Chapter 8 - Ceremony of Womanhood
It was the morning of the Ceremony of Womanhood, and Astra woke early. She walked out to the front of her hut to relax before the preparations for the Ceremony. She sat in the opening, enjoying the day. Her older brothers, Gunnar and Logan, no longer shared the hut, as both had since found their brides and started families of their own.
The sky was so beautiful. She took a deep breath and gazed at the wonderful reflections everywhere. Even the trees and plants had an aura of different colors, and a mild breeze made the leaves flicker, making the colors dance.
She closed her eyes and leaned back against the hut's doorway. She was nervous about how she might fare during her ceremonial ordeal. Deep in thought, she didn’t hear her mother call her name until a hand on her shoulder gave a little shake. Startled, she sat up quickly.
“Do you need anything, my daughter?” Jalen asked her.
Astra shook her head, looked up at her mother, and smiled. “I might be a little nervous, but I am fine. I watched the beautiful sunrise and the colors dancing across the trees and plants.”
Jalen looked at her daughter curiously. “Astra, the sky is clear, and no colors are dancing in the trees and plants.”
Astra looked at her mother, pausing, as she realized her mother and others didn’t see the world as she saw it.
Her mother caught herself and smiled. “I seem to forget at times that you are able to see the world differently than the rest of us. I am proud of your blessings and I am pleased you do not try to hide them.”
Astra smiled as she stood up and gave Jalen a big hug. “Thank you for your confidence in me.”
As she glanced up at the clear sky out the opening of the hut, Jalen took a step back, smiling, “We must begin to prepare you for your ceremony. As a Shaman, I have other duties that I must do in preparation. The Elders will be coming soon to paint your body with sacred colors, and they will give you the herbs that will help you endure your initiation into womanhood. I must go now, but know that I will always support you no matter what happens.”
After Jalen left, Astra only waited a very short time for the Elders to arrive. The two Elders entered in a whirlwind of activity, laying down all the necessary implements to prepare Astra for her ritual. Elder Toven began by telling Astra to remove all of her clothing.
“All of my clothing?” Astra was a bit shocked at the request. Some nudity was common in the village ceremonies, and as a witness, Astra had never given it a second thought, but it had never occurred to her that she would be put in that position.
“Yes,” the Elder Toven explained, “You must shed your outward garments in order to shed your skin of childhood. Did your mother not tell you this, my child?”
Astra replied bashfully, “Well, yes but she didn’t say I would be without clothing.”
Elder Toven, with a slight chuckle in her voice, explained to Astra, “You will not be unclothed, child. Your body will be painted in the ceremonial colors, and you will be dressed in the ritual tunic. It is a thin gauze, but you will be dressed."
Noticing Astra’s relief, Elder Toven attempted a comforting smile. Holding her by her shoulders, she guided Astra to the area where she would be painted and instructed, “Come, child. We must prepare you.”
Elder Toven turned to her partner Elder Linden, “Do you have the paints ready? We must have her painted soon.”
Elder Linden, without looking up from the table where she was busy organizing the paints, said to Elder Toven, “Yes, they have been blessed, and I have them arranged. We may begin now.”
Each Elder picked up a brush, dipped it into the handmade colors, and began painting the ritual symbols onto Astra’s naked body as she sipped the unique and distinct-tasting herbal tea given to her.
At first, Astra felt a little shy, and the brushes tickled, but she found that the rhythmic stroking on her body was actually quite soothing. Finally, the ritual painting was complete, and the Elders slipped the gauzy tunic over her head. The fabric had been processed in a way so it would be soft and clung to her body like a second skin.
The Elders began gathering their equipment and started for the hut's entrance.
“Astra, you must not smear any of our painted symbols. You cannot sit or lay down.” Elder Linden stated.
Elder Toven was at the hut opening and saw that the ceremonial preparations were almost complete. She turned back to Astra.
“You should come with us now, child. They are nearly ready to begin.”
As the three walked out into the sunshine, Astra was flanked by the Elders, almost as though they thought she might try to run away.
“We are keeping you between us so there is minimal exposure to the crowd of people who have already gathered. You have been blessed with the ritual colors and they must not be weakened before the ceremony begins,” Elder Toven explained.
Already, Astra could hear the rhythmic beating of the drums. She looked toward the ceremonial circle and could see her mother in her place as a Shaman.
Suddenly, she was hit with the reality of what was happening…the significance. The importance. The expectation…and she felt the weight of the world. She managed to force her nerves aside. She wanted her mother to be proud of her…she squared her shoulders and walked confidently with the Elders to the Circle.
As she entered, the drums began to increase the rhythm's intensity; the villagers were swaying and chanting as Astra took her place in the center. She began to feel like she was in a dream and it was not happening to her.
This must be the herbs, she thought.
She closed her eyes and let the rhythm of the drums become one with her own heartbeat. The crowd’s chanting had lessened, and she opened her eyes just as her wrists were being bound with a soft cloth. She knew she was then about to be marked by the gods and burned with the sacred runes, representing her unique journey.
Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as an Elder approached her with the hot iron. She knew it was going to hurt. She steeled herself and then felt the searing heat of the iron against the skin of her left shoulder. Even though it was held against her body for only a second, the aroma of burning skin assaulted her senses. She felt her stomach turn over with a wave of nausea. She closed her eyes and felt the touch of a rough rope as it slipped over her head to settle around her throat. As the rope was pulled tighter and tighter, she felt the need to take a deep breath; she wanted to struggle against the rope, but knew she must give into the darkness that began to envelop her.
Just as she was about to succumb to the rope's true purpose, the noose's tightness released, and she could breathe again. She took a deep breath, and suddenly...she was airborne.
The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting. Astra found herself soaring above the gathered crowd, her body weightless and her spirit free from the pain she had just endured. The faces of the villagers below grew smaller as she ascended higher into the sky, the world unfolding beneath her in breathtaking detail.
A sudden force yanked her upward and away, propelling her across the sky with impossible speed. Mountains, valleys, and forests raced by in a blur of vibrant colors, a kaleidoscope of landscapes foreign to her. It was a land she had never seen. Astra’s pulse quickened, her senses overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what she was experiencing.
She began to slow, her flight drawing her toward a group of men traveling along a winding path. There were only a handful of them, their rugged appearance marking them as warriors. Their weapons glinting in the sunlight. Leading them was a striking figure—a man with long, golden hair that caught the light like threads of pure gold. His presence was commanding, his every step radiating authority.
Curiosity compelled Astra to swoop lower, her ethereal form drifting closer to the group. But just as she was marveling at his commanding presence, the man suddenly stopped.
He turned his head sharply, his gaze sweeping the air as though searching for something unseen. Then, to Astra’s shock, his piercing blue eyes locked directly onto her.
Her heart leaped in her chest. How could he see her? Panic surged within Astra, and instinctively, she thought of home. She thought of herself back in her village, and suddenly, she was there. She opened her eyes. Her mother was staring at her with a worried look on her face. Jalen had been removing the noose and binding cloth from her daughter’s wrists when she realized Astra wasn’t moving anymore. She seemed to be in a trance with her eyes wide open but unseeing.
The crowd knew something was different and stopped chanting, watching the event unfold in front of them. They collectively sighed relief when they witnessed Astra take a breath and appear like herself again.
Jalen took her daughter by the shoulders, “Are you alright, my child?” she asked with great concern.
Astra nodded, “Yes, now I am. I flew to a different land far away and saw a band of travelers, but when I thought about my home, suddenly I was back here.”
“You have traveled farther without your body than you have before,” her mother explained, then adding, “We must finish your Ceremony now. I have your necklace. Lean forward so I may place it around your neck.”
Astra did as she was asked and felt the coldness of the iron runes against her chest; she looked down at the emblem as the sun glinted off its surface; it sparkled and glowed, before returning to its original, dark color.
The crowd murmured about how the metal runes had glowed when they touched Astra’s skin, but to Astra this was simply normal. Now, Astra felt a calm descend upon her as her unique path rune settled on her chest; feeling like it had found its home.