Chapter 5

Chapter 5


I hated entertaining these imbeciles and this one had the audacity to bring his little fuck toy with him. Blatant disrespect. The thing was that these meetings helped me ferret out the good from the bad and while Osbourne wasn’t the type of bad I was worried about I could blackmail and alienate him with the knowledge that transpired here. He at least considered the human witches in his dominion rather than look down at them as many did. He just needed a lesson.

“Priestess Le’Blanc, I am honored to be in your presence this morning and I hope we can come to an agreement that unites us as allies through matrimonial bonds.” He said with a bow.

“A tall order so early in the day,” I said eyeing the woman who shrunk back a little behind Osboune’s shoulder. “And who is this?”

“This is my assistant Miss Schmidt,” He announced.

“And what exactly does Miss Schmidt do for you, Mr Osbourne,”

“That’s Priest Osbourne,” the woman retorted. I didn’t give her a glance as I said.

“No one is addressing you, Miss Schmidt, answer the question, Mr Osbourne,”

“She keeps my schedules and organizes my events and travel,”

“Try again Mr Osbourne, or do you think me an idiot?”

“She manages my finances,” he tried again. I tutted.

“Before you sit down at my table and have a serious conversation with me about being allies I need you to be honest to me about the intimacy of your relations with Miss Schmidt.” Trent choked on his orange juice and my lips turned up.

“I beg your pardon,” he blanched.

“Tell me Osbourne why would you bring your little fuck bunny to my breakfast table when you intend to propose nuptials? If you want to be allies you don’t need to come to me with a pretense you are not actually invested in.”

“But we aren’t,”

“Dont give me that bullshit I don’t sleep well so I am up very late and I walked past the visitor hall on the way to mine from my office. Seems you both were enjoying yourselves immensely under my roof. Next time Mr Osbourne if you want someone's respect don’t let them welcome you into their house under false pretenses.

“The marriage I thought could just be on paper a show of our alliance,” he tried.

“I’m giving you 6 months to regroup yourself and decide what you are really looking for and Miss Schmidt, you might do yourself a favor and tell him where the real G-spot is,” the redhead paled as Osbourne looked at her agape. I smiled like a cat and dipped my toast in some tea before taking a bite.”

“You can see yourself out Mr Osbourne, I’ll call you a Priest when you’ve earned my respect,” I let him know.

I rolled my eyes and set the toast down as Andy and Trent chuckled.

“Glad you both had a good laugh, I doubt either of you knows where the real g spot is either,” that put Trent quiet and Andrew just grinned before opening his fat mouth.

“Would you like to educate us our Magmanimus High Priestess?” I flicked him off before finishing my coffee. Trent about sent the orange juice out his nose this time. I shook my head. They would never understand. I got up and left the room without a word, Zoey's scolding at them disappeared in the background.

“I tried to warn you Mother Moon this isn’t all of who you are meant to be, we are nothing without them.” the old woman spoke in my mind as I made my way to my office. “I’m protecting them,’

“Keep fooling yourself,” and then she was gone.

That old woman was something else

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