
There once was a group of gypsies that used to run all over the Mediterranean with their circus to perform in all different lands. They were famous because they were well known for their colorful costumes, exotic dances, sword playing and, of course, the most famous of all in their performances were a pair of cats that were used during their dance, fire exhibitions and fight-shows.

The female was a white cat with black marks on her ears and a heart-shaped mark on her tail that sometimes also stood with the fortune-teller lady and the dancing girls. The male was a black cat that used to perform for both dancing and sword fights. He also used to be near the oldest fortune-teller lady. Their elastic bodies adapted in harmony with each other that everyone would love and pay just to see them together, especially kids who wanted to play with cats or just touch their soft fur.

Both were treated well together with the other animals that were used for their performances. Unfortunately, after so many years coming around the continent with their circus, the gypsies were hated by some villagers, who happened to think that evil fortune had come to their village due to the black cat, so one night they set fire to the gypsy carriage when some people were inside, including the female cat, dying in it. Well, every gypsy should have a black cat around them just to keep evil spirits away from them. Irony, isn't it?

Desperate, the gypsies immediately left to go somewhere else to recuperate themselves and their circus, but nothing was like before. The male cat was so depressed about losing its partner that it no longer had the will and desire to perform as before till slowly dying and to be buried by the gypsies……

It was dry weather in the hot country of Almor and inside the priestess' tent were only two women. The priestess and princess Zuleica.

-“So tell me, mighty priestess, why do I often have this dream recently ” - Zuleica said desperately. -”I would wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and would be sleepless then. Does this have anything to do with the fate of our people?”

-”Oh child, I saw all the things that you with your eyes saw. Such a sad story of two feline lovers had to end this way only for some fools. As I had predicted before, you were a cat in your previous life, so it's up to the animal belongings that you have inherited your warrior spirit. But to what I prayed and swore for, the goddess will soon answer our call and bring someone from our past life to help us balance. If the trauma is not healed, you inherit that in your next life.”

Confused and sad at the sad time, Zuleica said: -” But how will I know? Does fate know that we have other issues to address first?” - she added with sarcasm.

“The great spirits tend to reconnect anywhere they are found nearby. And as my power tells me, you have to be very sharp and alert. Hope that the fight with the northerners will come to an end. I see a light in the tunnel, but it won't come easy.”

-"When has it ever been easy for us?"

-"When we were blessed with you my princess!" - the priestess said, bowing her head a bit.

-"But this life has its own responsibilities. If I keep waiting for a miracle from ancient times, it means that we will wait till more lives are taken. And I don't want that" - she replied, more angry at herself.

Turning back to the entrance, the priestess said: - “I know that a better future awaits for all of us.”

Thoughtful again, Zuleica left the tent and went outside.

-// Hey guys, this is my first book. Hope you enjoy reading it!

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