Chapter 2 - Becoming a Shaman

Jalen looked down at her new child. She was growing so quickly. It had only been thirty sun cycles, and already, she was the size of a three-month-old.

Her naming ceremony would be soon, although Jalen still hadn’t thought of a name. She thought of how she would hold her new child, admiring her beautiful face and wondering how she had become so blessed with such a wonderful child. She was not fussy at all whereas both her sons had stomach problems and cried so much she had to coddle them continuously.

Jalen looked down at her daughter. The baby stared at her with an intelligence that could be seen in her eyes. She knew this child would be unique. Maybe she could ask the gods to give her a name that would be told to her in a dream. After all, she was Runa's apprentice, and Runa had seen the gift of intuition in Jalen.

Her daughter started making sucking noises, and Jalen put the infant to her breast. It seemed this baby was always hungry. She fed her more often than with her other babies. When the newborn had finished her feeding, Jalen kissed her and laid the swaddled babe in her crib. She stayed for a moment, watching the baby sleep, the sleep of the innocent.

Jalen stood erect and took a deep breath. Shaken from her reverie, she felt the need to hurry now. She was to assist Runa in a ceremony for naming a babe that had been born two days before her own. She washed her face in the wooden bowl on a table with her other grooming materials, drying it with the furry side of the skin of a rabbit; it felt so soft against her face, and she closed her eyes soaking in the luxurious feel. Shaking herself from her indulgence, she combed her curly, dark strawberry hair with the shell comb Lans had gifted her just before he went into battle. She looked down at it. She was thinking about their love and their wonderful life together…

She shook her head. She didn’t want her sadness to take over the happy mood of this day. She slipped on her beige, deerskin dress, then checked her reflection in the mirror, a highly-shined square of bronze metal, sitting on the table next to the wooden bowl. She was glad she’d lit extra candles, as she could see herself better and was pleased with what she saw. This was her first formal ceremony where she was assisting Runa; she wanted Runa to be pleased that she knew the importance of the ceremony and that she had dressed appropriately. Her large, violet eyes looked back at her from the mirror; her baby girl had the same violet eyes as her, but both her boys had their father's deep, woodland brown coloring.

Jalen glanced through the doorway where the deer hide had been pulled back, watching her sons play with the village's other children. They asked her to let them play while she got ready, and she quickly agreed. Having them underfoot while she was getting dressed wasn't the most pleasant as she knew from experience. The sun had risen and was halfway up from the horizon. She hadn’t realized it had become so late. She hurriedly picked up her newborn from her crib and quickly walked to the ceremonial circle.

Jalen spotted Runa and walked the short distance to her side, carrying her daughter wrapped in her swaddling.

“Ah, you made it, and you look splendid,” Runa said with a cheerful smile. “The heavens will be happy with the care you took to honor them," she stated. "Do you remember the Baby Naming Ceremony?”

“Yes,” Jalen replied, feeling unprepared. “I reviewed it last night and this morning. I feel ready, but I will trust your advice if I stumble upon my words.”

Runa stood momentarily gazing at the woman who would take her place as Shaman. She knew Jalen was nervous, but as this was her first ceremony, it was understandable. Contemplating Jalen's nervousness, she attempted to calm her apprentice. “I have full confidence in your abilities and trust you will do well, Jalen.”

A blush formed on Jalen's cheeks, and she looked down in embarrassment.

Runa noticed Jalen's blush, but then a huge cry came from the baby she was holding. Jalen put the infant up to her shoulder and began to rub, pat her back, and bounce her softly.

“I am sorry, Runa. I fed her just before coming to the ceremony. She seems to be constantly hungry, although she is growing so fast. I suppose she needs to eat more often.”

Runa saw that Jalen was trying to quiet the babe, but her cries became more insistent. She needed Jalen to be attentive to the ceremony. She gave Jalen a smile and a suggestion.

“The ceremonial preparations aren’t complete yet, so you have plenty of time to feed her now. The other babies are over by the large tree and cared for by some Elderly women. You may leave her and your sons with them after she’s done.”

“Thank you so much, Runa. I will be back as soon as I can,” Jalen said with a nervous smile. Then she turned towards her sons, who had returned to her side when they saw her talking to Runa and had been keeping themselves occupied by playing “battle.”

“Gunnar. Logan. Come along with me, my sons.”

Runa watched as Jalen crossed the large ceremonial area with her family. Men set up drums and other musical instruments to prepare for the Ceremony.

As Runa observed Jalen with her children, she found herself lost in thought and recollecting how she had watched Jalen grow into the woman she now was.

How she’s changed. She shook her head. I believe she will be a perfect healer for this tribe. She has become very responsible. I remember when she was old enough to start flirting with the men of the tribe…she was like a wild elk during the rutting season. But after finding Lars and the birth of their first child, Jalen had settled into her role of wife and mother.

Her days of seduction were over. Runa let out a small laugh. Runa quickly focused on preparing herself for the Ceremony; she needed to be in a relaxed and religious state of mind. She walked over to a sitting rock, closed her eyes, and began to prepare her inner self for the Ceremony she would lead.

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