Chapter 5
Jeremy’s POV
I looked at my twin Lucas or Luke for short, while groaning, rolling my eyes, “When are you just going to learn to knock like everybody else?”
“Like never?” Lucas asked. “You don’t knock when you come to my place.”
“I always knock when I come to your place. But I hardly ever come to your place because it’s a pig sty.” I complained.
“Not true. I picked up some today.” Luke shrugged.
“Yeah right.” I shook my head in disbelief.
“Listen, my house is clean.” Luke shrugged a shoulder brushing it off. “Anyways I wanted to see how you were. That whole twin telepathy thing and all. I felt your frustration. What has you frustrated now?”
Luke was looking around the office suspiciously. As if whatever I was frustrated at was in here with us.
“It’s okay mom already beat you to it.” I said crossing my arms, leaning against my desk.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Man sometimes she can be so nosy.” Complained Luke.
“That’s because she cares. But she already told me what I needed to know.” I explained as I walked out of the office to go to the kitchen to get a drink.
“What did you need to know?” Asked Luke following me.
Man I couldn’t win. My whole family was nosy as could be.
I told my brother anyway. I only told him because my whole family made sure everybody knew everything. You couldn’t sneeze without someone knowing about it.
“I wanted to go to the human realm and mom told me how to do it.” I explained as I dug in my fridge for an energy drink.
“You didn’t know how to do that?” Asked Lucas in surprise with an arched brow.
“You’re telling me you did?!” I asked a little upset my brother never told me how.
“I knew for a long time. I thought everybody did.” Lucas shrugged.
“No! I didn’t know! Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked upset with him. I set my drink down in frustration trying not to slam it down onto the counter.
“I thought you knew.” Repeated Lucas as if I didn’t hear him the first time.
“No Luke, I didn’t know. How did you find out?” I asked curiously.
“It was an accident. I was reading a book back about, oh I’d say maybe, 200 years ago, about the human realm. I thought about what it would be like to go there and suddenly I was there. I was terrified though being my first time and all. Mainly because I didn’t know where I was or anything. Dad felt my fear and came and got me. He sat me down and had to explain it to me. Where I was and what realm I was in and all that.” Lucas said.
“So you have been there before? Like where exactly? What was it like?” I asked now completely curious.
“Yes I have been there before.” Luke rolled his eyes at me. “ I have been a little bit of everywhere. Some cities and states are more boring than others. In those cities the stores close by 6 and the people are in bed by 9. Some are fantastic, loud, and up all night. I stick to the big cities. The big cities are the ones that are up all night. I like the big cities, so New York City, Las Angeles, Miami, like those places. But I don’t know what you would like. I mean you are more about loneliness, peace and quiet.” Luke explained.
“Hey I’m not lonely.”
“Oh sure you aren’t.”
“I’m not. And just for that I’m not going to invite you with me when I go to the human realm.” I said. I went to the couch to sit down and watch tv but didn’t turn it on as I was lost in my own thoughts.
“That’s not fair. I want to go with you. Plus you don’t know the first thing about the human world.” Luke said.
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” I said.
“At least tell me where you need to go, just in case, god forbid, you need me to help you out.” Luke said.
I stayed quiet.
“Fine don’t tell me but if something goes wrong and you end up getting hurt or killed or-“ Luke started to rant.
“Lucas! I promise I won’t get hurt.” I promised.
“Well then, what’s wrong? Why won’t you tell me?” Asked Luke.
I debated on how much to tell my brother. I decided to be honest with him though because I always liked the truth better than not. I rubbed the back of my neck, then through my hair, “I don’t know yet.”
“You don’t know yet? How do you not know where you plan to go?” Luke asked as he sat in a recliner across from me.
“I just don’t. I’m finding out tonight though so I’ll tell you tomorrow about it.” I said shaking my head as I went to grab the remote to turn the tv on.
Luke was faster.
Luke grabbed the remote from the table, putting it behind his back.
“Luke give it back.” I demanded standing up making a grab for it.
“I don’t think so big bro. You’re going to tell me what’s up.” Luke said.
“I don’t want to.” I said.
“Don’t be stubborn. I don’t even need to know all the details.” Luke said.
“No, now give me the remote.” I repeated making another grab for it.
“No.” Luke argued as he ran around to the other end of the couch.
“Seriously Luke? It’s my house! Now give me the remote!” I yelled in frustration as I chased Luke through the great room.
“Nope!” Yelled Luke with laughter.
Just then as I went to go jump and slide over the island counter top, yelling “Lucas you’re a dead man!” I suddenly was frozen in mid air just like Luke as he went to jump over the couch.
We were frozen as our dad suddenly appeared in the room with a thunderous boom.
Standing at 6 foot 8 inches wearing black combat boots, black leather pants, black leather coat, and a black long sleeve sweater stood Victor Thorn. His black hair riddled with gray streaks tied in a pony tail at his neck. His bright, icy blue eyes pierced them both as he took in the scene before him in with deadly quietness. Victor was not one to tolerate his son’s arguing. He didn’t mind a squabble but he didn’t tolerate when his son’s threatened to kill one another.
“Now, are you two calm?” Victor asked in a deadly, quiet tone that he always had.
I tried to talk but I noticed I couldn’t.
“It was a rhetorical question.” Victor replied with a shake of his head. “Now you would think considering you both are 1,200 years old that you two would have learned to play nice with each other. But no it could never be that easy could it?”
We both were still frozen.
“Now I am going to let you down. Jeremy I expect you to apologize for saying that to your brother. Lucas give him back his remote to his own tv and quit provoking him.” Stated Victor.
Suddenly I, with an oomph, fell onto the counter as Lucas fell onto the couch with a yelp.
I stood up and apologized as Lucas walked over to hand me the remote.
“Now, Jeremy, your mother wanted me to come here and give you these since you are planning to go to the human realm. This is a drivers license, a passport and the knowledge to drive, along with a property and house there.” Victor said.
“Okay cool. Thanks dad.” I said politely as my took the gifts.
“Now Lucas since it’s your brother’s first time going to the human realm, you will go with him. I don’t want no arguing out of you two. Jeremy, your mother and I already discussed he’s going with you for the first time and not the whole time. Just until you feel comfortable. Keep an eye on each other. Am I understood?” Victor stated leaving no room for argument.
“Understood.” We both said.
“Good, now I am going to go home and have dinner. Behave.” He said as he disappeared.
I looked at Lucas. “We’ll meet Friday at noon. I’ll see you then.”
Lucas gave a salute disappearing.
I sighed annoyed but I had to listen to my dad. Victor was 11,262 years old and Calista was 10,871 so they knew best after living a long, long time. Going against their judgement was a big no no. They were scary. My mom was scary but dad was scarier. Being that old, and a dream god for that long, who knew what he knew or powers he had. It was a big secret and he was very private about his powers. Most gods were though.
I decided to watch tv for a bit to keep myself distracted from checking on Emerald. I didn’t want to be a complete stalker.
After a while when it was nearing 8:30 at night I went back to my office. At the mirror to see how and what my Emerald was doing.