Chapter 6 - A New Shaman

True to Runa’s words, Jalen became an exceptional Shaman and shouldered the responsibility of the people of the village that all Shaman’s must bear. As she grew into her role, she also watched her daughter grow both physically and spiritually. She wanted Astra to learn the role that she would be inheriting after she began her training as a Shaman.

She took her daughter out into the fields and showed her which plants helped in certain illnesses. She would have Astra recite back what she had told her. Then she would tell Astra about an illness and have her tell her which plants were best for that illness. She was proud of how well her daughter remembered the plants and their uses. She instructed her how to grind the plants to a sure consistency and how to wrap the poultice so it would remain in place. Astra was also shown how to set bones and the intricacies of stitching wounds together.

Astra loved to follow her mother, especially when she was called to aid a villager with an illness. She watched her mother assess the patient's condition, pick the plants that she would grind into potions, and administer the remedy that would help her patient recover. Astra always felt empathy for the ailing person, and while her mother was mixing her potions for her patient, she would often sit and stroke the person's head, hoping to ease the pain and give a sense of tranquility to the ill villager.

During these times, she would see her hands glow as they caressed the patient and watch as the glow entered the patient. But she never thought anything of it since, to her, this was natural.

One such occurrence happened when a dear friend of Jalen’s became ill. Most of the time, Jalen was able to separate herself from the anguish that could easily become overwhelming and sometimes she would absorb the negative energies that brought the illness. To watch a person suffer and be unable to crush the sickness that was overtaking her patient was mentally devastating, but to have this happen to her best friend was crippling for Jalen.

Astra was watching her mother work on her best friend and she could tell that her mother was hurting. Jalen kept stopping and staring at nothing, then would shake her head and return to work. She wanted to lessen the heartache her mother was experiencing at the possibility of her friend's demise.

When she saw that her mother was preoccupied with preparing medicine for her friend, Astra sat down next to the Elder friend. She looked at her face and saw that she was grimacing at the pain she was experiencing. She knew her mother was trying her best to help her best friend, but she was having trouble separating herself from the pain she saw her friend having. Astra saw the anguish and unease in the Elders' faces and knew she needed to help both her mother and this outstanding Elder.

Astra leaned forward and cradled the Elders head in her arms. As she began softly stroking the head and face of her mother’s friend, she began murmuring soft words of hope. She could see the glow that began to emanate from her hands. She felt her hair blow from an unseen breeze. She closed her eyes and began to see the Elder in her mind's eye. She was young and happy and gossiping with Astra’s mother. They were laughing and giggling like young girls. The scene brought joy to Astra and she knew this was the right thing to do.

Abruptly, in her vision, the Elder turned to Astra and said, “I know you feel you are doing what is best for your mother and me, but you must realize, my child, all lives come to an end. This time, for your mother's sake, I will stay a bit longer, but soon it will be my time to go. You must not try to save me at that time, for it would be against god's desires. I will awaken now, but remember what I have said.”

With a gasp, Astra opened her eyes. She pulled away from the Elder, who, at that moment, also opened her eyes. She watched Astra intently but with empathy and understanding.

Taking a deep breath, the Elder sat up, gazing at Astra with a kind expression. Then she called to Jalen. x“I feel much better, Jalen. Thank you for your help.” Then looking at Astra, she continued, “And keep Astra close as she is very special.”

Jalen spun around and saw her friend sitting up and smiling while Astra sat by her side, beaming with a smile. She rushed over to her, and with tears in her eyes, she hugged her friend and held her close to her.

“Oh, by the gods, I thought you were on your way to the other side. I thank the gods with all my heart. I am so grateful they have granted you more time here with me. I know It is selfish, but I am so grateful you are still here, my friend.”

The Elder smiled,and looking at Astra she said, “You should be thanking Astra, as she's the one who convinced me to stay longer in this world. With surprise, Jalen looked at her daughter realizing that she was more special than even she thought.

Being a true Shaman, Jalen began assessing her best friend although outwardly she looked very healthy. Squinting her eyes she saw that there was still some lack of luster in her friends eyes and her skin was not as bright as it once was. She knew then that the other Realm would be back to take her and she decided she would spend as much time with her friend as the God's allowed.

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