Chapter 1


A big, fat, fucking F written in sticky red on the front of my Chemistry paper. I internally groan and stare right back up at my teacher, Mrs Sanders. She did not look impressed.

I never had a problem with Mrs Sanders, in fact, she was one of the nicest teachers in school. However, I found at time she pretended she was an elementary school teacher rather than a high school teacher, thinking we'd enjoy colouring in pictures of the atomic structure or the question-answer game where you threw a ball around the classroom, even using popsicle sticks to pick on people.

Nonetheless, she was better than most teachers in school. Most of the time she had a smile on her face. Most of the time.

"I don't know what to say, Sienna." She said with a frown and creased brow. "This is the forth fail in a row. Is there something I should know?" only that I'm shit at Chemistry but that was already evident.

"I'm trying." That was a lie. I wasn't trying. Science was one of those subjects you either loved or hated, and I hated it.

"Well, trying doesn't seem to be fitting it." She sighed and crossed her arms. "And I haven't gotten any homework from you this past week either. Care to explain that?" shit, we had homework? That must've been somewhere in between Emma's party and Steven's. To be honest, homework was a complete waste because everyone just googled the answers anyways.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but I've been so busy lately with cheer practice and helping my parents at the country club that –"

"Your education has become unimportant?" that was harsh. "Look, Sienna." Mrs Sanders sighed and perked on top of her desk opposite me. "I know this year has been difficult with college applications and all, but I need you to focus on your work still. I know I've been lenient over the years, but this year is the year you really need to get these grades up."

"I'll try, Mrs Sanders. Promise. Maybe Chemistry isn't my thing, though." I shrugged and slightly flicked the paper across my desk.

Mrs Sanders let out a hearty sigh and unfolded her arms. "I've been running study sessions after school on Tuesdays and Fridays. Couldn't you show up to any of them."

"But I've got cheer practice after school on Tuesdays and Fridays." I argued.

"What about a one-to-one session on a Wednesday morning?" morning? Oh, hell no!

"Can't. I help my parents play golf on a Wednesday morning. At the country club." That was always a good excuse.

Mrs Sanders sighed for the hundredth time and rubbed her temples. I felt bad for her. I knew she wanted to help me, but my case was hopeless. I simply did not want to be helped because who the hell wanted to spend their free time learning about Chemistry? Ew, no thank you.

"Then have you considered hiring a tutor?" a tutor?

"A tutor?"

"I have a lot of wonderfully bright students who tutor in my AP classes. You can mould your sessions are your schedule." It was a nice idea but again, who wants to spend their free time learning about Chemistry. Nope. Not me.

"I appreciate the offer, Mrs Sanders, really I do." I got up from the desk and flicked my hair behind my shoulder. "But I'm just not that interested."

Mrs Sanders gave a hopeless look and frowned deeply. "I worry for you, Sienna."

"That's sweet, Miss. But I'm perfectly fine. I'll see you next class!" I scurried out of the classroom.

"Sienna!" Mrs Sanders called after me, but I really couldn't care less. I hated Chemistry and the longer I was in that classroom, the more stress wrinkles I would get, and those things are real.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone. Shit, Adam had called me. Fucking teachers. I groaned and shoved my phone back into my bag.

Adam and I had been broken up for just over a week and I was patiently waiting for him to beg for me back. He had been holding up a fight on this one, but I knew he'd eventually come around, and, besides, I've been doing tonnes of ass workouts to make it look huge and everyone knows Adam's a sucker for ass.

Making my way to the cafeteria, I saw Rya, my best friend, with a spot waiting for me. I smiled and walked over, trying to ignore the constant gawks from all the boys and death stares from their girlfriends. I wasn't cocky, but I knew my body was hot. I worked out constantly in order to maintain my gorgeous physique and I could tell it worked. Nobody would turn me down if they had the chance.

I sat down beside Rya who was munching on her cheese fries. I picked out the box of salad I had made this morning and began to eat.

"How did your talk go with Mrs Sanders?" Rya curiously asked. Rya and I were very much opposites. We met in the Fourth Grade and instantly clicked. She was extremely smart with straight A's but also extremely kind. She was the most caring person I knew. I sometimes believed she didn't belong in the group we were sectioned into in high school because of the bitchiness, but she had thick skin and let all hatred go through one ear and out the other.

"Not that bad. I mean, I'm failing but what were we expecting?" I said and took a bite of some cucumber.

Rya looked lightly concerned. "Sienna, don't you ever think about what all these failures are gonna get you?" I shrugged and looked at her cluelessly. "No university. Colleges don't want students who don't care about their work."

"I do care about my work!" I argued. "I just don't have the time to."

I watched as Rya sighed and rolled her eyes. She knew I was a hopeless case anyways. I wish Mrs Sanders would see that.

"Sienna!" Nikki, one of the girls in my group turned round to me and smiled.

I didn't like Nikki that much. Pssht, no one liked Nikki. She was way too gossipy and attention seeking for my liking. Her pick-me girl energy radiated all around this table. "I heard that Adam was hanging out with Leah Kingston. What d'you think about that?"

I'd already heard the rumours about Adam and Leah hooking up at a party a few days ago. I didn't care. I've hooked up with tonnes of boys whilst we were on our breaks so why should I care if he does the same? It did bother me that it hadn't been that long since we broke it off but, oh well. What can a girl do?

He'll realise that I'm much better in bed than some vanilla flavoured, soccer girl sooner or later. Preferably sooner.

"Adam can do whatever he wants, just as much as I can do whatever I want – or whoever, in that matter." I replied.

"Exactly." Rya preached and I sent her a thankful smile.

"Whatever. Only, Adam and Leah are looking kinda cosy over there." Nikki smirked and turned away. I looked back at the Basketball Team's table where Adam sat and saw Leah feeding his grapes. What was he? Some type of God? Yeah right.

Nevertheless, I felt my blood boil. What was that vanilla girl doing with my man?! He isn't your man right now. But he will again soon.

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