Chapter 6: You Look Sexy As Fuck
Chapter 6: You Look Sexy As Fuck
Today is another stupid idea of mine to go out running in the middle of a hot afternoon. It is not like I really liked running, but seeing Logan's well-defined muscles and abs last night had motivated me to work out a little more. There is not much I can truly envy about him, I have always had a rather slim body, though I can put up some fat if I don't pay attention. And for the past few years, I have often had rather physical jobs which have kept me in a pretty nice shape.
Yet, I admit, a nice little six packs would look even better. However, if I don't exercise a little bit, the little abs I have will quickly disappear and I don't want a small flabby stomach that neither guys or girls like. But that is what you yet when you mostly feed on junk food and from fast food joints. I know it would have been cleverer to go running early in the morning when the heat doesn't break you down, but that also means waking up early enough. This was just too much asking for me.
Thirty minutes later, I decided to slowly run back home. Now that I take a better look at my surroundings, there are not many people outside, even less running. I think I am actually the only idiot working out in this heat. As soon as I got to the apartment, I rushed to the bathroom to strip off my sweat drenched clothes and jumped into the shower to let my body relax under the warm water. It is already Friday and I still haven't heard a response from Logan about our weekend and this is worrying me a lot. To keep myself busy, I have spent the last few days visiting pubs and bars, unsuccessfully looking for a job. Although I earned quite a lot of money during my last work assignment to provide for my part of the rent, food and expenses to go out. I really need to find a new job because I know money will run thin in no time.
I am fully aware I messed up in college, slacking too much and not graduating. Even if it is not much of a degree, it would still have been better than nothing at all and would have opened more doors to other certifications. I would have been able to get better jobs than all this shit I have been doing for small pay in the last four years. Sometimes, I wish my parents had a better grip on me and forced me to work more at school, but it wasn't entirely their fault. I really ruined their patience back then. As I turned off the shower, I heard a buzz coming from my phone, indicating I had received a text message. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I headed for the kitchen. My outdated phone showed three missed calls and a text message from Logan. I didn't want to press him to give me a response, so I only sent him a reminder text last night to ask if he had any news about spending next weekend together and I am glad to finally get a response from him.
'Hey dude, give me a call when you get a chance to.’
'Are you available right now?’ I replied to his text and his answer came only a few seconds later, so I called immediately.
“Hey man, how are you doing?” I asked as soon as he picked up the call.
“I am good, and you?” He replied in a whispered voice.
“Not too bad, just out of the shower. Going out for a run this afternoon was not the best idea I ever had.” I said with a chuckle.
“Are you kidding me?” He whisper-yell into the phone.
“Did you really go out running in this heat?”
“I didn't stay out long, it was way too hot.” I said, trying to reassure him and yet laughing it out. Logan playing his big brother role is always funny.
“You bet it was. Come on Jasper, you can't go running when it is nearly one hundred degrees outside. Be serious for once.” He scolded me.
“Yes, dad. I promised I won't do it again.” I joked as I heard a door opening in the background and a muffled voice talking to him.
“Am I disturbing you? Do you want me to call back later?” I asked when the same sounds of a door shutting echoes again.
“No, that is fine. I wanted to catch up with you next weekend. I will not be available on Sunday evening, but before you scream at me, I can do tomorrow evening if that works for you.”
“Yes, that is perfect. Are we going to The Quilox?” I asked cheerfully.
I guess one night with my friend is better than nothing and hopefully, we can still spend part of the Sunday together.
“Definitely.” He responded in a weird tone. Is it me or did it sound a little bitter?
“We can go to another place if you are not comfortable with the club.” I offered, since he doesn't seem to be over enthusiastic about this option.
“No, it is fine, The Quilox we are going to.” He muttered and his tone sounded much better.
“I will come home straight after work so we have time to get ready and maybe go out for a quick dinner somewhere else?”
“That is up to you, or we can order food, get ready and then go to the club.” I suggested.
“Sounds great. I will bring the food while coming. I have to go now, I will see you tomorrow evening, okay?”
“Okay dude, see you tomorrow.” I hung up the call.
I have known Logan for the past seven years and I can clearly state that I know him quite well. There is definitely something off with him at the moment, I will have to find out about it tomorrow and it shouldn't be too difficult after a few cocktails.
I am still stuck in my closet, trying to figure out the outfit I should wear. When Logan got home earlier tonight, I was happy to see he was as eager as I read about our night together, or at least much more than he was yesterday over the phone. It felt like the first time we shared this apartment three years ago when we were planning our night out which was mostly me rambling about boys we would meet.
Logan is obviously deeply in love with his boyfriend and wouldn't cheat on him. Although, taking a look at other ass wouldn't kill it would it? Anyway, I had sworn to myself that even if I meet the man of my life tonight, I won't go for him and leave my best buddy alone at the club. Tonight is our night, just the two of us and I am not going to mess up with our friendly fun. We had already had dinner and a couple of drinks which have helped him relax his tension after what seems to have been a hard week at work. As I am still trying to figure out my outfit, he knocked on the door and walked in.
“Are you not ready yet?” He asked.
My eyes darted to him and like in one of these cartoons, my jaw almost dropped to the floor. On my goodness, is this really my friend?
“You sexy beast, what the fuck?” I muttered, taking a full look at him.
The shy and discreet Logan I have always known is now wearing rather skinny and low-waisted leather pants with a shirt that hugged his chest very tightly. His sleeves rolled to his elbow, his hair in a pretty and glossy mess. He just looks as sexy as hell. Back in our younger years, he had always dressed in clothes to make sure he would go unnoticed, so this is quite astounding.
“Hey, have you broken up with Grayson? Are you looking for a new boyfriend?” I asked playfully.
“No!” He said as his eyes darkened, and a light blush covered his cheeks.
“Grayson bought these for me a few weeks ago and I actually like them a lot.” He replied embarrassingly.
“Do you think it is too much?”
“Hell, no. You look great, buddy. I love it, it is just…if I were your boyfriend, I wouldn't let you go out in such sexy clothes without me.” I laughed.
“Nonsense, Grayson trusts me to not cheat on him. Now hurry up, our ride will be here in less than ten minutes.” He said before he walked out of my room, making me chuckle at his embarrassment.
I finally decided to wear blue skinny jeans and a red tight t-shirt. By the time I was done combing my hair and putting on my old Gucci boots, our ride horn. We rushed outside, putting on our jackets on our way down the stairs.