Chapter 3 - The Naming Ceremony

Jalen was jarred awake by some of the older children who’d begun playing near the Elder women taking care of the younger children. They seemed to be playing “hide and seek” and shrieking with delight when one of them was found. She looked down at her baby; she had quit nursing and was now sleeping. Jalen gently picked the baby up and walked a short distance to one of the Elders.

“Good morning Elder Lita,” Looking up, Jalen greeted the old woman with a pretty smile. “I hope my sons aren’t causing too much trouble. My baby has finished eating. Where shall I put her down so the noises won’t disturb her?”

Lita smiled and replied, “Do not fret, my dear. Your sons are being the children that they are. Here, give her to me, and I will find an appropriate spot.”

Jalen quickly kissed her daughter on her cheek, then placed her babe in the Elder’s arms. She looked towards the ceremonial circle and saw the preparations had been completed. It seemed that all eyes were watching for her to join the Shaman.

“Oh dear, I must go now to help Runa. I’m excited as this is my first ceremony assisting her."

The Elder Lita had been watching the different emotions playing across Jalen’s face and saw the nervousness. She wanted to lessen her apprehension.

Smiling as she touched Jalen's cheek, she said, “You will do fine, my dear. I think Runa made the correct decision in choosing you to be her apprentice.”

Jalen smiled at the Elder with love in her eyes. After all, this Elder had been at her own naming ceremony. She nodded her thanks. She turned and began walking towards Runa. She didn’t want the Elder to see how happy her words made her feel.

Jalen walked to the area where Runa told her to stand for the ceremony. As she stood there, she looked out at the crowd of villagers surrounding the Ceremonial circle; they looked resplendent in their finest garbs: soft leather tunics and trousers for the men and decorated linen dresses for the women.

Jalen stood back as Runa entered the middle of the Ceremonial Center. She had donned the traditional elk horns on top of her head and looked magnificent and almost ethereal in her white elk skin robe. She nodded to the drummers, who began to beat their instruments with sticks made from deer bone softly. She nodded and held out her arms to the couple who held a babe to come and join her in the circle.

With the couple standing before her and Jalen at her side, Runa lifted her arms high while Jalen did the same, and as Runa closed her eyes, she began her beseechment to the gods.

“Oh mighty ones, we have gathered here to bless this baby with a name of his own. A name that will guide him through life. A name that will aid him through the obstacles he will encounter during his life's journey.”

She looked happily at the couple. “Have you found a name for him?”

“Yes, we have,” said his mother. “We have chosen the name Ragn. We feel this name will give him the strength and power of the gods.”

Runa smiled and nodded. “That is a good name.” She looked at the baby again. “By the power of the gods, I bestow upon you the name of Ragn. You shall be a mighty warrior and give strength to our tribe.”

The drums started beating again, becoming louder and louder, as people began to dance in the circle. Everyone started singing the chant used during this ceremony; it continued for a long time until the participants became too tired to continue and began leaving the circle. After a few moments, the drummers crescendoed, then stopped. A few of the tribe members were still caught up in the fever and continued dancing.

Runa took Jalen’s arm in hers, and the two began walking to the children’s area. “Your energy was exceptional, young one,” Runa stated matter of factly. “You made the Gods proud…and I, as well.” She smiled at her apprentice with love in her eyes. Jalen couldn’t help but smile, feeling a wave of pride - and relief - wash over her.

As they reached the Elders, Jalen saw that her babe was being held by Elder Lita, the same Elder she’d handed her babe to before the ritual. She was smiling and looking at Jalen's daughter

“Has she been fussy, Elder Lita?”

“Oh no, not at all,” Lita replied as she continued to sway and lightly bounced the baby. “She seemed to want to dance to the drums, and I decided to be her partner,” Lita smiled and laughed. “Actually, I was enjoying holding her and swirling her around. She has quite a sense of rhythm. I can’t wait for her naming ceremony. It will be so much fun." She looked up at Jalen. "Have you thought of a name for her yet?”

Jalen felt flustered since she still hadn’t thought of a name. She kept waiting for it to come to her in a dream, but so far, her dreams hadn't revealed a name.

“Nothing has come to me yet." She shrugged her shoulders, "I’m still waiting for the answer in my dreams. It happened with both my sons, but with my daughter, still nothing,” Jalen said, with some frustration in her voice.

Elder Lita handed over the babe, smiled and rubbed Jalen’s back. “Do not fear, my dear. It will come to you soon. There is time. Her naming ceremony is still two days away.”

As Jalen and Runa watched Elder Lita turn and walk away, Runa noticed the worried look on Jalen’s face. Worry would only make the process more difficult.

“It will happen soon. Before you go to sleep tonight, sit before your hearth fire and watch the flames. If you don’t find an answer in the flames, you will during your sleep. I’m certain of it,” Runa insisted. She reached over and touched Jalen's cheek. “I must go now and change from my ceremonial robes…it is so difficult to remove even the slightest stain from this hide.” Runa smiled and rubbed Jalen’s arm as she took her leave.

Jalen watched her go, then repositioning her baby. She looked down into the face with the big, violet eyes, so much like her own.

“What shall be your name?” she said. Her baby looked at her with such a curious look on her face, Jalen thought she just might know what she’s asking.

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