I was working at a café to save up for college because my family was struggling financially. We could barely afford necessities, and my dream of going to school felt like a distant luxury. But I kept pushing myself, knowing that education was the key to a better future for us.
"Mom, you should rest today. I'll stay with him at the hospital" I insisted.
"Oh, baby, don't worry. You just got back from work and you must be exhausted" my mom replied her worry evident in her tired eyes.
"I want to feel useful and to be by his side because I know he would do the same for me" I explained trying to ease her burden.
"We're your parents and that's our responsibility," she said her hand on my face. "Your food is on the table. Make sure to close the door properly."
"Okay mama," I said hugging her tightly. I might not see you before I go to work in the morning but I will be good, I promise so don't worry about me."
She nodded before saying Goodnight and then exited the house while I made my way to the kitchen. After wolfing down some food, I went to take the longest shower of my life, thinking about how unfair our lives had become. Everything in this rundown house was falling apart - the ancient cabinets, the constant plumbing issues.
"I hate this life!" I screamed through my tears, the sound echoing off the tiled walls. When I finally dragged myself out, I tugged on my most worn t-shirt and collapsed onto my tiny bed, unable to sleep. I said a prayer and reached for one of my books instead, losing myself in the pages like I always did.
Time flew by, and before I knew it, my dream of a better life was shattered by the harsh blare of my alarm clock. "Just one more sleep, please?" I pleaded to the empty room. "My happy ending is so close..." But the incessant beeping persisted until I gave in, slamming the off button before stretching out my protesting muscles with a jaw-cracking yawn.
Peering out the tiny window, I tried to muster some optimism. "It has to be a beautiful day."
After a swift shower, I headed to the kitchen, only to find it vacant. Another day of starting on an empty stomach. "Hard times don't last forever. It will get better." I whispered to myself before leaving for work.
By the time I rushed through the cafe doors, cheeks flushed from hurrying across town, I was already 15 minutes late. Again.
"You're late again, Sophie!" Mr. Thompson's gruff bellow echoed through the bustling room.
"I know, I'm so sor-"
He raised his thick hand, cutting me off. "Save it and get your apron on. People are waiting." He jerked his thumb towards the growing crowd of impatient customers.
Flustered, I ducked into the back room to quickly tie on my apron, taking a moment to catch my breath and compose myself. But when I reemerged from the break room, I immediately noticed my coworkers huddled together, struggling to contain their giggles as they not-so-subtly ogled someone near the front window.
Following their gaze, I spotted the obvious object of their admiration - a ridiculously attractive guy seated alone, looking like he'd just stepped out of a magazine. His effortless style, those chiseled features, that smolder as he focused on his laptop... No wonder my coworkers were practically drooling.
Putting on my brightest, most professional smile, I made my way over, very aware of their obvious staring, tracking my every move. "Good morning! Can I get you anything?" I chirped once I reached his table.
The handsome stranger glanced up, his warm brown eyes meeting mine and lingering for a split second. "Good morning," he replied with ease, his tone casual and friendly. "I will take a double shot of espresso in a latte, steaming hot, and a dash of cinnamon for that extra flavor. I will also take one of those incredible muffins, please."
Despite my best efforts, I felt my face warm slightly under the weight of his stare. Get it together, Sophie. "Sure thing, one cup of coffee and a muffin coming right up."
I returned promptly with his order, placing it carefully on the table. "Here you go, enjoy!"
"What is your name?" His unexpected question brought me to a halt. I turned towards him slowly.
"It's Sophie," I answered with a polite smile, trying not to get flustered again. Was he...flirting with me?
"Sophie, would you mind having a seat for a moment?" His tone was warm, and inviting.
"Oh, I'm sorry, but that's against the rules..." I hedged, worry creeping in. I couldn't afford to get in trouble at this job.
"Whose permission do I need for you to sit with me?"
I blinked in surprise, my worry evident. "I don't want to get fired.."
"I don't want to put you in a tough spot," he assured me smoothly. "I'm happy to talk to the owner if that helps."
Before I could protest further, he'd already headed off to find Mr. Thompson. Minutes later, he returned, favoring me with that knee-weakening smile. "You can join me now. I've got your boss's permission." He pulled out the empty chair, gesturing for me to sit.
I wavered, feeling uncertain. "Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent," he promised with an easy grin. "And I won't take up too much of your time. This seat is still waiting for you."
Well...when he put it like that... "Okay, thanks," I finally agreed, sinking into the chair cautiously.
"The pleasure is all mine, Sophie." Those warm eyes roamed over my face in a way that made me blush despite myself. Get a grip!
"So..." I prompted, desperate to divert my attention from how flustered he was making me. "What did you want to talk about?"
His response was completely unexpected. "I like you."
I choked on my spit, coughing and spluttering like I was going to hack up a lung right there at the table. He looked momentarily alarmed before grabbing a glass of water, but I waved it off, finally catching my breath.
"You just met me for the first time," I wheezed out. "This can't be a good sign."
"And who says this is the first time I'm seeing you?" he countered, a mysterious smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
My brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Let's just say I have been watching you for some time," he whispered. "I felt it was about time I properly introduced myself and asked for your number...perhaps get to know you better if you are open to it."
My face flamed at the unexpected flirtation. "I, um...I think maybe you should have to work a little harder than that for my number," I tried to remain calm and indifferent, but I probably failed miserably.
He just grinned, utterly unbothered. "In that case, I guess you'd better get used to seeing me around here more often. I'm relentless when I've got my eyes set on something."
I couldn't help the way my cheeks warmed at the blatant implication. "Oh no, please don't make me regret this! This is already bordering on a lifetime's worth of embarrassment, and all my coworkers are watching us!"
"In that case..." He trailed off, holding out his hand expectantly.
Hesitating only briefly, I sighed and pulled his phone from his grasp, quickly typing in my number before handing it back, stomach fluttering as I'd just done something deliciously illicit.
"Thanks, sunshine," he murmured, a warm smile playing over his sinfully perfect lips.
"It's Sophie," I corrected automatically, mentally kicking myself.
But he just winked devilishly. "I know." And with a parting remark, he leaned back from the table and casually exited the cafe, drawing every eye in the place to his departure.
Left in a state of fluster, I felt my knees weaken as I struggled to process the recent exchange. Gradually regaining composure, I glanced around to find my coworkers observing me with curious, gossipy expressions.