Chapter 1
<Kim's POV>
"I will count to 3, that's your chance to flee, if you are lucky, you're free, if not, you are a dead body..."
I jerked awake, gasping for air all over again, my hand reaching up to my chest to steady my raging heartbeats while my other hand reached out to the lamp sitting on the table and switched it on, finding myself in my room, on my bed.
I sighed, lounging my back on the wall, the scene of my nightmare replaying over and over again, refusing to leave, taunting me repeatedly, lingering constantly at the back of my head, reminding me of that fateful day.
His bruised lips, his smirk, his taunting and echoing laughter, his words.
I remembered it all as if it happened yesterday. I took a breather, clearing those thoughts from my head. It was in the past, I didn't want to dwell in it but I didn't know why I still had nightmares over it.
I grabbed my phone and put on my glasses while checking the time on my phone, it was only 6 in the morning.
I sighed, putting my phone away. What should I do now? Sleep? Heaven knew I would never be able to shut my eyes again after recalling that awful scene. Reading? I shook my head at the thought, it was too early to be fantasizing about characters that would never come to life. They lived and would remain in my head but there was nothing wrong with wishing for a prince charming, was it?
I smiled to myself, the tension on my shoulders dropping drastically as I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.
Staring at the mirror, my chartreuse eyes stared back at me through the glasses, a thought crossing my head.
It was my twin's sister's wedding today. She was getting married to the man of her dreams. That was what she always said, I had never met the man before.
My head reeled towards the door when I heard movements and the call of my name. I sauntered out of the bathroom, finding my younger sister, Eloise stepping into the room, a dress hanging on her arm.
"I know, I know, don't give me that look, it's early but mom has been overly excited and had disturbed my sleep too and I thought since I was awake I can bring your dress," She ranted while extending the purple dress, I walked forward and took it from her. She beamed widely, showing off the two dimples on her cheeks. "It will look pretty on you, purples suit you the best"
I rolled my eyes. "You chose the color because you are obsessed with that kpop group,"
She gasped. "I do not!"
I held the dress to my chest. "I like the color, thank you, Eloise,"
She clenched her hands happily. "I know you will like it, get ready, Mom said we are leaving at 7:40," she told me before turning and waddling out of the room.
I stared down at the dress, it was a sleeveless purple baby doll dress. I threw it on the bed and went back to the bathroom, starting my morning routine, walking out a few minutes later fully bathed, I picked up the dress and slipped my legs first before my hands.
I wasn't a fan of cosmetics, I loved being natural because it was flexible. I held my curly brown hair in a loose ponytail before putting on my shoes and glasses. Staring at myself on the reflector, I felt exposed with the sleeveless dress.
It wasn't that I was doubtful of my body, I just wasn't a fan of disclosing too much cleavage.
I put on a smile, It was just for today. I could bear it for a day.
I sauntered out of the bedroom and out of the room. Entering the living room, I found my parents and sister there, loitering. They rapidly swiveled to me and the smile on my face plummeted at mom's sharp and crispy gaze, sharing a similar hint of enthusiasm with dad.
"What kept you so long, it's 8 am already, we can't afford to be late for your sister's wedding!" Mom spat, throwing her hands in the air in lividity as she matched out of the house, dad following after her.
Eloise stepped forward and took hold of my hand, a smile on her lips. "Come on, Kim. It's a big day for us, don't fake it,"
For her, a tiny smile occupied my lips once again.
"I'm so excited, I barely can't wait!" Eloise nearly bounced on her feet as she began pulling me along. One could sense the fervor from her.
"Slow down, Eloise!" I giggled as I let her drag me along to the driveway where our parents waited in the car.
Eloise was right, it was a big day for us, I shouldn't think of anything melancholic.
It was my twin sister's wedding, everything was going to turn out satisfactory, however, the emphatic gut in my system told me otherwise. I brushed it as nothing as we got into the car and drove off.
What could go wrong?