Chapter 5
“Where do you live?” Tristan asks as he seems to be keeping an eye on me in the rearview mirror.
“On the corner of Boulevard and Smith Avenue,” I respond while continuing to hold Senna close.
“OK, how is Senna?” Tristan asked.
“She seems OK, but I will make her an appointment with the doctors if I can get in tomorrow and then go from there,” I respond while continue to alternate looking at Tristan, Senna or out the window.
“Call the doctors now” Tristan responds as he continues to navigate the traffic.
“I can’t Tristan, you didn’t let me grab my phone or wallet” I snap a back.
“What’s the name of the doctor” Tristan asks looking back in the rearview mirror.
“Dr Chambers at Hope Medical” I respond reluctantly
“That is a crap medical center, we are going to my doctors they are amazing and there will be no waiting times.” Tristan says as he turns away from the direction of my house and towards downtown.
“Tristan we can see our doctor tomorrow” I respond half-heartedly.
“Nope, now” Tristan growls as we pull into a high rise building that looks like super rich.
As the car pulls to a stop, I gather Senna closer to me but she is too busy looking at the bright car park and all the expensive cars.
“Senna, we are going to the doctors lets go” I say quietly as Senna just nods her head.
As we walk into the building, we are greeted by a friendly voice and as the lady popped her head over the counter and saw Senna tuck herself behind me, the woman smiles and looks at me.
“Name?” The woman responds.
“Senna, ah Senna Tora” I respond with reluctance.
“Has she been here before?” The woman asks, but this time with a tone that clearly says what the hell are you doing here dirtying my building.
“Um, no Tristan said that it would be fine” I muttered as I turned and picked Senna up getting ready to leave the building.
“Yes, well, you can’t just walk in off the street. So why don’t you go back out there and find a free clinic or something”, the woman says, and as I stare at what I originally thought was a kind face I can now see the bitch that stands before me.
“What’s the problem?” Tristan asks as he walks up to the counter and looks at the woman that is talking down to us.
“Ah, Tristan. Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do I need to call Doctor Mikaelsen?” The woman asks, worried.
“Tiffany, I am fine. Doctor Mikaelsen is coming now” Tristan says, as he points over her shoulder to the doctor coming through the sliding doors.
“Tristan and co please come this way” Doctor Mikaelsen says as he turns and triggers the doors to open. Tristan places one of his large warm hands on my back and guides me toward the doctor and past the mean and sour looking receptionist.
“This is going to be great” I mutter to Senna as we followed the doctor into an exam room.
“What Alba?” Tristan asks as he bends down to listen to whatever I am about to say. All I can muster is a slight smile and try to sidestep away from him as I can feel the venom of the reception coming through the glass doors and down the corridor straight through the closed door of the exam room.
“OK, Miss Senna. What a lovely name, how can I help you little one?” Doctor Mikaelsen asks as I continue to hold Senna, within my arms.
“Sick” Senna replies shortly as she cuddles into me. To be fair the other doctors aren’t great. They really have no bedside manner, and they are quiet abrupt get in and get out we are more of a number than a patient.
“How long has she been sick for” The doctor turns and asks me.
“She said this morning that she was feeling unwell but I sent her to daycare and then the report came in that she threw up and then sent home” I respond. I know that I don’t sound confident, but at the same time, what am I going to say? She hates daycare and I thought she was lying.
“Right, how long was she at daycare? Is she normally sick?” She was only at daycare for four maybe five hours before she threw up and no, she isn’t normally sick. I mean when she was little, she was sick but that could have been being in daycare and not having a strong immune system.” I say abruptly.
“OK, I understand that we need to work to make sure that the kids have a life, and we can keep a roof over our heads, no judgement here. Is there a support system if you have to work and Senna is sick?” The doctor asks.
“Yes, my uncle Tony will take time off to look after her, or the accounts manager but otherwise it is just us three and as we all work in the same spot it makes it hard” I say while looking around the room.
Why did I let Tristan talk me into coming here? I mean really there was no discussion, and my half-hearted protest was more of a yes than a no Senna was sick and there was a fear there that we all have when our children are sick.
“Right, well, put the poppet up here, and I will see what we are working with” The Doctor says as he turns to grab his stethoscope.
“OK Senna, just like all the doctor’s appointment sit on the bed and the doctor is going to check you over and see what is wrong. OK?” I say while waiting for Senna to say that she understood.
“Roger, Mommy, but I want ice cream after this. I hate doctors. They are mean” Senna growls as she faces the doctor with her own little death glare.
Doctor Mikaelsen laughs as he starts checking her heart, ears, and throat.
“Well, your throat is a little red and I guess sore. Your heart is still beating, so that is good. You also look like you are getting an ear infection. So now time for the belly check” " the doctor says as he gets Senna to lie back on the bed so that he can check her belly.
“OUCH! Meanie” Senna calls as she tries to scramble away from Doctor Mikaelsen.
“That hurt Poppet,” The doctor says with a worried face.
“What’s wrong? what did you do?” Tristan says as he pushes forward.
“Senna, baby, are you OK?” I asked as I tried and push past Tristan.
“My belly hurts, I said that. Why can’t you listen?” Senna responds as she moves further away from the doctor.
“I want to get an ultrasound of her stomach and see if everything is alright. I will be back in a moment.” The doctor says as he gets up and walks out the room.
“Can we go now?” Senna asks as she pulls her shirt back down.
“Sorry, baby we just need to get a picture of the inside of your belly to see what is going on” I say while I shove past Tristan and gather Senna in my arms.
A knock on the door signals the arrival of the doctor as he wheels the machine in the snotty receptionist from the front also comes in and offers Tristan Bambi eyes.
“Tiffany, please set the machine up and get an ultrasound of little Senna’s belly.” The Doctor says as he turns to his file and fills in the paperwork.
“Lay back and lift your shirt” Tiffany says, but doesn’t sound happy about it.
“Tristan, are you heading to the fund raiser this weekend?” Tiffany asks as she squirts a large amount of gel on Senna’s stomach.
“Cold” Senna cries. I offer her comfort, but nothing is going to calm her down. As soon as Tiffany presses the device to Senna’s stomach Senna cries out, but Tiffany doesn’t stop and continues to press, twist and turn the device.
“OW, ow, ow, OOOOWWWWWW!” Senna screams at the top of her lungs.
“Bloody stop you are hurting her.” I snarl as I yank Tiffany’s hand away from Senna.
“What are you doing Tiffany?” The doctor asks, concerned, but its Tristan that makes everyone in the room go cold.
“What is that?” Tristan asks as he points to something inside Senna’s stomach.