The continuous knocking on the door got Vanessa's eyes fluttering open. She realized that she was still inside the bathtub, she was already shivering, before she could stand up from the bathtub, Riccardo's pushed the door open and walked in. When he saw her state he scoffed, he was already dressed up for work, he wore a black suit and pants with a white shirt tucked in, with two buttons left undone, revealing his tanned chest. Riccardo always liked leaving two of his shirt buttons opened, he only wears tie during special occasions.

Vanessa couldn't help but notice that he looked extremely Good looking this morning in his black tuexudo.

"What are you doing there?" He asked, his voice cold as usual.

"I suddenly fell asleep last night" Vanessa replied as she stood up from the bathtub, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. She was shivering a little. She watched as Riccardo took off his jacket and covered her with it. She smiled at his kind gesture.

"Today is our third Marriage anniversary" Riccardo said. "Let's go out for dinner later" he said.

Vanessa nodded her head as she moved closer to him and engulfed him into a tight hug which he reciprocated.

"If you want to kill yourself, don't do it in my house!" Riccardo's loud voice brought Vanessa out of her imagination.

She realized that she was still inside the bathtub, shivering uncontrollable. She forced herself to get out of the bathtub, before taking a towel and wrapping it around her body.

"I'm sorry" she muttered as she stood beside him.

"Let's have dinner together this evening" she suggested

"I'm busy, I won't be able to meet up" he said rather calmly.

"It's okay" Vanessa held his arm. "I'll wait for you."

He replied with a light grunt. "I'm off to work" he said, and without giving Vanessa a chance to reply he walked out of the bathroom.

Vanessa's shoulders dropped and her face fell, but quickly lit up when she realized that she might get the chance to have dinner with him tonight.

She ended up taking a hot shower before leaving her room to go eat breakfast.

In the dinning room, she met their house keeper Madame Emily.

"Good morning Emily" Vanessa greeted as she settled down on one of the chair in the dinning.

"Morning dear. I trust your night was good?" Madame Emily asked

"Yes, it was" Vanessa smiled, Madame Emily returned the smile as she began serving her meal.

Few minutes into the meal, Vanessa started to feel nauseous. She put her palm on her mouth as she quickly ran into the bathroom to throw up. It wasn't the first time she was getting this type of morning sickness. She made a mental note to go to the hospital today.

After coming out of the bathroom, Vanessa brought out her phone and texted her boss that she won't be able to come to work because she was feeling sick. She actually worked in an art shop, where they made paintings and other beautiful drawings. Vanessa loved painting and drawing, it was actually the gift she had prepared for Riccardo for their wedding anniversary. It was a painting of him and Vanessa believed it to be her most perfect art work so far.

Inside the hospital, Vanessa went directly to the doctors office and knocked gently on it.

"Come in" she heard the doctors voice, and she pushed the door open and walked in.

"Good morning Doc" she greeted as she settled down on the chair.

"Morning Mrs Gonzalez. How can I help you today?" The female doctor asked.

Vanessa smiled secretly, she always liked being addressed with Riccardo's surname.

Vanessa went ahead and explained her situation to the doctor and she suggested carrying out a pregnancy test on Vanessa, which she was skeptical about but later agreed.

"So, when will the result be out?" Vanessa asked as she stood up.

"By evening. You can come pick it up or I'll send it to you through email in pdf form" the doctor replied with a small smile.

"Alright, sending it through email is okay by me" Vanessa said as she straightened her outfit.

"I'll get going" with that she walked out of the room and outside the hospital, making her way towards her car.

Back home, Vanessa had a little nap. When she woke up, she began preparing dinner since it was evening already. By the time she was done it was already 6:30pm and she decided to start waiting for Riccardo in the living room.

As she sat on the couch, she remembered that the doctor should have sent her the test results. She quickly unlocked her phone and clicked on her Gmail app.

Opening it, she saw that the message was already there and as she opened it, her eyes went wide like saucers. She gasped.

"I'm pregnant!" She half yelled and her hand quickly covered her mouth.

"Two months at that"

Vanessa couldn't contain her joy as she jumped around the room happily. That means in a few months time she'd be welcoming a child to this world. It was surely a thing of joy. She suddenly stopped smiling as she thought about how Riccardo will react once she tells him.

Will it change the way he feels about her? Will it make him love her? All those questions swirled in her mind, but no answer came.

She then shrugged the thoughts off and decided that she'll share the good news with him.

"But what if he doesn't what a child?" She wondered

Riccardo didn't like her, what if it gets him more angry than he already is?

Vanessa was lost in her thoughts and time flew so fast soon it was 10:00pm and Riccardo was still not home.

Vanessa was already feeling sleepy, just then she heard the sound of Riccardo's car drive in. She quickly stood up from the couch and went to open the door. She stood in front of the door as she watched him come down from his car with his briefcase. "Welcome" she said, her face full of smiles.

Riccardo didn't reply her, instead he walked past her and entered inside the house. Vanessa couldn't help but notice that he was frowning deeply. Anyway, she followed him inside and closed the door behind her.

"What's the problem Rick?" Vanessa asked staring at him.

His eyebrows furrowed, drawing together into a tight knot above narrowed, smoldering eyes. The corners of his mouth turned sharply downward, lips pursed in a thin line, while his cheeks flushed a deep, angry red. A vein in his forehead throbbed visibly, pulsing with the force of his ire. His nostrils flared as he drew in a ragged, indignant breath, and his jaw clenched tightly, the muscles twitching beneath the surface.

"You're my problem!" His tone made Vanessa flinch back in fear. "What do you mean?" She asked trying to keep her voice steady.

"You still pretend not to know? All these while I thought you were a good person but now I know that you're nothing but a slut! A whore! Nothing else" he growled.

Vanessa flinched at his sudden outburst. What was he talking about.

"Why are you suddenly insulting me?" Vanessa asked, her heart clenching in hurt and she fisted her hands tightly.

Riccardo opened his briefcase and brought out a document and threw it on the table.

"What's this?" Vanessa asked

"Sign it" came his reply.

Vanessa moved forward and picked up the document, her eyes scanning through it.

"This is a divorce agreement Rick. What the hell is going on?" Vanessa asked staring at him, surprise etched on her features.

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