Chapter 3


"Today's going be tough, like really tough", said my subconscious after snoozing off the alarm clock for more than 5 minutes. What type of person wakes up after one ring? I belonged to the kind who woke up after 7 snoozes in a row. Also, Apple's standard alarm tone did add up to my grievances. One ring and my entire mind were fucked up.

I brushed my teeth, ironed my yellow t-shirt, and paired it with sky blue denim. I always wore simple and decent dresses in college, as I carried forward the same look in the office. Carrying outfits was a task. I didn't really like to go with casual clothing unless it was an outing.

I took my backpack after gathering my hair into a high ponytail, messaged the group which had me, Gina, and Francis "Left home" and rushed towards the main door after lacing up my white canvas.

"I'm leaving, mom. I'll go straight to work after eating something in college. Love you ", I said in a loud tone, clear enough for mom to hear.

"Love you too, Good luck baby girl. Make the most of this day", Mom shouted back, love and care could be sensed in her words.

I took the nearest cab and instructed the driver for directions, I reached college in approximately 15 minutes and ran towards my class after realizing I was late. I aspired to be on time but lost the battle with my sleep every time. Everyone in my class was aware of my tradition of being 'late'. I always covered up this flaw of mine by smiling pleasantly toward the lecturer.

"May I come in sir", I had my eyeballs placed towards the direction of the ground as I knew I was going to be bashed by the professor.

"Usual Latecomer, Get in", his words were conforming enough today, maybe he was in a real good mood. I rushed and established the only vacant seat which was in the front row.

When Professor Hemsworth was busy teaching, I turned around to inquire about Gina and Francis, I found out that they were busy talking by resting their heads on the desk. I hated it when they talked without me, it felt like I was losing synchronization with so much gossip on this earth.

Francis knew everything about everyone, he was probably in the gossip box. I and Gina were never bored in his company as he filled us with gossip.

I smiled at Mr. Hemsworth, held my head high in a magniloquent way, and proceeded to pay attention to his lecture faking out yes and no every time he looked at me. I usually projected myself as a good girl since class teachers add up to our grades by giving us internal marks. I actually excelled in this field.

When the bell rang, we at once marched towards the canteen. On taking our respected chairs, we discussed our lives. We usually stalked people, our exes, our enemies, etc.

"I'm so hungry", Gina stood up from her seat and the paved way toward the ordering counter. On having our respected meals placed in front of us, "So, what happened yesterday?" Gina questioned, her brows arched in my direction.

"We need every minute detail ", Francis followed her closely and looked around at everyone in the surroundings in an attempt to spot some hot girl. When we talked about judgment it meant that we didn't judge each other but we had all the right to judge people who were not us.

"Oh my hotness, that girl is super sexy. Which one of you is going to bring her number for me?" Francis looked in the direction of the girl.

"No one, grow up" I pinched him on his shoulder.

"Ignore him", Gina sat on the chair looking closely at the menu of the soft drinks.

"Remember the guy I told y'all about, because of whom I came late to Gina's birthday bash?", I broke the silence after completing one whole piece of my heavenly pizza.

"Not that you're an early bird", Gina was basically annoyed more than anyone whenever her twentieth birthday party's topic popped up. She gulped some coke and eyed me throwing daggers.

"Did you break your virginity with him? " Francis had this uncontrollable dirty mind and mouth.

"I'm serious dumb." I looked at Francis, widening my eyes which clearly meant that he should stop his dirty jokes at this very moment. "He's my new boss", I continued in an awfully low voice.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?" Gina interrogated whilst covering her mouth out of shock. I nodded which was a sign of confirmation.

"Was he threatening you regarding the complaint you filed against him? Why did he give you the job? Did you guys fight on the very day of the interview? Was he a gentleman or a ruthless bastard?"

Questions were flooding from each side, turn by turn. I turned my head on according to their questions. They seemed shocked and perplexed just like me.

"I umm... don't know. I'm confused myself", was the only answer I could give to their innumerable questions. "But I do need this job", I thought for a while and continued "I don't get it, why did he admit me in the first place. I got an appointment letter without applying for one. Is he planning on some revenge?"

Francis's brow furrowed as he took a bite of his burger "There's more to the story. I don't think such a small incident will affect him. Maybe you should dig a little deep. I mean, why would he hate you for saving a dog's life?"

Gina looked at Francis, and replied "Maybe you're stretching the topic and taking it to an irrelevant phase", she turned her attention towards me and consoled "You'll make it through"

"I, yet find his personality shady", Francis interrupted.

"Yeah hopefully", I replied crossing my fingers and ignoring Francis's statement.

I checked my watch and realized that it was 11 am which meant that I yet had time with these idiots. My office was half an hour away from college, Gina made sure that she'll drop me in her car as my office was on her way home.

I pulled Gina out of the college campus as she was not ready to leave yet and I was already late, I made sure to wear my jacket because it was freezing outside. Francis decided to stay in college for a while as he had nothing to do at home rather than play games or with girls.

We reached my office at 5 to 12, Gina was a safe driver. I never took up the driver's seat as huge vehicles scared the shit out of me.

"I'll pick you up at 7 pm for the fresher's party, okay?" Gina sounded really excited. She paused for a while and later continued, "Dress your best. Always remember: Pretty people turn heads, I and my fag's break necks."

"Oh My God, Definitely yes", I exclaimed out of excitement. I totally forgot about the fresher's party. Thinking about it made me grin. Some unknowns looked at me while I did so. I'm pretty sure they considered me an idiot.

I hugged Gina and waved her goodbye from afar as she looked at me through the rearview mirror. I stood there until she was out of sight, only then did I start walking towards the office.

On hearing someone sob, I took gradual steps towards that voice, I saw an elderly woman sobbing. I went towards her and realized that she was the receptionist I met the day before. Her face looked like a wreck, her eyes were red and so was her face.

"Need a tissue?" I questioned removing one from my bag.

"Thanks, love", the woman took it from my hands and adjusted her wrecked face with it, wiping off the tears which rolled from her eyes. She sniffed and tucked away all the baby hair from her forehead.

"You okay, madam?" I interrogated repeating the same question I asked earlier, in my mind.

"I no longer have this job. I've been expelled by Mr. Reynolds.", she sobbed for a while and then continued, "He said that a woman of my age is no longer capable of this job. I've given 25 years of my life to this company. I've seen him grow from a toddler to such a young man."

"Don't give on your abilities Madam. You'll definitely find a better job soon", no matter how much I wanted to question his past out of curiosity, I couldn't. Ma'am was in a condition where she deserved to be solaced and not to be questioned. Maybe she needed this job and the money acquainted with it so as to satiate her daily needs.

"I need to hurry. Take care", I hugged her and said a quick goodbye. "You'll do fine Ma'am

"Yeah! Thank you", she smiled looking at me whilst I waved her goodbye.

I took longer steps than before as I knew I was late. I pushed the door with all my strength but then the door didn't even move slightly, I later read the "PULL" tag over it. I hit myself playfully with my hand on the head and pulled the door realizing how clumsy I actually was.

I went towards the reception to check in. The receptionist now hired was young. She seemed to be in her mid 20's. She looked really focused and dedicated to the work. She had a big plastic smile plastered all over her face which could be easily seen. She had pale white skin with freckles all over and dark brown hair.

"Amanda Waters!" I said my name aloud at her desk.

"Oh, hi madam" Here's this file for you which contains all the clauses. We mailed it to you but we assumed you did not open it as we did not get any reply. Read it carefully before signing over the contract papers", she explained everything nicely to me.

"Yes! Definitely yes", I grabbed the file from her hand and mimicked the same plastic smile as hers.

"Go to the 7th floor. Your cabin is at the right corner of it. Just 1 cabin away from Mr. Reynolds", she instructed me, again.

"Why on the seventh floor? Can't I have it on any other floor?" I knew that this question only had a negative answer but my mind expected an assertive answer 'Please-say-yes-please-say-yes.'

"No madam as you have opted for the job of the secretary. You have to be closer to Mr. Reynolds's cabin", she gave out the most expected answer and I knew somewhere that this job was not going to be easy at all for me.

I took the elevator and marched towards my cabin. One good thing about this company was every individual had a different cabin.

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