Chapter 7 - Entering Adolescent
Jalen was amazed at how so many years had passed…
Astra was now of age, after beginning her monthly bleeding, and ready for the Womanhood Ceremony. Even in the throws of normality, Jalen knew Astra was special and destined to be extraordinary. For the past two months, Jalen had been teaching her daughter the ways of the Shaman, and as an apprentice, Astra flourished and knew this was her life’s calling; she knew her mother was preparing her for the Ceremony of Womanhood, and although somewhat fearful, she was excited and knew it meant she would be able to endure any trial that she was given.
Jalen called to her daughter. “Astra, come walk with me, we have much to discuss.”
As Astra approached her mother, Jalen recognized the beautiful woman her daughter had become.“We must discuss the Ceremony of Womanhood. I know you have observed this ceremony but you must truly understand what it represents.”
Astra nodded in agreement and waited for her mother to continue.
“Well, my daughter, let’s start with the beating of the drums. As you know, the drums will be beating from the beginning of the ceremony until the end. The drums signify your heart beating because the throbbing enters your body. Your heart beats in time with the drums and becomes one with it. Next, the musicians will begin the traditional chant of the ceremony while the Shaman and Elders enter the circle and take their places. You remember the circle is never-ending, the same as our souls are continuous?”
Looking at her mother with her large violet eyes, Astra nodded, understanding.
Jalen continued, “The circle holds the energy needed for the ceremony."
She paused, lowering her eyes in thought. "At this point, you will enter and take your place in the circle's center. Your body will be painted with the colors of maturity, and your arms will be tied. This binding represents the restrictions that are the limiting nature of childhood. To release these restrictions, you will be marked with a branding of the sacred runes that are you and your life's journey. It will hurt, but you are casting off the innocent skin of childhood, and you must endure this pain for you to move on to your new life. An Elder will perform this ritual and then place a rope around your neck. As the drums get louder, she will gently pull the rope tighter and tighter until you feel you are seeing the stars in the sky. At this point, you will feel as if you are dying. The Shaman will then intervene to loosen the knot and free you from the innocence of childhood. Your arms will be unbound, and a necklace of your sacred runes will be placed around your neck. This necklace should always be visible, for it contains your sacred woman energy and will absorb more energy from the universe throughout the years. Now, you will probably feel weak, but you must stay alert and standing, for the tribe must see that you can endure womanhood and all the trials that you will encounter. That is the end of the ceremony, but as you know, the celebration will continue throughout the day.”
Sat down on a nearby rock, Astra thought about all that had been told to her. Concerned about her misgiving, Astra looked at her mother and confessed, “I’m a little afraid of the ordeal I must experience. What if I can’t stay standing? What if I can’t handle the pain and choking?”
Jalen smiled. “I, too, had my misgivings, but Runa gave me a concoction of herbs that relaxed me. It also seemed to make me more open to seeing the world as I was meant to. I will give these herbs to you also. Every woman has been given this remedy, and for some, it helps to change the way they see life and their place in it. It seems to bring them closer to the gods.”
Astra nodded again and asked. “When will my ceremony take place?”
Jalen looked to where the Elders were standing, talking amongst themselves. “The Elders have decided it will take place seven moons from now. I will be at your side, preparing you.” Jalen said reassuringly.
She patted her knee, smiled at her daughter, and hugged her close. She tried not to feel she was losing her baby but gaining a woman—a special woman of wisdom whom the gods had blessed.
During the week leading up to the ceremony, Jalen taught Astra how to relax her mind and body enough to astral project, teaching her spirit to travel outside of her body and float above it. It was challenging to master but master it she did, and she was able to roam the skies and observe the villagers during their daily activities. She had even seen and followed Radn as he walked with a group of boys, and she wondered when his Coming of Age Ceremony would happen.
She knew Radn’s feelings for her were strong; much stronger than that of a brother for a sister, which was not how she felt for him. She’d begun to keep her distance from him, and she could sense he was disturbed by her actions. It made her feel guilty, for he had always been her protector and confidante. During their childhood, he had often proclaimed he would one day marry her. The thought of this always made her heart jump, but she knew greater things were in store for her, and her journey would take her far away from this village.
Astra knew she must explain to Ragn her known path and destiny, which she knew would take her to a different land. She also knew Ragn’s destiny was to remain in the village while she would be taken from it. So, it was time…
She walked the main fairway of the village, searching for him until she spotted him with a group of boys his age playing battle games. She quietly watched them until Ragn caught sight of her. He left the group, sprinting towards her and stopping on his way to pick a flower.
“Astra, I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said with sweet adoration, giving her the flower he’d picked. “I understand you have been preparing for your Coming of Age Ceremony. What brings you over here?"
Astra took his hands in hers as she looked at him. "I wanted to tell you what to expect while I am apprenticing to my mother.”
Radn gave her a big smile. His feelings for her were written on his face. He was so happy to be in her presence once again. “Let’s take a walk while you tell me about it.”
They began to walk towards the only private area where they would not be noticed. This was where the bee hives were kept. The villagers loved their sweets, and the bees provided enough honey to meet their sweet tooth needs.
They entered the beehive area and began searching for the little-used pathway they had taken when they were young. The path used to lead to a small pond inhabited by frogs, but recently it had dried up. Astra stopped and looked in the face of her faithful friend.
“I am sorry I have been absent from your side for so long, my friend,” Astra began with a slight quiver. “My mother will be teaching me the ways of the Shaman, and I won’t have the freedoms I once had. You must understand that my time will be taken, and life will not be as carefree for me as it once was. We will not be able to spend as much time together as we once had.”
As they crossed through the many hives, they were lost in their conversation and didn’t notice a swarm of bees were following them. Only when a bee buzzed past Rodn’s face did he turn around and see a small mass gaining on them. Rodn swiftly grabbed Astra’s hand and pulled her out of the path of the swarm. The bees buzzed past and continued up the canyon. Neither of them noticed a few bees lingering until they heard buzzing around their heads. They both tried to duck away from the bees while swatting at the insects.
Suddenly, Rodn slapped his face. “Ouch! I’ve been stung!”
Astra glanced over at Rodn and saw his face was already red and swollen. He began gasping for air as he fell to the ground.
“I, I can’t breathe!” he exclaimed. Astra could barely understand what he was saying as his tongue swelled. He began to turn blue, and Astra couldn’t hear his breath becoming shallower. She only saw his chest muscles pulling inward and showing his ribs, trying to get precious air into his lungs. He then slipped into unconsciousness.
“Radn!” Astra shouted as she knelt beside him. “Do not go to the beyond! You must stay here!”
She stroked his face, then angled his head and neck backward over her forearm. She watched her hands begin to glow, her hair blowing in an unseen breeze. She closed her eyes and focused on Rodn’s breathing. The glow from her hands became more and more intense the harder she concentrated on her childhood friend.
“Rodn, you must come back to this realm! Stay here with me! Rodn, take a breath. Breathe!” She implored. She then felt his body relax.
‘Oh, no!...No! No!’ She screamed in her mind. At that moment, Astra heard him take a deep breath. She opened her eyes. The color had returned to Rodn’s face, and his breathing had begun to return to normal.
“Thank the gods! I thought I had lost you, Rodn!”
Rodn opened his eyes, looking at the expression on Astra's face. “What happened?”
“You were stung by the bees and went to the other Realm! But you’re back now. How do you feel?” She asked.
“Tired, as if I ran for great lengths,” Rodn answered as he sat up. “I do remember you telling me to breathe, then I saw you surrounded by a glow that shone brighter and brighter, and it seemed to enter me…then I was back, getting my breath. Astra, you saved my life! I always knew you were blessed…and I thank you with my heart.”
Astra smiled and touched his face. “Rodn, I couldn’t let you leave this realm. It’s not time. But the gods saved you, not me,” She hugged her best friend close.