I'd been living in the Lycan kingdom for a few days, and I wasn't coping well at all. I'd been constantly on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop. To make things worse, I hadn't let my wolf out since I arrived, and she was getting restless. But I couldn't bring myself to do what I really wanted - to let loose and run into the abyss, never to return again.

I'd attempted to leave on the second day, but the guards had rudely informed me that I wasn't allowed to leave. Aggravated, I'd gone searching for Dominic, but he was barely present in the palace, always busy with one thing or another. I'd made sure my displeasure was known by being rude to the other Lycans, especially my personal maid, Hilda.

I'd been trying to confront him since then, and it seemed like the goddess was on my side, as an opportunity had finally presented itself. I'd been strolling around the garden, the only place I was allowed to go outside the confines of the palace building. Coincidentally, I spotted the Lycan king staring at me with a foreign expression.

"Dominic!" I yelled across the garden before moving towards him. Hilda stared at me with shock at the tone I'd used with their king. She quickly followed after me. "Wait!" But I'd already reached the king before the word left her mouth.

I sped over to Dominic and gave an annoyed glance to Hilda behind me. "I've already told you to stop following me around! I want to talk to the king." I said exasperated. At this point, Hilda had begun to feel less like a maid and more like a spy, with how she was never let out of my sight, even for a moment.

"But-" Hilda spluttered with a red face.

I huffed, directing my gaze to Dominic, who'd been watching the two of us with an amused glint in his eyes. Noticing his amusement, I squinted my eyes at him. "Why am I not allowed to leave? Am I a prisoner here?" I demanded with a scowl.

"And where do you plan to go? Back to your pack?" He asked with raised eyebrows. A frown grew on his face at the thought that I was trying to leave him. He wouldn't allow it, not again.

"I can go wherever I want, I just want to leave this place!" I exclaimed, glaring at him. We both knew that I couldn't return to my pack. That look came over his face again, that signified he was using the mind link. After a moment, he gave me a hard stare, replying with just one word: "No!"

I stared at him in shock for a few seconds at his blatant refusal, before I regained my composure. "What do you mean by no?" But my words only fell on deaf ears, as he'd already left while I was gathering my thoughts.

I heaved with anger, refusing to be held captive by my pack rivals. And I couldn't bear the thought of being left in the dark again. "Asshole!" I screamed into the air, kicking a ceramic vase into the water fountain. "What have you done?" Hilda shrieked from behind me as she looked at the scene in horror.

I felt a twinge of guilt as I looked at the ruined sculpture, but that feeling disappeared as I remembered that I'd been forced to stay in the palace. I ignored Hilda's outburst and angrily stormed away from the garden, heading in the direction of my room. I glared at the stupid guards as I passed them, making sure to show my dislike for them.

"You're not supposed to speak to the king like that, it is against the-" Hilda voiced out as she followed me into my room.

"Well, to hell with your stupid laws! I don't even want to be here in the first place!" I cut her off with an intense glare, baring my teeth at her.

I was filled with so much anger that I couldn't contain my emotions. "Get out!" I demanded, staring straight at her. "But-" "I said get out!" I thundered, punching a hole into the wall beside her. Hilda stared at my fist and the wall with fright before she scurried out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

I let out a scream, throwing a lamp into the mirror. I was still unsatisfied and went about thrashing the room until it was in disarray. My mind ran wild with many thoughts racing through my head. I refused to be used as a tool in another person's hands. I recalled the betrayal of Davina and my mate, their outrageous accusations, and snatching my pack out of my hands. I thought of the people who had beaten me until I lost consciousness. A tear slid down my face as I remembered my parents, they were the only people I thought I had left, until I discovered that they had been murdered. A sob broke out of me at their loss. I was sure that Alan and Davina must have killed my parents so that they could take over the pack.

I cried for my freedom that had been hijacked from me, I cried for my humiliation; I cried for my mother and father. I remained in that spot for several hours, sending Hilda back when she had come to call me down for dinner. It was only when I caught a glance at the moon outside the window that I rose to my feet.

I walked over to the balcony and stared at the silver moon with tear-stained eyes. Wiping my face with the sleeve of my dress, I had a sudden surge of determination.

"I'm going to avenge my parents and make them pay for everything they did to me, even if it is the last thing I do!" I declared into the night air.

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