Chapter five


It's been over twenty four since mum told me about her intentions to leave my father. The entire day had passed by in a blur. Not even the whispers and constant reminder of my condition from people at school was enough to pull me out of the trance I had fallen into.

I kept repeating my mother's words in my head. I couldn't find a suitable response for her so I just excused myself and went up to my room. She didn't sort me out for the rest of the day either. We saw each other at breakfast but didn't mention the topic at all. It seems she was giving me time to process the information.

The thought that I needed time to “process” the information was unsettling in some ways. My parent's marriage has never been a rosy one. I can’t even recall the last time we all ate together at a table. We never go on family vacations like other family does, or have game nights, or any fun things. We don't do that. The only time we appear as a happy family is on camera.

My mum was my only true family. She was both my mother and father. My Dad was just a father on paper. The only thing he does for me is give me money. I can't even remember the last time he hugged me.

I've always wanted them to separate. I hated seeing my mum sad. But now that it's happening, I don't understand why I was shaken up by the news.

I shook the thoughts away. It doesn't matter how it made me feel. What matters is my mum's happiness. She deserves it after enduring so much for my sake.

I just need to get through this class and go home to tell her that. I tried to focus my attention back on the class.

“Make sure to prepare well. There is a test at the end of the week. I expect all of you to turn in your homework tomorrow morning.”

I managed to catch the end of Ms Click's sentence. I had zoned out for most of the class so I didn't know about the homework.

I turned to my side and tapped Dan's table.

“What homework is she talking about?”

But before Dan could answer, Drayton decided interrupt,

“She asked us to explain how reproduction takes place in females with references to a few textbooks. But don't worry, I'll explain everything about it to you during our study session later.” he said with a wink.

For some reasons, he decided to sit behind me today. I hadn't spoken a word to him yet. I've been wondering about my mum's sudden news all day.

“Study session? What study session?” Dan asked, confusion written all over his face.

I had been so caught up in my drama that I forgot to tell Dan the outcome of my meeting with Ms Brown. My fingers curled into a fist on the table. I stared straight at Drayton, gritting my teeth in anger,

“Nobody asked you, Drayton. How about you keep your mouth shut?” I bit out.

“Ohh! Getting worked up already? Save that energy for later, Frozen. See you in a few.” he winked at me before grabbing his backpack and walking out of class.


“Okay, I'm confused. You're teaming up with King now? How and when did this happen?” Dan asked after Drayton left.

I drew a long sigh.

“Long story, Danny. Just know that I'm stuck with the son of a bitch till the end of the semester.”

“Let me guess, Ms Brown's handiwork?”

I gave him a nod.

“I really wish there's a way I can get out of this, but it's either putting up with him for the next two hours or detention.” I groaned.

“But why would King agree to it? Did she threaten him with something too?”

“That's even the most annoying part. Ms Brown said he agreed willingly.”

Dan raised an eyebrow, his face clouded with confusion.

“Believe me, I was shocked too.” I said.

Dan let out a sigh.

“Everyone at school is being really weird since you came back. I didn't think Drayton would become weird too.” He muttered.

I sunk into my chair and let out a groan. Everyone already left the classroom by now. I have just a few minutes before I meet up with Drayton or I'm in for a shit senior year. But who was I kidding? My senior year was bound to go shitty. I knew since the first day of school.

“Where is your study session taking place?” Dan asked, interrupting my trail of thoughts.


“Oh no! Not the library. It is one of my favorite part of the school. I can't believe it's going to be destroyed before tomorrow.” Dan said and sighed dramatically.

I let out a small laugh before hitting his shoulders lightly.

“Stop being so dramatic.”

“No, I'm being serious. You two are definitely going to kill each other. Just please, save me a copy of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad' before you burn the library to the ground.” he pouted his lips and blinked his eyes in a cute way.

I couldn't stop the laughter that rolled out of me.

“Oh my God, you're such a dork.” I said, still laughing. Who would want to save a philosophical book….? Literally, my best friend.

“Says the girl smartest girl in class.” He said and rolled his eyes.

I started packing my books from the table and shoving them in my backpack.

“Well, I'm not the smartest girl anymore thanks to chemo brain.” I muttered.

Dan went silent. He threw me an apologetic look, careful not to look too pitiful. He knows I hated people pitying me.

I knew I had just completed ruined the mood but I couldn't help it. ‘The smartest girl in class’ was my old identity. The one cancer rudely snatched from me.

I couldn't stop the sting I feel every time I think about it. It doesn't help that everyone keeps reminding me about it.

I took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind. If I allow them to take over, my mood is going to be completely ruined. And I need a lot of positive energy to be able to get through the next two hours.

I changed the subject and fixed a smile on my face.

“Now, I have to go sit through two hours of torture with my nemesis.”

I started heading out of class and Dan strolled after me.

“Do you want me to walk you to the library? I can even sit with you and wait till you're done. That way, I can keep an eye on him if he tries to pull any mischievous thing.”

“No, it's fine. I've been handling Drayton my whole life. I've got this.”

“Well, good luck with that. Just try to get through today without killing each other.”

“Just today?” I turned to him and cocked an eyebrow.

“I have a feeling that Ms Brown is going to call off your study sessions after today. The both of you have never been in the same class together since the fourth grade.”

“I don't know, really. Ms Brown seem pretty adamant on making us work together. She didn't listen to any of my excuses, not even when I threatened to withdraw from school if she didn't call it off.”

“So basically, the only way you can get out of this is if Drayton pulls out of the arrangements?”

“He wouldn't do that. I told you he agreed willingly–” I trailed off as an idea suddenly came to my head.

Ms Brown wouldn't listen to anything I say to get out of the study session, but she would definitely listen to Drayton.

Now if Drayton wouldn't call it off willingly, I just have to make him do it. I'm definitely not going to ask him directly. God, no. I'm definitely not going to be feeding his already inflated ego. All I have to do is piss him off so much that he'd have no option than to call it off. And I know exactly how to get to him.

My lips tilted into a smirk as I went through my devious plan in my mind.

“Uh-oh, I know that smile. What are you planning now, Rie?”

I glared at him.

“First, I told you not to call me that ever again. We're not in middle school anymore. Second, I need to do something right now. I'll call you later. Bye!”

“But, Arielle, what are you–”

I took off towards the library before he could stop me and press the information out of me. Dan yelled after me but I simply turned around and blew him kisses.

“Love you!” I yelled at him before continuing my journey.

By the end of this study session, Drayton would regret ever agreeing to this in the first place.

I smirked at the thought.

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