Chapter 1 - An italian wizard
The first time I saw Alexio, I could see in his eyes as sweet and wild as honey, the spark and sensuality, I knew instantly that our eyes met: he desired me.
Being a daughter of Aphrodite, it is natural for me to feel desired and attractive by men, that does not mean that I am not aware of my worth and what I deserve, but in general, I am a woman who evokes sighs in all men, and jealousy in more than one woman. However, when I saw Alexio, the first thing I thought was, "this Italian has no chance of being with me." "Why? Because connecting with men from sexual energy is extremely superficial and only leaves wreckage in your soul, but he did not know that because his whole being screamed the word sex from the first time I saw him. I knew that connecting from sex was a bad idea and that it would only hurt my soul, wanting to be the most attractive to a man is vanity or feeling and knowing yourself as a goddess in bed is part of my skin care, I know how it feels, whenever I want I can reaffirm it, but vanity is a distraction that takes us away from the path of our soul. If I was going to bed with the Italian, it had to be for the genuine feeling of soul love, yes, I believe in making love. Even with a stranger, and if you are a daughter of Aphrodite you must also believe, because the Goddess Aphrodite only calls those of us who are ready to open our hearts to genuine and true love.
I arrived at my friend Luis's house that afternoon in my sexy outfit, chosen especially for the occasion. Ballet stockings, a short floral skirt, and a cropped knitted top that left my back exposed, I looked sexy to die for, but I had only chosen that outfit for fun. That morning I woke up early, happy and passionate I had a wonderful orgasm thinking about David: my guy masturbation. David is a 23-year-old German who travels the world, and I usually think of him and the green of his eyes when I masturbate. I left my house early with the sparkle of siren songs twinkling in my eyes, and went to Luis's house. Upon arriving at Luis's house, I hoped to find David, what I did not expect was that instead I would find Alexio, a 32-year-old Italian who looked at me like a sweet and delicious delicacy. And I am, but beyond being a sweet and delicious delicacy that would melt on his lips in a few hours, I am also a priestess of Aphrodite, and a priestess of the Goddess Aphrodite must always take care of the purity of her heart.
Alexio, with his bank account full, had traveled to 23 countries in two years, rented a car in the United States and drove across the entire USA. He was rich, handsome, wild, adventurous, and most importantly: he liked me. Not only am I a beautiful and sensual body, but the beauty of Aphrodite accompanies me, making me unique and unparalleled, enveloping my DNA. In addition to having an unusual beauty between delicacy and sensuality, as I am a ballet and belly dancer, I have a sharp, analytical, and highly intellectual mindset, and my spiritual side is highly developed and guides my life and every step I take. Alexio not only had to conquer my Aphrodite Mermaid beauty if he wanted to take me to bed, he had to connect with me intellectually and find a way to show me the genuine flashes of his soul so that my soul could feel authentic and free and allow me to be myself. After all, the spiritual connection lets us know that we all come from the same place, as we are unlimited love.
In theory, my soul loves everyone, even strangers, as we are all incarnated angels as human beings. It wouldn't be hard for me to love Alexio's soul, but if he only connected with me through lust and the body, it would be hard for me to find something more transcendent within himself, because men are like plants, once they receive sun and water, they're content. And our vagina, besides being water, is the entrance to the sun, to our solar plexus. So I didn't want to treat him like a plant that is fed, I first wanted to know his leaves, his roots, and how he likes to receive the sun. So when I felt that he was inside me, I could understand him completely and enjoy him. That is something I can know with a glance that is a sexual call, it is basic intuition of the Goddess Aphrodite, but I cannot let him know it. I am a queen, I am a goddess, and I know it, and Alexio knew it too, any ordinary man or emperor would want to be with a Goddess, but few, especially only a few emperors would dare to have me how Alexio had me.
Our first kiss happened after my third beer, but it didn't have much to do with the beer, rather with his desire to kiss me and the thirst of my lips tormenting his throat, it was very easy. I did a bit of my magic, and when night came and we were at a social gathering, I told him with my eyes, large and sparkling.
"I want to kiss you, kiss me."
It was a silent, pleading message, with the shine of lust burning in my eyes and so it happened. That night Alexio had arrived from Colombia, he had been traveling the world for two years since he left Italy, Tuscany, after breaking up with his Italian ex-girlfriend. He said he loved my eyes, that he loved them deeply, my black, immense and deep eyes, my eyes where fairies and sirens dwell that accompany me every time I touch myself or make love. He loved the magic of my eyes, and it was easy for me to enchant him with my beauty and enigmatic personality, my personality is not like anyone else's, I am not ordinary, I will never be, I don't consider myself simple or boring. I am educated, intellectual, wise, an artist, and a woman, and on top of all that I have a beautiful butt. I am not a narcissist but I am aware that I am a goddess, and that when a rich Italian falls in love with my physical appearance, I easily know within myself that I am much more than what he sees. But men are like plants, they seek water, they seek the sun. Only a wise man, an emperor, knows that sunlight affects or nourishes his roots better at times than others, and that the flowing water is the best for staying hydrated, not the one that is sought after or insists on pursuing and keeping, but the one that arrives naturally, like a siren. From the clouds, the lakes, or my siren mouth. I was standing with a beer in hand, on the threshold of the tourist room where Alexio would sleep.
"What's wrong, why are you looking at me like that?" I wanted to know. My voice sounded silky like a cat's and my eyes shone intensely and full of harmony. Then he took my hand and pulled me towards him. I first kissed him lightly and pulled away. There was no romance and animalistic kisses are not my nature. But Alexio looked perplexed and grabbed my arm again pulling me towards him.
"Give me a long kiss," He asked me. I kissed him again, and this time I could feel my future self giving him a long kiss, asking me to enjoy kissing him and surrender to him. But I wanted to be somewhere else, just the two of us alone. In the mountains, by the sea, far from that place. He enjoyed being in Venezuela, finding it magical, but I, on the contrary, knew I was in a prison I could not escape by kissing handsome Italians, I had to build my wings and free myself from my own chains. While he would go free with his Italian passport, I would continue creating weapons to reach freedom. He didn't see it that way, he was so free that I wished to be like him for a brief moment, then I opened my mouth, imagining that we were in the temple of Dendera and I put my tongue in his mouth as if by entering him, we could enter the temple of Hathor. That's how our love ritual began. Outside, the noise stopped, and my lips transported us to another place.
Outside, my friend Luis was there. Luis is a friend who secretly loves me, sometimes he is sweet and attentive to me and I love that. It's just that sometimes Luis realizes that my attention towards him is only that of a friend and it disappoints him, and he looks at me resentfully, that's when he takes away the affection and attention he gives me and I feel offended. But if Luis' attentions didn't hide a second intention, if he were kind and considerate to me for who I am and not because he wants my vagina, then our friendship would be authentic. Alexio was at Luis's house as a tourist along with another tourist from Turkey who had arrived that afternoon, the Turkish tourist arrived just a couple of hours after Alexio, and the German I had set my sights on the night before had completely disappeared.