3. Saturday Mornings
Ophelia POV
Fox Valentine was infuriating. He kept bringing up my father, as if I needed a reminder of him. I saw him every day I looked in the mirror. Then he brings up and references our childhood. Fox had been there all my firsts: my first drink, my first cigarette, first joint. He taught me to use a knife and a gun. He had been my first kiss. That day would never be forgotten. It was the day my father lost it and the same day he died. Fox was my first love up until that night.
Just being with Fox again had brought back memories I forced down so deep. A short time with him, and I was back to being that foul mouth kid I was, despite my parents trying to get me to act like a lady. But that was Fox, he always brought it out even when we were little children. I should have never agreed to this assignment, but I had been pressured into taking it.
The Bureau had no idea what went on between Fox and I as we grew up. How close we really were. Get ahold of yourself, I told myself. Fox was a monster, the worst kind of one. He was brutal, I had seen it before my eyes. The cruelty and how he had enjoyed it. As much as I didn’t like my father near the end of his life, he had still been my dad. Until my mother died. That is when it changed. I was no longer his princess as Fox had said I was. Fox had told the truth, and I hated it.
I made it home fine; Simon was sleeping in my large papasan chair. I smiled at my giant Lizard. He was sweet, at least to me he was. I liked to refer to him as my boyfriend considering he was the only male that stuck around. I had gotten him as a hatchling, being lonely I thought a pet would help, and he had. It was nice to come home to someone. His eyes remained closed, but I scratched his orange head. Giving him a little love. “At least I have you.” I said to Simon. I stripped out of the ridiculous dress, getting on a massive nerdy shirt.
It was well worn and comfy and I loved it. I wanted to sleep the horrible night off. I would need to call the director tomorrow and tell him how it went with Fox. He would be pleased I caught his attention. Getting to sleep was hard. My mind kept going back to Fox. When I saw him, my body responded of its own accord. I felt him everywhere. Why did he have to look so good? His dark hair slicked back. The muscles and tattoos that I had seen on his hands and peeking through his shirt. I wondered if he was completely covered in them. Then there was the roughness of his hands and fingers. When he traced my scar.
His hands holding my throat. My legs squeezed together, a longing building there. His smell was intoxicating, a mix of nicotine and cologne. I was so in over my head, everything about Fox drew me to him. Stop, I told myself. You are a fucking FBI agent, and Fox is a thug. It was my job to take him down. Yes, I just needed to keep telling myself that. I needed to think of the brutal murders I had seen that he had been responsible for. I needed to focus on the crime he had been committing all these years.
I finally found my sleep only to wake up to my phone ringing. I rolled over grabbing it off the charger. “How did it go last night Agent Blake?” “Fine, Fox Valentine found me and said he is going to show me around the city. Apparently, it has changed since I was here last.” I knew I could have sounded more professional, but I didn’t care it was early in the morning, and I hadn’t even had my coffee. “When are you going to see him again?” I sighed sitting up in my bed. “I don’t know, but he will find me when he wants to see me.” There was a silence and then my director said “We, are giving you lots of leeway with this case Agent Blake, don’t let us down. We need you.” His encouragement was hollow. “What did he say last night, anything of importance?” I shook my head. “Agent Blake I am waiting for an answer.” “Nothing important.”
“Alright, I expect an update after you see him again.” I sighed. “I will let you know when I see him.” I agreed, rolling my eyes. “Good, have a good weekend, Agent.” He hung up. Ridiculous, he called me. I would have when I woke up. He didn’t have to pull me out of my sleep on a Saturday morning. Was this how it was for all undercover field agents? I dragged myself from my bed. I needed coffee and to make Simon his salad.
I came into the living room to see Simon lounging on his large basking stand. I had everything set up for him. I came up to him and he moved his head, and his body lifted for me to stroke it. “Good morning love.” I told him. I went to get my coffee and make his food. Simon was in the kitchen before I knew it. He was always impatient for his breakfast. I let him freely roam in the apartment. He was potty trained. Like a cat he had a box he went to the bathroom in. His lights for basking were on a timer, he overall was happy with me. When people came over if he didn’t like them, he would stay away for the most part. Occasionally he tried to attack them but most of the time he ignored them.
I finished in the kitchen and went and grabbed the current book I was reading. I snuggled on the couch putting my coffee on the table in front of me. I didn’t care that I had not gotten ready for the day. I was deep in a book when my door opened. Who the fuck was breaking in. I bolted up from the couch just as Fox walked in. “What are you doing walking into my apartment, you are supposed to knock!” I yelled at him. The front door opened into the living room, so there had been no warning. His eyes raked over my body. I remembered I was still in my oversized shirt with just panties underneath.
Just then Simon came walking into the living room. Fox looked shocked looking at Simon. “What the hell are you doing with a dinosaur in your apartment?” I glared at him. “He is not a dinosaur; Simon is an Iguana.” He looked at Simon who had puffed up his body not liking Fox and I smiled. “He doesn’t like you.” I pointed out. Fox snorted and stepped around him Simon moved fast and hit him on the ankle with his tail. “Fuck.” Fox said. “Good boy Simon.” Fox glared at me. “Serves you right for breaking and entering.” Fox didn’t seem to care and walked in like he owned the place.
My body felt sensitive having him in my home. My eyes had raked over his cut body. Despite his simple high fashion jacket, I could see his muscles. His dark red cotton shirt was beneath it. And his dark jeans showed that his legs were powerful. His boots tucked under the jeans. He looked like a model, but then again even as a kid he was attractive, but now he was downright intoxicating.
Fox eyes returned to roaming but instead of looking at me he looked over the apartment. “Why do you have a purple couch?” I turned and looked at my Victorian couch. “Because it is cool.” Again, Fox snorted, and I glared. But my body was craving him again, like last night. Think Ophelia I thought to myself, I kept saying internally murder, sadistic, bad for you, just a job. Fox eyes scanned me again. “What do you want?” I asked trying to keep my cool. “I told you I would take you around the city.” He acted like he had not been a dick to me the night before. I didn’t want to be around him, it was too confusing, but it was my job to do just that.
“Fine, but I have to get dressed.” He smirked. “I wouldn’t mind if you stayed in that. I must say Ophelia you look positively ravishing like this.” I felt my whole body becoming flushed. Lust pouring from his mouth as his eyes focused on my legs. I rolled my eyes and went to get clothes on. “Be nice to Simon.” I yelled as I went to my room. It was fall in the city, and last night I felt freezing getting home in that tiny dress and heels. I pulled on my ripped high waisted jeans. A bra and a tan top. Then layered it with a flannel shirt and clipped my dirty blond hair up. My shoes were by the door. I walked out into the living room and saw Fox had made himself at home.
His eyes found me instantly. “I preferred the no pants look.” He spoke, like he had authority over me in some way. I respond by going to the closet by the door and sliding on some shoes and grabbing my purse and tossing my phone in it. Fox rose from my couch and came to stand right in front of me. “Shall we go then?” I nodded, not knowing what else to say. He was the reason I was here in the first place. He had to be my priority, the sooner I got something incriminating the sooner I could get back to living my life in the present and not the past.