Chapter 3
Emerald’s POV
Jeremy was true to his word.
In my dream he had fucked me in every position, in every way, all night long.
I was exhausted. I had changed the beach scenery to us in the shower then had us in an exact replica of my bedroom at my apartment. The colors were newly decorated in lavender and black to match our favorite colors. The curtains were black, black out curtains. The walls were painted a white lavender. The bed had a big fluffy black blanket on top with black sheets and lavender pillows and decorative pillows. The end tables were black as well as the dressers with a lavender area rug on top of black hardwood floors.
“I still can’t believe you added my favorite colors to your bedroom. From what I remember your bedroom looked like it was right on the beach. It had lots of greens, blues and tans. I’m still shocked and in awe that you decided to want to add me to your real life.” He said still looking around the room like he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Well, I wanted to show you how much you truly mean to me. I know what I said earlier sounded harsh and mean but I was being honest. I really do care for you though so I wanted to add your favorite colors to my bedroom. At my apartment this is where I spend the most of my time. I wanted to have you with me in every possible way especially in my time off before I go to sleep.” I said as I ran my hand down his naked chest as we cuddled back in the bed against the covers.
“It’s just not many people do nice things for me. My parents are nice, yes, but relationships wise, not really. Mine have sucked. I try picking a girl that I think will be nice and it turns out that they are mean and nasty. They were only in it for themselves. I only had a few which I know probably comes as a surprise. It’s true though. I didn’t want to get into a relationship unless it was going to go somewhere. I have never been the type to sleep around. That has also been my brother’s way but not mine. I wanted to always find my soul mate, and I finally found her.” Jeremy explained.
“Oh?” I asked as I looked at him.
“Yes you’re it for me. I’m not looking for anyone else.” He stated matter of fact staring into my lavender eyes with his green ones. He was staring like he could see into my soul.
I grinned, “Well in that case,” I wagged my eyebrows at him.
“Again? You sure you aren’t too sore?” He asked as he was always worried when he got too rough or too crazy, that I was going to be in pain.
I grinned, “I am fine so how about it? Can you go another round?”
“Listen, you don’t have to worry about me. Around you I can go a million rounds.” He said as he flipped me over on to my back.
I moaned as he started to kiss my neck.
He suddenly stopped, getting a serious look on his face for a minute, “Just remember, to please soak in the tub in the morning, please for me?”
“I promise. For you? I’d do anything.” I said in between kisses.
The rest of the night went like that. Us two, loving each other all night long and showing each other just how much we meant to each other.
The next morning I woke up in my bed by myself to my alarm ringing. I looked at it 6:45 am.
I sighed turning off the alarm. I looked around to see no Jeremy. Oh well maybe tomorrow, I thought to myself as I went to go climb out of bed but only to realize my whole body hurt.
That must have been some sex dream I had for my whole body to ache this badly. I know I got a little crazy in my dream, okay, a lot of crazy but I thought for a dream it wouldn’t hurt this much.
I slowly stood up. I grabbed my phone to tell my assistant that I was going to be in by 9 at the latest. I figured that would give me enough time to soak in the tub.
Somehow, Jeremy was right. I was completely sore but I don’t know how that was possible. I went and made myself a bath by filling the tub with warm water, a touch on the hotter side, then lots of vanilla bubble bath. While the tub was going, I went and made myself coffee so I could drink it in the bath.
I put the iced coffee, my phone and my breakfast on the wooden tray I had across the tub. I disrobed then finally climbed in oohing and aahing as I sunk into the warm water.
I sighed, and closed my eyes. This is perfect.
As I was thinking about my dream that I had memorized last night getting all hot and bothered about it, I screamed as my phone went off.
I rolled my eyes as I saw Cherise’s name. I knew if I didn’t answer it right now, she would just keep calling me until I did answer.
I answered and I wasn’t even able to say hello.
I received an ear piercing screech.
“Cherise! Stop! It’s too early!” I yelled at her.
“I found it!” She yelled.
“Found what?” I asked confused. I did not have enough coffee for this.
“I found the perfect spot for Friday night!” She yelled.
“Cherise! Can you stop yelling at me?!” I asked loudly holding a hand to my head.
“Oh sorry.” She said much quieter.
“Better, now you said you found a place for Friday?” I asked curiously.
“Yes it is called, Matrix. It is five stars on all the reviews and has more than a thousand reviews that were mainly 5 star. We have to go!” Cherise explained to me as if I wasn’t that bright. I could practically hear the duh in her head that she wanted to say.
“Sounds cool. I’m in.” I said.
“Okay let me call Tanya.” She said all excitedly.
“Could you maybe wait to call Tanya?” I said.
“Why?” Cherise asked completely confused to no end.
“Because it is 7:35 in the morning.” I grumbled.
“Oh that’s why you are so grouchy.” She said. “I didn’t even know what time it was. You know you’re up at every hour when you have kids. You and Tanya will understand one day when you have kids of your own. Which will hopefully be soon. But I thought you were just grouchy because you haven’t had sex recently. That’s okay this Friday we’ll make sure you won’t be going home alone.”
I rolled my eyes completely disgusted. “Geez Cherise. I don’t need sex that bad. It’s just early in the morning.”
“If you say so, but it sounds like you need to get laid.” She said.
I didn’t want to sound like a total weirdo telling her I had sex all night long in my dream. She probably wouldn’t believe me anyway thinking that all I was having was a wet dream. She would definitely think I needed sex after telling her about my dream so why bother. Instead I said, “No it’s because it’s early and I had only had a half a cup of my coffee. So the caffeine hasn’t really hit me yet.”
“Oh okay. Well I will see you Friday.” She said loudly as she hung up without a goodbye.
I groaned then said out loud to myself, “I can’t catch a break.”
I decided to text Tanya fast to give her a heads up about Cherise calling. She might wait a total of five minutes before calling Tanya and that’s on a good day.
She texted back a quick, “Thanks for letting me know. That sucks tho. Does she realize the time?”
“Nope.” I texted.
She sent a rolling eyes emoji.
“I know.” I texted back.
I sighed, trying to enjoy the rest of my time in the tub before I had to get to back to my day job of having to run the office. But I couldn’t have helped but question why my body hurts like it did. We have had sex before in my dreams, granted it was here or there and maybe once at a time. Last night we must have done it closer to twelve but seriously he has a lot of stamina. I could see that is why my body hurts though. But still it seemed odd to me. It also was odd he mentioned his family to me. Even if it was just his brother. He usually was so tight lipped about his family. So maybe I thought that tonight I would meet up with him in my dreams and ask him about his family and tell him the name of the club Cherise had chosen.
I already couldn’t wait to be with him.