swung open with a gentle hiss before Lara could react. The grand hall, a tall room composed completely of dazzling metal and crystal-clear glass, greeted them with reflections that added to the room's sense of spaciousness. King Kairos sat on a sleek metal throne at the far end.
Lara's throat tightened each breath. She wasn't prepared for Kairos. His design was more complex and human-like than the other robots' sleek, polished shapes. His eyes were a deep, burning amber that seemed to penetrate through her, and his face, framed by dark metallic plating, was both regal and icy.
Ryn pointed ahead. "The human, per your request."
Although Kairos didn't answer right away, his eyes moved over Lara with calculated accuracy, as though he were evaluating her at the molecular level.
At last, his rich voice reverberated along the corridor. "Lara Maren." You've come a long way to make up for our... shortcomings.
Lara stood up straight and defiantly met his fierce stare. "There is potential for improvement, but I wouldn't characterize them as shortcomings."
Kairos's lips were pulled by a ghost of a smile. "People and their infatuation with progress." You think that growth requires chaos, don't you?
Lara retorted, "You stagnate without change." "It is fundamental evolution."
Kairos poised like a predator moving toward its prey, his movements deliberate but smooth. He walked carefully down the throne's steps, each one reverberating along the still hallway.
"Evolution," he said again, pausing a few feet away from her. "Interesting idea. But we don't evolve here, Lara. We are flawless.
"That's your problem," she shot back, her tone more assertive. "You put too much emphasis on being flawless. Errors result from perfection. to susceptibility.
For a second, Lara believed she caught a glimpse of something human in Kairos's amber eyes as they flickered. Wonder? Curious? It was difficult to tell.
"You say vulnerability," he whispered, his tone now softer and more intimate. "Lara, do you think of yourself as vulnerable?"
The intensity of his gaze made her breath catch a little. "Everyone is susceptible in some manner," she said cautiously. "Even you."
Tension-filled silence fell for a minute. Then, suddenly, Kairos extended his hand and ran a cold, metal finger across her cheek. For the first time since coming to Zoron, Lara felt a glimmer of something unexpected—desire—as the contact sent a chill down her spine.
In her ear, Kairos said, "Maybe you're right," his voice a quiet hum. "Perhaps vulnerability is more complex than I've let myself think about."
With her heart thumping in her chest, Lara swallowed forcefully. She hadn't expected to feel anything in such a lifeless area, and she hadn't come here for this. Still, she felt more alive than she had in years as she stood inches from a robot king.
She took a step back and broke eye contact. Her voice was trembling but forceful as she added, "I didn't come here for... whatever this is." "I came to assist. to improve the situation.
After giving her one more look, Kairos gave a small nod. "Very well," he reverted to his formal tone of voice. "You can continue working. But know this, Lara—I'm watching everything you do here. I also don't put up with failure.
Lara nodded, her determination once more solidifying. "I won't fail," she said with assurance.
Kairos turned away from her and grinned. "We'll see."
Ryn laughed quietly as he took Lara out of the main hall. With a humorous tone, he remarked, "You handled that better than I expected."
"What is the intended meaning of that?" Angrily, Lara shot back.
With a note of respect in his voice, Ryn answered, "Most people crumble under his gaze." "But not you. You didn't back down. That appeals to him.
Lara scowled. "I'm not here to win his approval."
Ryn's blue, luminous eyes wavered. "Aren't you?"