
It was the first day of senior year at Diamond High, and I'm in the last place anyone would ever imagine. Sitting in my car, trying to regulate my breathing. Now this might seem like a normal exercise every teenager does at the first day of school, but for someone like me, it's not. As much as I hated to admit, I was hiding. After what happened last year, I don't think I'm ready to face any of my classmates. Or anyone at all.

I looked in the mirror and adjusted my make up. Satisfied with my reflection, I grabbed my backpack and stepped out of the car.

I adjusted my school uniform, a royal blue blazer with the school's logo on the breast pocket, a white t-shirt, and a black flared skirt. Being the queen of the school, my skirt was extra short, but none of the staffs complained. They knew better to keep their mouth shut.

My hair was short because I had to shave it while I was at the hospital, but it's really coming in fast. It's reaching just inches below my ear. I found a way to make it look good though. It'll look like a hair cut to anyone who doesn't know what happened to me. Which isn't a lot of people.

It was impossible not to notice the way everyone keeps staring at me as I walked into school. Or to not note the pity in their eyes. As the captain of the school's cheer squad, one of the top five students in class, and a daughter of a major shareholder in school, I was used to people staring at me anytime I walk by. Mostly in admiration or envy. But this, this was new.

Well, I guess that's what happens when you're diagnosed with cancer just before the school year ends. I could hear the murmurs as I strolled down the hallways. I managed to keep my head high and not let it get to me.

“Oh my God, is that Arielle?!”

“She looks so pale!”

“I can't believe her long, beautiful hair is gone!”

Those were the people that spoke loud enough for me to hear. Whether it was intentional or not, I didn't know, and I didn't care.

A particular comment made me halt in my tracks and turn to the direction of the voice.

“Is that ‘the Arielle’? She's so popular and really pretty. I wish I could be like her.”

Despite the crowd of students, I could spot the person who said that. Not that I've seen her before, but there was something about her that stood out. It was a girl who seem to be a freshman. She looked so tiny and nerdy that I couldn't help the chuckle that rose up my throat.

Being the captain of the school cheerleading team, one of the top five students in my class, and the daughter of Charles McAlister, I get a lot of that comment. Everyone wants to be me because they think my life is so perfect.

“Trust me, freshman,” I said, turning my attention to the girl “you don't want to be like me. You wouldn't survive what I went through. Pretty sure you'd be six feet under by now. There's still a chance though. If you don't stop running your mouth, pea brain.”

There was pin drop silence in the hallway. The girl's eyes widened as she started trembling, probably because of the audience I drew to her. I dragged my gaze around to see everyone now staring at me, some with confused expression, while some had their mouth slightly opened.

Well, fuck. I basically just told a freshman to drop dead.

First day of senior year and I already caused some drama. So much for not wanting any drama this year.

I almost blurted out how sorry I was to the girl but she broke into a sprint before I could say anything. I held myself back from yelling after her. She deserved it.

“Wow, that was so mean of her.”

“The girl didn't even do anything.”

I could hear the mumbles as I made my way towards my class. I've been called a lot of names in my life, most of which were from people who are jealous of me. It's part of being a Minister's daughter and the most popular girl in school. But this one, I totally deserve it.

Maybe I should find the girl and apologize for ruining her first day of school.

On a second thought, I wasn't going to apologize. It's her fault for not keeping her mouth shut.

Someone swung their arm around my neck suddenly. I didn't need to turn around to know who the person is. My best friend since pre-school, Daniel Watson.

“Woah, that was intense.” Daniel's voice filled my ears. “What an interesting way to start senior year.” He said and chuckled.

“Not in the mood, Dan.” I muttered but made no move to remove his hand.

“You're cranky this morning. What's up?”

I gave him a knowing look and he offered me an apologetic look in return. He knew the reason behind my mood. I wished he didn't. I hate when people see me as weak.

“Well, I don't mean to make your mood further sour, but you'd be so mad to know this.” Dan said and smacked his tongue.

We had gotten to the entrance of our class when Dan suddenly halted. He leaned against the door and crossed his legs, both his hands in his pocket.

“Drayton King is in our class this year.”

My jaws tightened as I processed the information. Not only did my senior year start in the worst way ever, but now I have to spend the entire year with my nemesis. Drayton-fucking-King is in my class?

Just then, cheers erupted from the hallways. So loud that I had to grit my teeth together to stop myself from screaming they shut up.

I turned to the direction of the voice just in time to see the golden boy emerge from the small crowd like some sort of celebrity. With his stupid blond hair and annoyingly blue eyes, his ridiculously muscled body, and just overall irritating presence.

He had his usual poker expression on. Calm, collected, and cold. But as soon as our eyes met, his signature evil smirk appeared on his face. The one he only throws at me. I held his gaze and made no attempt to hide the hatred in my expression. That only seem to amuse him more as he broke into a chuckle.

“Well well well, look who we have here. If it isn't Frozen herself.”

The hallway fell into a deafening silence. This one was in no way similar to when I approached the girl earlier, this silence was filled with tension.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the number one asshole of Diamond High, Drayton King. And he's not just a ‘King’ because of his last name, he is the King of Diamond High. Captain of the school basketball team, and one of the best students in the school. Well, second best, because I'm the best student here.

Drayton and I have always been at each other's throat since middle school. We've always fought to be the best. When he tried out for basketball and became the star player, I fought my way to be the captain of the cheerleading squad.

Our teachers noticed our competitive behavior and put us in separate classes during freshman year of highschool. We've been the top of our respective classes ever since. But being in separate classes did nothing to ease the enmity between us. We competed at other things. Sports, school posts, who gets the better parking space, who hosts the most lavish parties, and other things like that.

Everyone in this school, staffs and students, dread the moment we're in the same room. Which is extremely surprising that we ended up in the same class for senior year.

I opened my mouth to fire a retort at him but I couldn't think of anything. Usually we'd be well into our fight by now, but instead, I stood there like a dummy, biting my lips and shaking in anger. My inability to speak must be because of what happened in my house this morning.

“Cat got your tongue, Frozen.” He smirked “Or did you accidentally freeze it while contemplating the world's demise.”

Chuckles broke out from the students watching us. Some people tried to cover it with a cough, while some shut their mouths immediately I glared at them.

“Piss off, Drayton. Go find someone else to pick on.” Dan said beside me.

I had totally forgotten he was with me. Or that his arm was draped around my neck. I turned to him, clenching my jaws. I didn't want him to stand up for me and he knew that. I was well aware of how ungrateful that was, but I hate being a damsel in distress.

Daniel threw me a look that implies he was going to do it again if this prick continues taunting me. He must have picked on my mood and linked it to my home situation. This is one of the moment I hate that he knows about it.

Drayton merely threw Daniel a condescending look before he turned his attention back to me.

“I see you've switched your men again. Can't say this one is a good step up from that douchebag.” He said, his eyes lingering on Daniel's arm around my neck.

He was referring to Jack. My boyfriend. I haven't seen or spoken to him for about a week now ever since the dinner at my house.

“My love life is none of your concern, Dracula.”

Now it's my turn to smirk. I know how much he hates the nickname, which is why I insist on calling him that. Apparently, vampires are ugly creatures to him. I even dressed up as a vampire at the last school's Halloween party just to spite him.

Someone squealed loudly from across the hall and I tilted my head to the direction of the voice. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Natalie McAlister. Drayton's ‘supposed’ girlfriend, and unfortunately, my cousin. Drayton didn't confirm or deny the rumours tha they're dating, but it's very obvious that Natalie is forcing herself on him.

“You might want to hold your dog on a leash.” I said quickly just as Natalie approached us.

The school bell rang just before he could say anything. His jaws flexed as he threw one more look at me.

“Watch your back, Frozen.” He warned, venom dripping in his tone. He shoved past me and disappeared through the double doors of the classroom.

“You watch your back.” I yelled after him.

I turned my gaze back to Daniel to see him staring at me.

“What?” I bit at him.

“This isn't going to be an easy year.” He muttered and walked into the


I drew a long sigh, trying to calm myself. Dan was right. This isn't going to be the senior year I hoped for.

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