Chapter 9


“What’s this about?” Bri asked, sitting back in her chair. She wore Wyatt’s shirt open with only a thin low-cut bralette beneath. The new tattoo she’d had Issac drill into her skin was simple and elegant as it rested on her sternum just below her breasts. Up the center of her chest, the water lily bloom birthed a crescent moon, a series of lines and dots indicating its glow in a circle around it, and above that a dainty fleur de lis. It paired with the twin Hyacinth Bean vines that now wrapped around her biceps and snaked down her arms and around each ring finger all in elegant black and grey. She and Issac had this thing about being in each other's company in companionable silence. They would go hours with just the rhythm of the tattoo gun, the only sound between them.

“Shut the door, Andy,” Trent said, with more authority than I thought the male had ever used. Bri folded her arms across her middle and watched as Andy cast a spell to ensure our voices didn’t carry beyond the room. Then she gave us an indignant look.

“It’s about the bond Bri, if you don’t finish forming it I’m afraid you will wither away,” I said ĺtossing the envelope from this morning on top of her desk. Trent’s expression became grim.

“You told them!” Bri snapped the savage darkness coming forward, halos of glowing silver forming around her pupils.

“No, she didn’t but I figured it out, let's just say I felt it the day they left, and that's not something I’ve experienced before. I did some research, when I confronted Zoey about it she just didn’t lie to me because she was looking for the same things I had already discovered. So we have been snooping through Lorraine’s books looking for answers,” Trent assured. Bri downed the rest of her whisky before letting out a heavy sigh.

Andrew scowled, giving Trent a look. “You’ve been keeping secrets from me I see,” he surmised.

“We wanted to be sure there was no other way before we brought it to you and Bri, I found an old text that talks about the way soul bonds used to work. The way they were meant to work.” Trent explained. “There was no use causing a ruckus if we found a way to undo it but your bonds are like the old ones, I am sure of it. If it breaks, you die. What would happen to all the work you’ve put into bringing the covens to heel and exposing all the scandals within them? If you don’t complete them your suffering has been for nothing.”

“I can’t bring them into this world, it’s not safe for them here. They aren’t ordinary men, they have a home, I consider them family, and I will not jeopardize them because I selfishly need them. They didn’t ask for this, somehow I lost control. This is my mess to attend to and suffer through not theirs”

“Did you ever bother to ask them what they wanted?” I asked her. She went quiet. So there it was, she had decided for them.

“Wyatt understands he’s a leader, I never promised them anything,” she tried to defend herself.

“Listen Bri,” Trent said, “From what I can sense and what the books claim, that kind of bond can only be made mutually, the bonds that tie you to each man are different. One is divinely chosen but you both set it in motion from the day you met, however, the tie to your soul’s claim on his only stuck because his soul accepted yours, in this life, whether he realized it or not and the other like the first has etchings of coming together over many lifetimes however it has always been chosen, and his soul accepted yours again in this lifetime. This is why they are so strong, there's no running away from this, It’s not just your life you're risking, it’s theirs.”

“So let me get this straight,” Andy interrupted. “Your supremeness is bound to a couple of M..” Zoey elbowed Andy in the gut hard and he doubled over. Trent rolled his eyes.

“One day your big mouth is gonna get you in real trouble.”

“You hit hard for such a dainty thing,” Andrew complained, rubbing his gut.

“Bri, they love you, you may have hurt them but the kind of love you have with them it doesn’t just disappear. Talk to them Bri, explain it to them, apologize, and stop hating yourself for what you did, at the time it was the only choice you saw but now you need to think about yourself and what you want out of this life. Bri, You deserve to be happy, they make you happy. I know it.”

“What if they don’t want me anymore?” Bri said, staring off into nothingness. “What if I've already caused irrefutable damage, it's been over a year, they could have moved on.”

“You would have known if they did, bonds like these don’t allow for infidelity, those sorts of actions cause insurmountable pain to the entire unit.”

“They aren’t witches Trent. They have their own sets of laws, bonds, and gifts by the goddess. I doubt our rules apply to them.

“What are they anyway?” Andrew interrupted.

“None of your fucking business Andrew, that's what.” Bri spat.

“Touchy subject I see, it's not like I don’t have an idea, Brianna, I just want to know if I’ve hit the nail on the head,” he mused. Andrew knew a lot of odd things about the creatures of this world, the ones nobody thought existed. In his eyes all legends had a crumb of truth in the world of magic. “Maybe if I knew I could be of some help but I see how much you trust me, even after everything.”

“I don’t even know what they are Andrew so maybe you should respect that Bri wants to keep it to herself for their safety,” I pointed out.

Bri stood and walked to the window she looked up at the moon, a tear rolled down her face and she hugged herself. She went quiet, still as if time had stopped after a few moments she shook her head and blinked. Walking over to the bar she collected more glasses and another bottle of whiskey before returning to her desk and pouring us each a glass but didn’t hand them to us.

“I’m not above using magic to keep these secrets safe, and I'm not above ending every person in the world in order to protect those men and our boys,” the way her voice cracked when she said ‘our boys’ caught in my chest. The grief there was so painfully real. I glanced at Trent, who had gone somber, and then to Andrew whose sarcasm had softened into reverence. For someone who could be as hard as a diamond by day, she sure softened at her core when it came to them.

“Sit there's more than just what they are that I should tell you, there’s things about me you should know too. But it's not you that I'm worried about telling our secrets to, its others that can make you tell, so if we are doing this you are agreeing to be silenced about this outside of this room and yes Andrew I’ve done this before, you get Silas and Beckham in your head often enough you learn a thing or two about how to manipulate the mind.” she leaned against the desk, folding her arms beneath her chest, her long legs exposed as she was only wearing boyshorts.

“These are my terms if you can’t abide by them you may leave,” Andrew approached the desk and took a glass placing a coin in its place Bri smiled softly.

“So that's what protected you from Lorraine’s deranged voodoo all these years?” He shrugged.

“All thanks to you our most supreme high priestess,” he said, raising his glass to her and taking a seat. She smiled a little and picked it up.

“When I was little this was the first thing I ever anointed for protection. I’m glad it served you well,” she said, placing it back on the desk.

“I’ve never gone anywhere without it since the day you gave it to me, the magic is pure, it’s always been a comfort to me I just could never let it be known I had a soft spot for you or where would we be?” he admitted.

“They would have used Trent against you, which is another reason why I’m so hesitant to tell you about all of this.” Trent took off a ring and set it on the table as he took his glass and joined Andrew on the sofa. I paused, they were making themselves vulnerable, how did I do that?

Bri looked at me “I can’t just hand over what protects me,” I admitted.

“Well the Iwa brought you to me, they have my respect and my appreciation for that, I’m just going to have to trust that they are going to continue blessing our friendship and keep you from falling into the wrong hands,” she looked at Trent and Andrew letting me sit with that for a moment. I closed my eyes and felt out the spirits that gilded me. They hummed happily and I came back to Bri having a pointed conversation about my safety being in their hands if she chose to go through with this. They both just nodded as she put a rather colorful spin on what she would do to them if anything ever happened to me.

Great now I’d have shadows everywhere I went but it was worth it if Bri could find the balance she so desperately needed. I plopped between them on the couch with my whiskey glass. It wasn’t uncommon for us to sit like this when Bri prepared us for tasks involving the council’s court. Where Andrew was fluent in protocols and knew each coven leader by name, Trent was just keeping his head above water along with me. If I knew Bri at all, we were about to get some truths and more details into the trauma she had endured. So I took a heady sip.

Bri settled standing against the desk, the mask she wore so well, now nowhere to be seen. And I realized this was the broken part of Bri trying to piece together and make sense of everything while she told us her story. The vulnerability and sincerity that oozed off her was something she’d kept under those dragon scales she grew in cold showers that reminded her of them after she fell apart each morning. She wasn’t just pulling herself together, she placed armor over the most fragile bits of herself for their protection. Seeing her actions now for what they were, as her friend, I should have noticed, my shoulders sagged, and the Iwa hummed in anticipation.

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