
“You stink!” I say as I observe his state.

“I didn't ask for your opinion!” he throws his backpack on the sofa.

“As if your word was important enough to make me keep quiet!”

“Even if it's only a few days before I'm your alpha?” he raises one of his eyebrows in question, making me roll my eyes with his smile.

“Even if you are the alpha of the pack I live in, it won't make the slightest bit of difference!” I say, smiling as I see the smile on his face disappear, leaving only a sulky expression.

“Are you seriously watching Lucifer?” he asks with his face still closed, making me roll my eyes.

“I am and you can get up from that sofa,” I say when I realize that he's sat on the sofa all sweaty.

“And why would I do that?” he throws himself further down on the sofa and this is starting to stress me out.

“You look like a street dog... No, poor dogs, it's not easy being compared to a mangy, filthy wolf like you!”

“Wow, how much love you have for me!” he rolls his eyes.

“Sure, now go take a shower!”

“Have I ever told you that you're very bossy?” I roll my eyes once again.” And I'm not dirty”

“Of course not!” You're just sweaty and stinky.

“What a lie, maybe I'm sweaty, but I don't stink!”

I settle back on the sofa, ready to play the series and continue watching, but Dylan approaches me, and without giving me time to ask why, he quickly takes the remote control out of my hand.

“Give it back now, you don't want to see me angry, that dye in the hairdryer was enough!” I try to grab it, but he gets off the sofa and takes it away from me.

“I don't have to watch your shows!”

“But I turned the TV on first, give it back to me!” I try to move towards him, but the idiot only moves further away.

I hasten my steps, running around the sofa, trying to catch up with this stinking mangy wolf, but he has better agility than me and dodges whenever I get close.

“No!” he growls at me and I can see his eyes change from emerald green to blood red, making me stop running.

“Seriously, I can't talk to you!” I feel a growl coming from my throat as I say the words.

“I'd rather talk to a rock.”

“Even a rock wouldn't want to hear your voice!”

“I'm not giving it back, we'll be at it all day.”

I pick up a vase from the shelf and try to throw it at him, but unfortunately, he crouches down and the vase shatters into several shards of glass as it crashes into the wall, leaving me frustrated.

“You're crazy, Aunt Ana should have you committed!” he says, looking behind him, where the shards of glass were lying on the floor.

“Shut up, I feel sorry for Aunt Alice for giving birth to such an insufferable being like you, I don't know how she puts up with you!”

“Unlike you, she doesn't throw glass vases at me, I feel sorry for your future partner, he'll have to live with you all his life.” I see him coming towards me, but I don't move a muscle to get away.

I'm not going to be intimidated by him!

“I'm sure your partner will run far away to avoid looking at your face every day.”

“Who's to say yours won't run away too?”

He moved closer to me until his body was so close to mine that we could merge into one if he or I decided to get closer, but neither of us did, let alone moved away. I ended up turning my face to the side, averting my gaze from his, and with that act, I felt his breath hitting the skin of my neck and without having control of my body, I felt my hair stand on end.

I realize that he's moving away and I turn my face to look at him, still a little unresponsive, but I can see his concern.

“You can take the remote, I don't feel like watching it anymore.” He hands me the remote and heads upstairs.

That was very childish of us, we're old enough to stop these pointless arguments. But when he comes near me or does something, I can't control it, the stress takes over my body and mind, making me act like a real child.

I sigh in frustration at my attitude and sit down on the sofa, intending to go back to what I was doing before he arrived.

I feel discomfort on my face, with the light gradually waking me up, but I can't open my eyes to get up and turn off the light or close the window that I don't remember leaving open, I'm too lazy and I just want to go back to sleep, even though the alarm hasn't gone off yet.

“Little wolf, you're going to be late, shall we wake up?” I end up mumbling something I can't quite understand, my brain still isn't thinking straight.

A laugh invades my senses and I soon realize who it belongs to. I sigh and open my eyes a little, too lazy to get out of bed to kick him out of my room, and I'm confused by the camera on his cell phone pointing in my direction.

I just want to sleep in peace, is that too much to ask?

“What are you doing in my room, Dylan?” I say, still sleepy and wanting to close my eyes.

“I just came to wake you up,” he replies with a strange, suspicious smile on his face.

I bring my hand up to my mouth as I start to yawn, causing my vision to blur as my eyes water, and it's not crying, it's just how my body reacts when I'm sleepy.

“The alarm clock already has that function,” I say as soon as the yawn passes and my vision returns to normal.

“I'm doing an act of charity and that's how you treat me!” I look at him suspiciously and see him looking at his cell phone.

Holy shit, why was he taking my picture?

“Wait, why were you taking my picture?” I ask, more awake than before.

“Let's just say you woke up very beautiful today.” He starts laughing and I run to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and my God, I look like the clown from it, but the female version with dark brown hair, my face is all painted and my hair is soaked in gel, stuck together, and to make matters worse, my blouse is smeared with make-up.

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