Chapter 5 - A Time of Learning, A Time of Growth
Six years had passed since Astra’s Naming Ceremony. Jalen watched her youngest gather with the other children, playing with the village dogs and puppies: she loved to hear the giggling and barking that always accompanied these activities.
As she watched, she recognized the same games she played during childhood. Jalen noticed Astra seemed to be the one the other children looked to when deciding what to play. She was already a leader. Astra was always aware she was special, but Jalen had taught her well not to flaunt the fact over others. Although Astra did have a maturity beyond her years, she knew well enough already.
There was one child, Ragn, who followed Astra around like a puppy dog. At Ragn's Naming Ceremony, Jalen sensed he and her daughter would become close, and now he was always near her. Ragn considered himself the protector of Astra, and that made Jalen smile. They were both so young but were old souls.
As Jalen was watching the other children play, Astra and Ragn ran up to her. As usual, Ragn was holding Astra’s hand.
“Mama," Astra stated, "we’d like to go down to the stream and play. Is that alright?” Jalen looked back and forth at the eager looks on both their faces.
“I don’t like you down at the stream by yourselves. Wait and I will find someone to watch the other children, then I’ll go with you. Agreed?” Both children nodded eagerly and began to run over to some of the Elder women.
Jalen followed behind them. As she approached and began to speak, the Elder Toven said to her, “Save your words, my child. Astra already asked. I’ll watch the other children while you go with Astra and Ragn.” Both children jumped up and down and started racing towards the stream. Jalen called after them.
“Wait for me! I don’t want you anywhere near the stream without me!” That stopped the two children, and they turned in unison, smiling and waiting.
As they all walked down to the stream together, Ragn asked Astra, “What do you want to do when we get there?” Astra thought for a moment.
”I think I’d like to watch the pretty fish. They sparkle when the sun hits them.”
Both Jalen and Ragn looked at Astra with surprise. “Child, they don’t sparkle. They’re brown,” Jalen said smiling.
Ragn piped up, “She’s always saying things like that. Like, ‘the sky smells green’, or ‘this flower smells purple.’ She makes me laugh.”
Jalen was still amazed at the vocabulary these two children shared. She knew Astra was advanced, and Ragn must have picked it up from Astra, which certainly gave him an advantage over the other children…and even some adults.
When they arrived at the stream, Jalen put down a hide for them to sit on. She didn’t want their clothing to become soiled from the damp ground along the stream. Jalen sat down and watched Astra and Ragn chase each other here and there and hide behind boulders and trees. Jalen sat there and laughed at the antics of the two friends.
After a short time, Jalen became uncomfortable; there was nothing behind her to lean against, and her back was tired. She decided to lie down. And give her back some relief. As she laid back, her muscles relaxed, giving her a sigh of relief. She giggled at her thoughts as she listened to the babble from the stream. It was so soothing that Jalen found herself closing her eyes, and soon she was asleep…
Her dream began innocently enough. She was walking in her dream garden. Suddenly, she felt uneasy, and then tragedy struck. She found herself running in terror from some unseen monster; she knew it wanted to destroy her and everything she held dear. She was running and running but couldn’t seem to get away from it. She looked quickly behind her and saw the monster was gaining on her, just as it reached its bony claws for her neck…
She woke up with a start, and her heart was racing. She became aware of the children yelling and screaming in delight as they chased each other. Jalen sat up and looked up at the sky. She could tell that not much time had passed while she slept. The day was still as glorious as it had been, but now she couldn’t enjoy its beauty. She felt a sudden chill in the air and pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders. She just couldn’t shake that feeling of foreboding and decided it was time to gather the children and get back to the village.
As she stood up, she realized that she was shaking ever so slightly and called louder to the children than she had intended. Astra and Radn stopped running after each other, for both had heard the urgency in Jalen's voice.
“Is everything alright, Mama?” Astra asked. “Yes, child, but we must return to the village now. I feel something is amiss and want to ensure all is well.”
As they reached the top of the hill and looked towards their village, they could tell something unfortunate had occurred. A small group had gathered near the hut of Runa, Jalen’s teacher and the village's healer. All three hurried as fast as they could. As they neared Runa’s hut, several villagers turned toward Jalen, all with tears in their eyes.
At that moment, Jalen felt the weight of the village on her shoulders; she knew Runa had passed over to the Realm of the Beyond. She rushed into the hut, and there stood all the Elders of the village talking softly to each other. In unison they turned to Jalen.
With sadness in her eyes, Elder Toven took Jalen’s hands in her own and looked somberly at her. “We are all so sorry, Jalen. Runa has crossed to the Realm of the Beyond. The health of the village is now yours to hold. We are sure you are ready for this great task.”
Jalen shook her head as tears sprang into her eyes. She knelt down beside Runa’s lifeless body, taking one of her cold hands in hers.
“Runa, please don’t leave. I am not ready to assume the responsibility you have always shouldered,” she whispered. Suddenly, Jalen felt a twitch of Runa’s fingers in her hand. She closed her eyes and heard Runa’s words.
“Jalen, it is up to you now to guide the people of this village. Take my Torc and wear it with pride and strength, for you deserve its connection to the gods. I chose well when I selected you to be the next Shaman. You will do well and will please the gods immensely.”
There was a sigh and Jalen heard no more.
Jalen opened her eyes, and, leaning forward, she removed the Torc from around Runa’s neck. Her hands were shaking so…she was having difficulty tying the leather. An Elder stepped forward and tied it for her.
As Jalen was helped to her feet, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the immense task that would be her life from then on. She stood for a moment, still looking at Runa, contemplating what her next action should be. What would Runa do? She closed her eyes. She knew Runa would take her responsibilities seriously and act as a Shaman should. She took another deep breath and turned around to face the group of Elders.
“I am so saddened by the passing of our Shaman, Runa. Not only was she my teacher, but a dear friend as well. Under her knowledge and wisdom, I came to know not only the practice of the Art and principles of the Shaman, but also the person who was Runa. An extraordinary being, she showed me the true meaning of Shamanism and how to practice it, not just during ceremonies, but during daily life. I pray I will be able to live up to her years of enlightenment and understanding of life.”