2. Language Darling
I could have picked her out from anywhere. Her frame, I knew better than anyone's, myself included. Ophelia Blake, she had been in my mind since the day she was born. I owned her the second I saw her carved-up face. That day was forever seared into my brain. The terror she wore, the blood of her father coating me. The feeling of watching him die beneath his own knife. The knife he used to cut up his beautiful daughter.
I had been to almost every big milestone of her life. Though she had not always seen me I was there. I had spent the last 7 years keeping an eye on her. She was mine and I had made sure of it. She should have known men were always around to protect her, minus the time she spent at Quantico. But once she had finished, eyes went right back to tracking her. She was an agent for Christ's sake, and she had been oblivious that I had a tail following her.
I knew she hated this city. I knew she would never want to return to this place with the memories that surfaced here, yet here she was in my club, in a red dress. I had watched her since she arrived. Her perfect red lips that wrapped around her martini glass. I had seen the man approaching her and when she turned the look on the man's face as he couldn’t stomach that scar that ran across her. That exquisite scar.
I knew why she was her; she had been assigned to me. Other agents had tried, but they either were left out or I personally killed them. The Bureau was trying something else. They thought that Ophelia would stand a chance to get something incriminating on me. Those fools thought she would turn against me. But I knew better. This woman had protected me from the cops once. She would do it again and again. Despite the fact everyone knew I had killed she wouldn’t give me up. The Bureau had been so wrong sending her here.
Now that she had returned to my hell, she would never leave again. Our lives had started with one another, and we would leave this world with one another. I had been patient waiting for her, but now she had come to my den of sin. My personal underworld playground and she was going to rule this kingdom with me, or she would burn like the rest. She would succumb her soul to me. I had her once, and I would have her again.
“You filled out nice.” I gave her the smile that had worked a thousand times. She stood there her painted lips open. I would fill it soon enough to the point she had tears falling down her bewitching face. “Come on, is that how you greet an old friend?” I said laying it on thick. I knew her game, and I would play into it until she yielded to what I already knew would be our ending. “Fox.” That was all she said. I had not been called by my first name since the day I took out the heads of the other families. It was Valentine to everyone else, but for her I would let her call me by the name she grew up with.
I noticed her pulse quickening on her neck, her eyes dilated, and I could see her dress got a little tighter in her breasts. The music in my club pounded but I couldn’t hear it. All my attention was drawn to the women in front of me. My hand reached out, Ophelia didn’t pull away, she stayed standing there as my rough fingers traced down that defining scar on her face. I had waited many years to touch that face. I pulled my hand from her.
“What are you doing in the city? I was sure you would never come back here.” She swallowed and brought herself back to the present. “I just needed a change of pace.” She was a beautiful little liar. “A lot of things have changed in the last 7 years. As your oldest friend I could show you around.” Her breathing began to be more labored, it was slight, but I noticed. Was she thinking about how we played as children. “Come,” I said turning from her. I knew she would follow, whether by her own will, or because she needed to for her assignment.
I walked up those red stairs to the top floor that overlooked the club. This was for VIP. I sat on one of the couches and she followed sitting. I didn’t go unnoticed by me that she kept a large space between us. “You know going out for a night on the town by yourself is not the wisest, you never know what wolves lie in wait.” She remained silent. “Talk Ophelia, we know each other well enough that you shouldn’t have to remain mute.” Her mouth grew tight. “Fox, I am a big girl now I don’t need to be escorted to go out at night.” I smirked.
There was that fire that matched her face. “We should have some whisky for old time's sake.” She didn’t respond. I had been the first person to ever introduce her to any form of alcohol, and the drink of choice then was whisky. I knew she would remember that day we sat in my basement sipping it and playing cards.
I raised my hand motioning for one of the women who got drinks for the VIP. She came quickly. The women eyes looking positively feral as she waited for me to order. “Gia bring a bottle of whisky and two glasses.” Her eyes finally shifted, and she saw Ophelia, I saw the jealousy flick in her eyes. As well as disgust.
I had never invited Gia to drink with me. I knew she wanted more from me. She wanted to be my queen. I had given in to her lust more than once. Having my mouth all over her pussy made her think I would give her more, but I never would. Ophelia snapped “I will have another Vodka Martini.” I looked at Ophelia another smirk crossing my lips. I looked back to Gia and nodded. “Fucking go.” I yelled at her. She scurried off.
“You know it is rude to turn down a drink you're offered. Your father would be disappointed to know the etiquette he taught you was all for not.” Ophelia’s face pinched and she turned her whole body to me. “Don’t you ever speak about my father.” With a neutral face I said, “Soft spot for you?” Her hand fisted, before she realized she was losing her calm demeanor and straightened her spine and relaxed her hand. “Like you said, I am grown now, and I know better than to mix my alcohol.” That smart mouth would get her in trouble.
Gia came back with the tray and our drinks on it, she sat them down making sure I could see all her cleavage. Slowly standing, hoping that the move would entice me. “Valentine, would you like me to come to your office tonight.” She was not sly at all. I could see she was trying to make it seem like we were together. Trying to stake a claim on me. But I was used to this manipulative behavior, I delt with it on a regular basis. “No.” I said coolly. “But.” Ophelia locked eyes on her. “He said no you dumb bitch.”
She grabbed her martini and saw Gia was still standing there, in shock. “Fuck off.” Ophelia practically shouted. Gia turned and left. I watched as she took a sip of her drink and set it back down. “I see you still have a dirty mouth, princess.” She shot me a glare. “I am no princess.” She practically hissed. I gave her a cruel smile. “But you were for a while at least to your father. He called you that, until he grew to despised you.” She looked venomous. “Don’t talk about my fucking father.” I moved fast, wrapping my tattooed hand around her throat. I didn’t squeeze her hard, just a little pressure. My face came to her ear, and I whispered. “Careful Ophelia, we may be old friends, but you know what I am capable of.” Her face was so serious.
I caught a whiff of her intoxicating smell and released her my hold on her neck. She stood, “I am going home.” she said calmly. Only my Ophelia could be spiteful and then have a calm demeanor the next second. She had been keeping herself in check for the several years she had been gone. One night with me, and she was already acting like the girl I grew up with. “I will see you soon.” She didn’t respond. She knew me well enough if I wanted her company I would come get her. There was nowhere in this city she could go where I wouldn’t find her.
I watched her hips sway as she walked away. I smiled as she strode away like our interaction had done nothing to her. I knew my words would be replayed over and over again. Ophelia and I were connected by our past and our future and she would know it soon enough. I would pull the darkness from her like the devil did with the righteous. I leaned back sipping my whisky internally smiling as I knew I had gotten her attention.