Chapter 3
The “Al Yaman” name was one of the most powerful clans in Almor. They were the ones to govern the country, take legal decisions and decide everything. Think about them as rulers, monarchs, mafia, GODS and DEVILS.
Their name was the law.
Their decisions were the last word and their power was unimaginable.
The old traditions are their constituents. Just the mention of their names would drain the life out of everyone. They are a clan not to mess with the same as their mens and old methods. And when people find comfort in their safe zone, they fight for it to never let go. They embrace it, and then it becomes the very reason of their life and existence.
In the great hall of the Almor’s Presidents Villa, a young man around 30, came with his heavy steps emanating a strong aura. He was tall, tan light skin, short black hair, with a sharp jaw, cold dark eyes reflecting determination, dressed in a formal suit and went up to the president’s office. All the bodyguards bowed their heads to respect his arrival. He was not only feared, but loved and cherished by his people. They were the only mens in the clan that were fair to people. In the office waiting for him was the old man, Hamiz Al Yaman, the head of his family and country, who had just welcomed his nephew into his office with pride in his eyes. Smiling and sipping his coffee cup, he saw him coming inside.
-”Nephew, I saw your glorious speech on TV. I am proud that all those years of education in the west will benefit our land.”
-”Grandfather is an honor for me to know that you agree with my methods and are welcoming those in the changing process for the benefit of our country.” -he said nodding.
-”Even though you are the youngest of my successors, you will always have a special spot in my heart. When your father left for a better future abroad and separated from me, he took you and your sister and I thought I would never see you again, but since his death from my enemies that do no longer exist anymore, I could not prevent his loss ”- the grandfather said with anger and remorse at the same time. He did his best to hide his tears.
-”All in the past now, pa! Let’s focus on the present and future now ” - Riccardo said with a cold voice and pain in his heart, remembering the past.
-”I know my cousin Omer has some problems adapting to my new rules. He does not like peace and serenity but is always looking for the next problem. This is way I came to discuss it with you.”
-”Nonsense, once I declare that you are my successor he will obey all your commands!” - grandfather said to insure Riccardo. -”I have faith in you, my nephew.”
-”Then why is he still attacking and preparing his men to head to the south? Do you still approve of another genocide grandfather?”- said Ricardo while getting from his chair, heading at the long window.
-”Of course not! We have to be like the rest of the world now. Otherwise, our family will not survive in this changing world now. It’s time we bury the old brutality.” - he said.
-”Then what do you suggest as a form of punishment for Omer’s disobedience, grandfather?” - Ricardo said, looking his grandfather directly in his eyes.
Hamiz's face grew darker, he knew that Riccardo was right. But what could he do? Omer was also his grandson from his older son Mehmet. Clenching his fists he decided to let it go and said:
-”Whatever you decide is appropriate, but please don't go harsh on him. He is family after all.”
Turning around after his grandfather spoke, Ricardo took his leave and met his most trusted person, Ali, who waited for him outside the mansion in his black Lambo.
“Let’s go!” - he said to Ali, and after him, three black Mercedes and two Audis followed after them.
Ricardo was furious since he got the news that his older cousin Omer would come to cause some problems for the native southern tributes, after he finished his interview at midday. Ali got the news from a trusted accountant and immediately advised Ricardo so he could intervene and let his grandfather know what he opinionated regarding this. He knew that grandfather would not approve of brutality and murder anymore, but he knew that Omer was loved too much as such to be forgiven anything that went inside his crazy head.
Even though in his heart he was afraid that maybe his grandfather had approved of such barbarity again, after speaking with him, he calmed down. Now it was time for his country to open to the west and try to be more civilized and make a life worth living for everybody, by not following the old traditions that would kill everybody for going against it. He knew that a lot should have changed, starting with the laws they made, the words they used in public, the elder council, but most importantly, his own cousins. Good thing that his grandfather, the most feared man, and their leader trusted Ricardo to leave the future in his hands.
Ricardo knew that Omer was no fool to act alone. Since his father Mehmet, Ricardo's uncle, supported him, nothing was the reason for his attributes. Not to forget his other cousin, Omer's younger brother's little brother as well.
Unfortunately, even though most people knew it, his cousin Omer hoped to take his title as the eldest among his cousins by unifying the north and southlands by proving this to his grandfather and the elder council by any means. Everyone could see the special love Hamiz had for Ricardo and his sister Esma. That is why Omer wanted to achieve unification through good or evil. What was important to him was to be the head of the country, more than people's problems.
-”Boss, they are already on their way. What are we going to do?” - Ali said.
-”After them. Now!”- Ricardo said.