Chapter 3: Securing the Legacy
"The IVF procedure is out of the question," Nathan's parents declared, their accent precise and clipped. "Sarah is still a student at MIT. This would derail her education completely."
I fought back a smile at their sudden concern for my academic career. Three days ago, they'd been perfectly happy to have me drop out to marry their comatose brother.
Elizabeth's fingers tapped once against the polished wood – a gesture I was learning meant someone had made a critical mistake. "Sarah's education is certainly important," she agreed smoothly. "Almost as important as preserving the Pierce legacy. Almost."
She nodded to her assistant, who distributed leather portfolios to everyone present. Inside mine was a detailed breakdown of Pierce Technologies' voting shares structure. My eyes widened as I read.
"As you can see," Elizabeth continued, "Theodore's marriage contract included certain provisions regarding corporate control. In the event of his incapacitation, his wife would gain significant voting rights in Pierce Technologies – provided she carries a Pierce heir."
Their face flushed dark red. "You can't be serious. Giving a college student control of a Fortune 500 company?"
"Not control," Elizabeth corrected. "Protection. Against any... unauthorized attempts to seize power during Theodore's recovery."
Her gaze flicked meaningfully toward this couple, and I suddenly understood. Nathan wasn't acting alone in his schemes. His entire branch of the family was trying to wrest control while Theodore lay helpless.
"I'll do it." My voice came out stronger than I expected. "I understand the responsibility, and I accept."
Elizabeth's smile held genuine approval. Nathan and his parents exchanged dark looks but said nothing. They knew they'd lost this round.
The meeting adjourned, and I headed for Pierce Tower, where I had a scheduled meeting with the legal team. I was halfway across the plaza when a familiar voice called out.
"Sarah, wait."
I turned to find Nathan hurrying after me, his suit slightly rumpled – unusual for someone normally so polished. The morning sun caught his face at an angle that emphasized the shadows under his eyes. He hadn't been sleeping well. Good.
"What do you want, Nathan?"
He glanced nervously at the security guards stationed near the tower entrance. "You can't go through with this. The IVF, the voting shares – you're getting in way over your head."
"Like you got in over your head at the Bellagio last month?" I watched his face pale. "Or was it the Wynn? I forget which casino is threatening to expose your marker."
"How did you—"
"I'm not the naive college girl you thought you could manipulate." I stepped closer, lowering my voice. "I know about the gambling debts. I know about the offshore accounts you've been siphoning money into. And I know exactly how long you've been sleeping with my sister."
Nathan's attempted swagger crumbled. "Sarah, please. We could still work something out. The child doesn't have to be Theodore's. We could—"
"Are you seriously suggesting I commit corporate fraud?" I cut him off, loud enough for the nearby security guard to glance our way. "That would be a shame. Especially since Theodore's security team monitors all conversations near company property."
I let that sink in before continuing. "Stay away from me, Nathan. Stay away from Theodore's company. Or the next conversation about your activities will be with the SEC."
I turned and walked away, heels clicking against the marble plaza, leaving him standing there with his mouth open. The trembling in my hands didn't start until I was safely inside the elevator.
The private fertility clinic occupied the entire top floor of a discrete Upper East Side medical building. The Doctor is the lead fertility specialist, had the kind of calm competence that put even the most anxious patients at ease.
"The procedure itself is fairly straightforward," she explained, showing me detailed diagrams. "We've already preserved viable genetic material from Mr. Pierce. With the latest techniques, our success rates are quite promising."
I nodded, trying to focus on the medical facts rather than the surreal situation. "And the timeline?"
"We'll start hormone treatments immediately. The actual implantation could be scheduled within weeks." She paused, studying my face. "Mrs. Pierce, I want to be clear – while we have all the necessary legal documentation, including Mr. Pierce's prior consent, you're under no obligation to proceed."
I thought of Nathan's scheming face, of Elizabeth's careful maneuvering, of Theodore lying still and vulnerable in his medical suite. "I understand. But I want to proceed."
The rest of the appointment passed in a blur of consent forms and medical histories. It wasn't until I was alone in the bathroom afterward that I allowed myself a moment of panic, gripping the marble countertop as I stared at my reflection.
I was twenty-one years old, a college student who should be worrying about finals and research projects. Instead, I was married to a comatose tech CEO, preparing to undergo IVF with his frozen sperm, while fending off his cousin and nephew's attempts at corporate theft.
"Get it together," I whispered to my reflection. "You can do this."
My phone buzzed – a message from Mrs. Thompson that Theodore's vital signs were stable. I took a deep breath, straightened my spine, and headed for the door. I had a company to protect and a legacy to secure.
Behind me, a copy of Theodore's medical file lay open on Doctors desk, a single line highlighted: "Patient exhibited unusual brain activity patterns consistent with potential consciousness during presumed coma state."