CHAPTER 2: Back to My Pack
Evelyn's POV
"Gotcha." Griffin chuckled as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I plastered a smile, not wanting to ruin my son's birthday by making a scene about what I had heard my boyfriend talking about, to goodness knows who on the phone.
As we finished exchanging gifts with Ethan, we had a cake filled with laughter. I couldn't help but wonder what secrets Griffin was hiding. But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on celebrating with my son. He was my priority.
As the evening drew close, Griffin turned to me with a mischievous glint. "Hey, babe. I was thinking, how about I stay over tonight and make it a birthday sleepover for Ethan?"
I hesitated, trying to come up with an excuse. I didn't want to ruin the special moment, but I knew I couldn't let Griffin stay over. I wanted to be the one to put Ethan to bed tonight, to tuck him in and whisper goodnight in his ear. I needed time to be alone and think things through. My mother was dying, and my boyfriend was up to no good behind my back.
"I don't think that's a good idea," I said, trying to sound firm but gentle. "Ethan needs his routine, and I want to be the one to put him to bed tonight."
Griffin raised an eyebrow. "Come on, it'll be fun! We can make it a special birthday sleepover."
I shook my head. "I'm sure it's fine. You've had a long day, and I want to take care of Ethan's bedtime routine myself."
Griffin looked at me for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, okay. I get it. But can I at least say goodnight to him?"
I smiled. "Of course, you can say goodnight. That's fine." he leaned over to kiss my cheek before going in to see Ethan.
I observed him and relived the conversation that I had heard. I felt terrible about it but knew it was best to play happy until he had gone.
As Griffin said his last goodbyes and headed out the door, I felt relief. I made sure to lock the door behind him.
Now that he was gone, I could finally start packing our belongings. My life had been here in the city for the last four years; it was all Ethan knew, but the unease made me decide that staying was not a safe option. My mother needed me, and Ethan needed to be away from Griffin. I had no other choice but to return home to Mystic River.
I perched myself on the edge of the bed and closed my eyes for a moment. A particular face popped up in my mind, causing me to let out a small cry of frustration. Could I face him again after all these years?
Suddenly, Wolf Harper's calming voice echoed in my mind, assuring me we would be ok.
"Evelyn, we will get through this. I am with you every step of the way," she told me. I wiped my tear-stained face and nodded.
"I know I'm just scared. Scared of the unknown."! Whispered.
Ethan suddenly came rushing into my room, and I immediately stood up to compose myself. I did not want my son to see me upset like this on his birthday.
"Mummy, are you ok?" he gazed up at me with those beautiful big eyes, and all I saw was his father when I looked at him. I plastered a smile and pulled my son into my arms. Kissing his cheek, I nodded and assured him I was okay.
"How about me and you go on a little adventure?" I said, and his eyes widened in wonder.
"Like the knight in my new book from Griffon?" he exclaimed, and I nodded.
"Yes, exactly." Ethan jumped up and down with excitement. "Yes, mummy." He jumped on the bed, and I chuckled.
Getting up, I began to walk around the apartment, gathering our things: clothes, books, and toys. As I packed, my mind started racing with questions: what would happen if I stayed here? Would Griffen hurt my boy? What would my mother say when she saw me again?
The memories came flooding back - the fights with my family, the tension in the air, the feeling of being trapped and betrayed by the one person I had never stopped wanting. Was it worth going back there? Was it worth putting myself through that again?
But where else could I go? What other options did I have?
As I finished packing the suitcase and slung my bag over my shoulder, I knew one thing: I couldn't stay here. Not now, not with Griffin's secrets and uncertainty hanging in the air.
I wasn't sure what the future held, but I didn't want to worry Ethan with my doubts and fears. I needed to be strong for him, for both of us.
"But mummy, what about Griffin? Is he coming too? He promised me a football game?" my son's words made me stop. I knew how much he loved and adored Griffin, but I couldn't stay here any more. We had to leave. I helped him put on his jacket and shoes and then looked him in the eyes.
"No, it's just the two of us. Griffin has some things he needs to do." I said, not sure what else I could tell him.
"Okay... Can we come back and visit Griffin sometime?" His words tore me up inside, and I bit my lip to hold back from crying all over again.
"Of course, buddy," I said, trying to sound calm. "We'll make sure to stay in touch with Griffin and come back to visit him often."
Ethan grinned, his worries seemingly forgotten. "Yay! I love Griffin!"
As we walked out the door, the cool night air enveloped us. I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead, but for now, I was just grateful to have my son by my side.
I held my son's hand tightly and promised myself that nothing and nobody would ever harm a hair on his head.
"Let's go."