CHAPTER 1 The Betrayal

Leila POV


I paused, trying to remember who Damien's neighbors were. They were really going at it this hot afternoon. A blush spread on my face, they were really loud.

"Harder babe…there!... right there!!..."

Is Damien's walls also this thin? My blush spread, will people hear us when we do it?

I hurried, trying not to make much noise as I passed. Damien's house was separated from his neighbors' by a narrow path that acted as a shortcut from my house to his.

"I'm cumming!!"

Goddess…this was really embarrassing. If they hear my footsteps, they'll think I'm a pervert.


That voice…I finally made it to the front of my fiance's house. I guess I'll have an interesting story to tell him.

Does he always hear them when they go at it?

Using my keys, I let myself into his house. I noticed the black pair of shoes that I got for Alessia, my best friend, on her birthday. I placed mine beside it after keeping it in a better position.

A small smile appeared on my face as I thought of her. Alessia and Damien were my favorite people in the world. We had been a group for so long. It didn't come as a shock to anyone when Damien and I announced our relationship.

But, I wasn't informed that Alessia would be here. I looked at the foodstuffs in my hand, we'll have to manage.

"That was so good…What's the occasion?" I heard Alessia say, her voice was low.

Did Damien already buy food?

"Don't tell me you already bought…" I trailed off as the scene I walked into sank in.

Alessia screamed and covered herself while Damien froze in shock.

I blinked, "…"

"Leila…" Alessia started, looking guilty.

"But…why?..." The bag of foodstuffs fell out of my trembling hand. Tears clouded my vision at an alarming rate.

Damien scrambled up and quickly wore a short.

"Leila…wait, let me explain."

"It was you…" a bitter laugh escaped from my lips, "...I was going…I was going to tell you about your wild neighbors…and it turned out that I am the topic of gossip…" The tears fell freely.

"... Leila please…" Alessia began.

"No…how could you??... I'm your best friend!!"

She flinched and hung her head.

"If…if you had feelings for each other…" my heart broke further, "...why…why didn't you say anything?!..."

"Leila calm down, please…we can talk about…" Damien started heading for me.

"No!!..." I stepped back, "... don't follow me or come near me…you make me sick!!"

I ran out, ignoring Damien's calls.

How long have they been doing it? From the beginning? Another laugh escaped as I remembered Damien and I promising to wait till the mating ceremony.

Of course he'll wait, he will wait for me while satisfying himself with my best friend.

How many people knew? His neighbors clearly knew, goddess knows how many people they have told.

I ran into my house and straight to my room, ignoring my family that was having lunch.

"Leila?!" Father called, I banged my room door in response, locking it behind me.

It was childish, but I needed space.

I sank to the floor, leaning on my door and allowed myself to cry properly.

How does one cheat after making commitments? Did he not respect me as a person? The least he could do as a friend, was to tell me he started having feelings for Alessia!!

My hurt began to morph into fury. I did everything right? I was good, understanding, kind and every fucking thing someone would want in a love partner.

And this is what I fucking get from it!!

The fury changed to bone deep sorrow and I started sobbing, ugly sobs left the back of my throat.

"Leila. Open the door" I heard dad say.

I covered my mouth, trying to muffle my sobs.

"Leila…open the door."

I don't want to…I want to wallow in self pity and heartbreak for a while before getting up and pretending for the world. But as usual, dad wasn't having it.

Hurriedly, I dried my eyes. Things would get ugly if I kept him waiting and I was in no mood to deal with more emotional stress.

I unlocked the door, pulled it open and stared at my father. The Beta of the pack.

He took in the tear stains on my face and my red eyes but he didn't comment which I appreciated. I moved from his way and he entered.

"What's wrong?"

I eyed him wearily. What does he want? He may be my closest relative but there was no love between us.

"I broke up with Damien."

"Why? I thought things were good between you two."

I smiled bitterly, "he loves Alessia's pussy more."

He raised his eyebrow and I flushed. What was I saying?

"Tell me what happened without the dramatics."

I sighed and looked around the room that I had grown up in. The room that I thought I would soon leave behind.

"I caught Damien cheating on me with Alessia…" I told him everything. Although we didn't have the best relationship, I was grateful that he came to talk to me. Talking about it made me calm down.

"I see…" he said once I was done, "... you can come in now."

I froze as Damien walked into my room. His head was bowed in shame.


"He came to apologize. Hear him out and sort out the problem."


"Dad, I just told you what happened!!"

"And I heard you. Unfortunately, the mating ceremony can not and will not be cancelled."

My heartbeat increased…blood rushing in my ears.


"Leila…" Damien started.

"Shut the fuck up!!" I focused on my father. "I have endured every thing that your wife, daughter and even you that is supposed to be my father threw at me…" I glared and he clenched his jaw, "…so why do you want me to do this? you take pleasure in my suffering?" my voice was low but hoarse, all that crying was affecting it.

"I don't know why you're being dramatic…"

"Dramatic?" I cut him off, ignoring the anger in his eyes at my blatant disrespect, "you want me to spend my forever with a cheat and liar. I refuse and that's dramatic."

"My decision is final Leila" he said and started leaving.

Why? What did I do wrong?! My pain woke my wolf up.

"I'll kill him…" I whispered, stopping dad in his track.

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