6. Guilt
Ophelia POV
Fox dragged me through the cathedral, I scratched and fought but like how he got me in his car he kept hold of me and dragged me. I saw one of the priests as Fox pulled me. He didn’t look fazed at all, like Fox had done this thousand times.
Fox had to donate a bunch of money to the Saint Anthonys Cathedral to not make a priest care that he was dragging me through the sacred place. The priest didn’t say anything, as Fox held me. He had to see the blood I still had on my hands from removing the burlap sack. As I was taken to the stone staircase near the back of the sanctuary it was a hidden area that you wouldn’t know was there unless you knew.
I knew where Fox was taking me, the crypt. The place we had kissed so many years ago. Seemed fitting for him, he reveled in death so it made sense he would kiss me surrounded by it. We made it down the stairs and through the stone walls that opened to a domed room. The walls had caskets in them that had been sealed off. In the center of this room was a stone coffin with the person inside it immortalized by a stone statue lying on the top of it.
Fox pushed me up against the stone casket that sat in the center of this crypt. “Stop Ophelia, stop fighting me.” I snarled at him, trying to push him away. He had ruined me, corrupted my soul, then dragged me to a holly place so that I knew I would end up in hell, with all the other murders and sinners. His arms moved to my sides locking me in place between him and the stone coffin. “You are the Devil.” I spat through gritted teeth. A wicked smile crossed Fox’s perfect face. “Yes, darling I am, and you just sold your soul to me.”
Then his lips crashed into mine. Fox lips were brutal and unforgiving. My mouth opened of its own accord. He really had to be the devil because I felt possessed as I opened for him. I let him run his hands down my body. His tongue slipped out and ran along the part of my scar that cut through my lips. Then it darted back into my mouth. His mouth was hot and tasted of nicotine and sin.
One of his large hands pushed into my pants cupping my pussy. His fingers brushed through the light fabric of my thong, along my seam. His fingers found my center as his tongue battled with my own. He moved his wicked fingers pushing the small fabric aside and plunging three fingers inside me. I moaned against his lips. I was soaking wet for him, and he knew it. Working me harder and faster with his fingers.
My bloody hands grabbed his shoulders tightly, clawing him with my nails. My back was arching over the stone coffin digging into my back. Fox mouth left mine, and my moans and heavy breathing filled the crypt. His mouth darted to my neck, and I felt him bite my skin, not enough to break it but it was rough, just like his fingers that were fucking me. I was tightening around his fingers. “Come for me.” I couldn’t stop myself as I did as he told me to and as my body was shuddering gripping his fingers like a vise. My stomach tightened as I moaned loudly Fox mouth returned to my face, and I felt him kiss along my scar kissing it down until he reached my chin my orgasm was fading. My body trembled as he removed his thick fingers from me. Leaving me feeling hollow, from the loss of him. His hands came up from my pants and cupped my face, his other one as well and he held my face.
I could feel that his fingers that had been inside me were slick against one of my cheeks. He had a smirk on his face. As he knew this is where we would end up. His mouth went to mine again and I let him kiss me a little more softly and he pulled away, looking at me again. The intensity in his gaze had me concerned for my sanity. “You look good with blood on your face.” Huh, what was that supposed to mean? Fox's hand fell from my face, and I went to wipe my own wetness from my cheek. When I pulled away, I looked at my hand and saw the blood.
He had broken through my hymen with his massive fingers, what had I just done. “Come on my little psycho we should get you home.” My body was trembling. I had killed a man, because of Fox and then I let him defile me in a crypt below a cathedral. I hadn’t just let him defile me; I had loved it. My body was trembling, I felt cold all sudden. My body felt weak and then darkness enveloped me. I was surrounded by darkness, my mind blank. There were no conflicting feelings, just darkness.
My eyes began to open, and I was in my bed in my apartment. I looked around, what had happened? Then it came to me, but I was in my bed, I let out my breath. It was a dream. I told myself. I had not killed that man. I didn’t get dragged to the crypt where Fox Valentine had been my first kiss. I didn’t come on his thick fingers on the stone coffin after I killed a man. That didn’t happen.
It couldn’t have, I told myself it was all a dream. I heard my phone and grabbed it off my bedside table. That is when I saw the note. I grabbed the paper reading it as my phone continued to ring. “You passed out, I brought you home, Fortunately Simon didn’t tail whip me again. I planned on staying until you woke up, but the devil, as you called me, has hell to run. I will see you soon- Fox.” Fuck, that had really happened.
I threw my head back into my bed, my body falling with my head. My phone was ringing again. I looked at who was calling, Greer. Crap, I had forgotten we had plans tonight. What was the time? It was only five, our plans were at 7. I answered. “Hi Greer.” I tried to sound cheerful, but I was anything but. “Are you excited to go out? Dinner and Dancing?” No, I was not excited. I wanted to lie in my bed with Simon and cry. I didn’t want to go out and be around people, I wanted to figure out how I was going to get out of this mess that Fox Valentine had gotten me into. I wanted to loath myself in isolation. “Actually Greer.” But my friend cut me off.
“No, you are not getting out of this. We have had these plans for a while. I miss my friend; you are not allowed to back out now. I do not accept you staying home tonight, with just Simon for company, you need to be around people.” That is the last thing I needed. I rubbed my face. “Fine.” I cringed as I said it. What kind of person was I? I was going to go out like a normal 20-year-old to have fun out on the town, when hours before I murdered someone. “And you better dress for a nice dinner and clubbing, no sweatpants or jeans.” Greer said.
“Greer it is cold out at night, it is fall.” I complained. “We are going to be in cab to the restaurant and then to the club you will hardly be outside.” She countered. “What about waiting in line outside, that will be cold?” I heard Greer laugh. “We won’t be waiting outside.” I had a deep frown on my face. “Fine.” I let out. “Good see you in a bit and look hot, we won’t be out alone.” I called her name, but she said, “See you soon love you, bye.” I screamed out loud.
She was setting me up. I didn’t need this right now. I needed to be alone. I was a law breaker and murdered. Fox was right I was a little psycho. A fucked-up psycho. Simon walked into my room. “Hey buddy, you still love me, right?” Of course he didn’t answer. “I am so messed up Simion. If you only knew the half of it.” I said to my Iguana. I laid there for a while longer until I pulled myself from my bed to get ready. The whole while I cursed myself, Fox, and Greer.
I hated that I got myself into this. Fox for damming me, and Greer for setting me up with a stranger. If life wasn’t hard enough, I was now subjected to going on a blind date. I tried to tell myself Greer just wanted me happy, and she thought a man may provide that. But no man would, well not if they weren’t Fox Valentine. I said to myself. But I realized what I had just thought, and I knew I was perhaps even more messed up than Fox.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a little black dress. My face had been put together. My scar was clearly visible. I had experimented enough to know that no makeup would cover it. The cut had been too deep. My dirty blond hair was styled perfectly and fell in soft bouncy waves down my back. But my reflection only made me see myself as a killer. I turned from it just as my door knocked. “Keep it together Ophelia.” I scolded myself.