Chapter 2
“How far away is this catering. I am hungry, I am so hungry that I could eat the ass end of a low flying duck”
“Lachy, watch your mouth. I swear that you will get your mouth washed out with soap”
“Yes mother” Lachy responds with a loud chuckle.
“Mom, where is dinner I am hungry. I could eat the ass end of a low flying duck”
“What? What did I say?” Tristan mutters as he looks to his brother.
“Mom, when is dinner getting here? I am so hungry I could eat the ass end of a low flying duck” Dana mutters as she walks into the kitchen. She turns and looks at her brothers as the last words leave her mouth only to have, they bend in half from laughing.
“What?” Dana asks
“Dana and Tristan what the hell. Who taught you three to talk like that?” Their mother snaps as loud footsteps pound their way towards the kitchen.
“Michelle, when is dinner getting here? I am so hungry I could eat the ass end of a low flying duck” Their father says as Tristan, Lachy and Dana all crack up laughing.
“Matthew I swear to God, where is your manners? You should know better, and you taught my poor children to talk just like you” Michelle snaps at her husband but is said with a smile on her face.
“What did I say?” Matthew asks Lachy as he moves to stand beside him as Michelle continues to glare at him. Even know they have been married for close to forty years they still loved each other dearly.
Just as Michelle was about to answer her husband the doorbell rings. Michelle shakes her head and moves towards the front door.
“Hello” Michelle says as she opens the front door.
“Hi, you had a catering order from Tony’s” The young woman at the door says.
“Yes, thank you. You are just in time.” Michelle says as she moves back and allows the young woman to enter the house.
Michelle, watches the young woman enter the house and stop just a few steps into the house.
“This way” Michelle says as she walks towards the kitchen.
“I have another few containers in the back of the car. Just let me put these down real quick and I will go get the others” The young woman says as she places the containers on the bench.
Michelle nods her head and watches as the young woman moves swifty towards the front door again as the swing door between the kitchen and the dining room opens just as the young woman moves through the kitchen door and back through the hall and out the front.
“That smells delicious” Matthew says as he takes a deep breath inhaling the smell of potato bake, and green beans with bacon butter. The front door opens, and the others turn towards the kitchen door as the most amazing smell enters.
“Here are your other containers there is Meatloaf with sticky bourbon glaze, Crispy fried chicken with jalapenos and honey, there is also corn bread with honey butter and for dessert there is butterscotch pudding with vanilla bean custard. I hope you enjoy Tony’s” The young woman says as she turns to leave.
“Wait” Michelle calls as she moves towards the woman with a fifty dollar bill.
“Here, take this” Michelle says as she hands the money over to the woman.
“Thanks but that isn’t necessary, enjoy the food” The woman says before turning and walking out the house.
“Excuse me miss” A husky male voice calls.
Alba turns and looks at the man coming towards her.
“Yes, is there something wrong with the food?” Alba asks as looks at the tall handsome man
“No nothing like that, Um does Tony offer catering for lunches and functions?” The tall handsome man asks.
“Yes, just call and make an order and someone will deliver” Alba says as turns to walk away.
“Would you deliver?” The tall man asks.
“Maybe” Alba responds.
“I’m Tristan, Tristan Rhodes and I own and run Rhodes investments and industries” Tristan says as he holds out his hand to Alba.
“Alba, delivery driver for Tony’s and I need to go” Alba says with a quick shake of Tristan’s hand before hurrying off to her car.
“I will see you again Alba” Tristan calls as Alba shuts her door.
Alba, drives back to the diner where Senna and Tony are, constantly thinking about Tristan. He was handsome and you could tell that he was rolling in the money. He was handsome and his voice gave you the good type of shiver that made all parts of her body beg for attention.
Pulling into the parking space Alba, climbs from the car and walks in the back door of the diner.
“Don’t tell mommy that you are having ice-cream sundaes here, otherwise she will kill me” Tony says to Senna.
“Or you could just not give her the extra sugar and call it a day” Alba says as she walks to the coffee pot and pours herself so much needed caffeine.
“How was the delivery?” Tony asks as he walks towards the back and fixes Alba a plate for dinner.
“Fine, the guy Tristan Rhodes of Rhodes Investment and industries is looking to get lunch catering so all in all good” Alba says as she reaches over and kisses her daughters head and then digs into her dinner that Tony places in front of her.
“More orders are good” Tony says.
“Mm” Alba responds around a mouth full of food.
“So, was this Tristan guy HOT!” Tony asks with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Tony, little ears” Alba yells as turns to look at Senna scoffing down her sundae.
“She isn’t listening. But seriously was he H.O.T!” Tony asks again.
“I don’t know, I didn’t take any notice” Alba responds before going back to eating her dinner.
“That’s code for mommy liked” Senna said as she takes her last large bite of ice-cream
“SENNA!” Alba yells.
“Tell me, not true. But not saying true” Senna says with wide eyes.