Moving has never been easy in anyone's life especially when you do not have a job to support yourself and you just have to believe that everything will be just fine. All my life I have always had my parents support but as always the universe was never on my side. I lost my parents two years ago and since then I have had to be the grown up in my life. I wanted a fresh start and where else to find that if not in a new city where the only person I know is my best friend Ivy. “I can't believe I am here already. It seemed impossible last week and here I am officially a City girl. I still feel like am dreaming.“ I say to Ivy my best friend and partner in crime. I make my way through the streets of my new home, phone in one hand and my coffee on the other.
“I know I can't believe it either, but you are here and you live here now. I am so happy you decided to join me.“ She says on the other end of the call.
“Me too. I think am going to love it here. Its been a week and I can feel myself settling in already. Its just it different from back home but I guess different is good.“I say.
“It is. And don't worry everything will be fine. Anyway I got to go my break is over I got to get back to work or my boss with kill me.“ She says and will our good byes we hang up.
The move to Eldorin City from my home town was hectic but the thrill of starting life a fresh was higher. I make my way through the bustling streets back to my apartmentto try and find something for me to do. It's been hard as it is but I can't continue living my life as I am. My parents weren't rich at all but they were stable before they passed and with what little they had they left it all to me since I was an only child and also left some savings in an account for their only grand son and my son, Jason.
Jason was my one and only child whom I loved with my whole heart and who was loved by his grandparents. Their death had brough so much sorrow to him and it had taken him so much time to get back to normal. Loosing two of the most important people in his life had been tough but he got through it.
I got pregnant during my last year of college with a friend of mine whom we had been close with and decided to try dating and I didn't expect to get pregnant on the first trial. He left me on that same night and he never called to check on me again even after I called and texted him to and so ever since then it had always been me and my son. I never bring him up into conversations with my son or anyone I closed that chapter forever.
I make my way to the mall to do some grocery shopping and buy new house furnishings. I love living in a home not a house and decorating is one of my favourite ways to make it feel more homely. When am done I pack everything into my car and head to my house. Its almost time to pick up Jason and I don't like to make him wait for long especially not on the first day.
“Mommy.“ Jason says running towards me from the school doors.
“Baby.“ I replie lowering myself to his level to hug him. “How was your first day?“
“It was good.“ He replies still holding my hug.
“Just good, you did have fun or enjoy it?“ I ask taking his bag and leading him to the car.
“Not really. Turns out you need friends for fun and since I don't any yet I'll be lonely for a few days.“ He says as he climbs into the car. “But its okay mommy, I'll be fine by tomorrow I'll have a friend.“ He reassures me.
I look at him and smile as I give him a forehead kiss, “ I know baby, I know.“
He looks up at me with his beautiful green eyes and smiles back at me, “ I love you mommy.“ He says.
“I love you too baby.“ I reply.
He has always been shy with people whom he doesn't know, doesn't talk alot and keeps to himself most of the time when around people, but when am with him we converse well. His curly hair and green eyes make him look so beautiful and for boys his age he seems to be checking all the beauty boxes.
He has began to show a resemblance to his father and if he would see him he wouldn't have a doubt but I would have to die first for that to happen. Jason is a nice kid, he is only five but loves numbers and is kind of becoming a genius in that section.
“Mommy.“ He calls from the back sit.
“Yes baby.“
“Did we move to come and see my dad?“ He asks innocently. We have had this question a couple of times when he would see kids with their dad's or a whole family together on the playground. So it wasn't a new question.
“Umm, no baby, we moved so that we could start a new life but as I told you before, your father is not around for now but when he comes back from his trips abroad we will meet him. Okay?“
“Okay.“ He replies. He sounds dissapointed as always. He has always wanted to have a full family but for me I have no plans to include a man in the family.
“Want some ice cream?“ I ask when we get home trying to cheer him up and get his mind off what we have discussed.
“No am good, but can we order pizza for dinner please?“ He asks looking up at me with pitiful eyes.
“You don't have to use your pity eyes to ask me you do know that right.?“ I say laughing as I look down at him.
“Well you are not one to easy please.“ I hear Ivy's voice behind me.
“Aunty!“ Jason screams running behind me to his aunt and hugging her.
“Hey handsome.“ She calls straightening while carrying Jason.
“Hey aunty.“ He replies smiling widely.
“How's my favourite gentleman in the whole wide world?“ she asks touching their noses together.
Giggles and then, “am not a gentleman,” giggles again, “am a boy.“ He replies.
“Oh is that so. Okay then am sorry, my boy.“ She replies.
She lets him down slowly, “Why don't you go and change, then we can order pizza for dinner together okay?“ She finishes.
He runs off to his room without a second thought leaving me with Ivy.
“Tough day?“
“More like tough ride. He askes if we moved to see his dad.“ I replie moving in for a brief hug with her.
“Ooh, he still wants to know,huh. What did you tell him?“
I tell her everything that went on as I get comfortable around the kitchen to get 2 glasses of wine.
Ivy has been my bestfriend since our first year of college. We were roommates and we hit it off and have been besties ever since. She was with me through everything, when I got pregnant she helped me tell my parents, she helped with everything I went through and not once did she leave. She was my support system when Jason's father left me and didn't mind that she was adding a burden on herself. She was and still is my hero and that's why I thought of her when I decided to start life a fresh.
“Whats your plan now that you are here?“ She asks.
“ Honestly, I don’t really know yet. Except finding a job and trying to not let my kid sleep hungry, nothing else matters.“ I replie.
“Got any jobs in mind?“ She asks.
“Not really anything will do for now.“
We talk some more and after she leaves, I put Jason to sleep after our night routine.
“Good night baby. I loves you so much. Never forget that.“
“Good night too mommy. I love you more.“
Jason is my sunshine and anyone who dares to mess with him I would kill with no second thought for sure.
Finding a job would be alot of work but I was willing to take the risk of searching for it.