CHAPTER 4: A mix of emotions

Evelyn's POV

I felt a mix of emotions ripple through my tired body as the taxi finally pulled up at the driveway of my childhood home. Five years had passed since I last walked on this territory. It still looked pretty much the same to me. I liked how the pretty flowers blossomed and the assorted colours.

As I stepped out of the taxi, the driver helped me with my luggage as I gently scooped my sleeping son from the backseat. He was tired from such a long journey and to be honest I could not wait to lay my head down and get some sleep if my mind would even allow it.

Griffen had hurt me badly with his betrayal. How dare he try and act like a good boyfriend when all along he had been playing me in order to take my boy away from me for whatever research he was doing.

I held my son tighter as I approached the steps that led to the cottage where my mother was. I was frightened to see what state she would be in, knowing that her illness was eating her up made me feel sick to the stomach. Why would the moon goddess let my poor mother suffer like that?

A huge part of me wanted to turn around and leave before anybody noticed me but it was too late.

Simon came running to me with a huge smile on his face. "Sis, I'm so glad that you are home, welcome back. And this must be my awesome nephew, I finally get to meet him for real." I rolled my eyes at my brother as he opened the door for me.

"Let me put him to bed and you can go in and sit with mother, she's been waiting for you." Simon held his arms out for Ethan, but I hesitated glancing around to make sure nobody was watching. The last thing I wanted was for Nolan to see me and come bothering me. I had come back for my mother, nobody else.

I felt a lump form in my throat as I rushed towards my mother, wrapping my arms around her frail shoulders. She looked so much older than what I remembered. We held each other for what seemed like an eternity. I felt guilty for staying away so long.

As I finally pulled away, I noticed the state of the cottage, dusty and worn out with cobwebs clinging to every corner of the walls. It smelt like old rubbish and mouldy food.

How could my brother let her home get into such a terrible state? I decided that first thing in the morning, I would go and buy some cleaning supplies and get the place back up into a good standard.

"Evelyn, I have missed you so much. I can't tell you how glad I am to finally hold you in my arms," she wept, and I kissed her cheek.

"Mother, I am glad to be back, but you have to promise me something." I looked her in the eye so she could see how serious I was about to be.

"Nolan can not see or know anything about Ethan. You must swear that he won't, please just do that for me."  She nodded in agreement, and I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. I knew that I could trust her.

"Can I see my grandson now?" she smiled and for a split second it was like old times, she looked happy to know her grandson was here in her home.

"Of course, but he's still sleeping." I whispered as we walked into my old bedroom. I could not help but be surprised by the way my bedroom still looked the same as it was five years before.

"I could never change a thing." My mother stated as if she read my mind.

Simon had just finished settling Ethan into the bed and he was still out for the count. I knew that his birthday had tired him out as well as our long journey back to Mystic River.

"I must get back to Nolan before he realises, I'm not there and starts asking questions but Evelyn you know that you cannot hide away from him forever. His wolf will know you're close by. And I can't lie to him." Simon turned to me, and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't want to see him and he's to know nothing about my son, I mean it. Nobody needs to know I'm here. Now go before he comes looking for you." I gestured for my brother to leave, and he nodded in agreement.

"Still the bossy sister I remember," he joked playfully. "But on a serious note, we will catch up tomorrow. We have a lot to talk about, that's for sure." He said as he leant over to kiss our mother and me; he gave my shoulder a quick squeeze and promised to check in with us in the morning.

I knew that he was right, Nolan would sense my wolf if he hadn't already. It was only a matter of time before he came knocking the door but I would be strong and tell him to leave me alone. He was the last one I wanted to see right now.  I just needed to concentrate on my mother and making sure she was ok and my son was safe from any danger.

As soon as he left and the door was closed behind him, I jumped up to lock and bolt it. I closed the blinds and switched on the lamp in the lounge, my mother slumped in her seat, and I could sense her sadness.

"Evelyn, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I can't be the mother you needed. I should have been there for you. It's been five years to long." I sat down beside her and put my arms around her just like I did when I was little.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I love you no matter what and I'm not going anywhere, I'm here for you and so is Ethan. Now let me go and fetch you a nice cup of tea and some biscuits." I said as I got up and went to the kitchen. My eyes widened when I saw the mess that was in, pots and pans piled up high on the kitchen sides and the floor covered in filth it was a wonder she hadn't slipped and hurt herself yet. I shook my head and felt irritated that Simon had let it get this bad.

I found a cup and rinsed it under the water. My mind was whizzing with thoughts about what tomorrow would bring and what griffin might do when he realised that me and Ethan were no longer there. He would never find me, and I hoped that I never had to lay eyes on him again. I pulled my phone from my pocket and took out my sim card, I snapped it in half and proceeded to make my mother a cup of tea. When I went back in, I found her fast asleep on the sofa bed she looked exhausted, so I grabbed a blanket and placed it over her before getting in beside her and snuggling up to my mother like the old days. I had missed her so much.

I was woken to the bright sunlight streaming in and the excited squeals from Ethan as he jumped up and down on me. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Mummy, nanny is making me pancakes for breakfast that's the best. Is griffin coming to stay as well?" he yelled excitedly. My mother glanced across at me and I looked away not wanting to talk about griffin.

"No not today baby, it's just the three of us and maybe your uncle Simon if he can get off work early enough, but Ethan can you be a big brave boy and look after nanny for me while I fetch some supplies?"

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