Chapter seven
There is no feeling in the world that is as satisfying as getting sweet revenge. Some might argue that getting an orgasm was more satisfying but it's debatable.
I swayed my body to the loud music blaring from the car's radio. I managed to refrain myself from driving above the speed limit. I couldn't afford to get a speeding ticket just few days after I got my car back. That would definitely get my father's attention. Normally, I would have wanted that, but after what happened yesterday, his attention was the last thing I wanted.
But I still couldn't contain my excitement. What I had done took a lot of energy from me, but it was totally worth it.
The image of Drayton's shocked face flashed across my mind and I couldn't stop the smile that tilted on my lips. There's no way he's not calling off the study session now.
I imagined his angry face when he sees his vandalized car and I bursted into laughter. All the troubles I went through to get the spray paint was worth it.
I had to coerce the art teacher before she gave me access to the school's art supplies. Sometimes, there is a plus side to having cancer, people give you everything you ask for.
Unfortunately for Drayton, his car was parked in the surveillance cameras blind spot. He would know I didn't but there's no way he'd prove it.
I let out another round of laughter. I can't believe I managed to get myself out of this situation and still piss off Drayton at the same time. I just killed two birds with one stone.
I drove into our compound feeling ecstatic. Thankfully, I didn't walk in on any odd scenes today. I hadn't seen my dad since he walked out yesterday. And it doesn't look like he'd be returning anytime soon. This day just keeps getting better.
I got to my room and was about to go freshen up when my phone rang. It was Dan calling me on Facetime. I threw my backpack on the sofa and slumped on the bed.
“Hey Danny boy,” I said as I answered the call with a bright smile on my face.
“You're alive. Well, that's a good sign. I thought I'd be crying beside your corpse tomorrow morning.”
I laughed at his words.
“Aww, so you will cry for me when I pass away? That's good to know.” I replied with a smile.
“Well, I have to. So people wouldn't suspect I had anything to do with your death. It's just to clear my name, young lady. Don't get any ideas.” He pointed at me.
“Here I thought I was very special to you,” I pouted my lips.
“Unfortunately, yes, you are,” he sighed as if it was bothersome. “It'd be a bummer if you died. Even much worse if King was your murderer. It wouldn't look good on your image that your nemesis finally won against you, now would it?”
“Definitely not.”
We both bursted into laughter.
“So tell me, how did the session go? Please tell me the library and all my favorite books are still intact?” He pouted his lips.
“The library is very much intact. I'm not suicidal enough to risk Mrs Rodger's anger, thank you very much.”
Mrs Rodger was the school's librarian. And boy, she was terrifying. I didn't know who terrifies students more between her and the guidance counselor.
“I think Mrs Rodger would be more concerned about her safety than getting mad at you for destroying the library.”
“Yeah yeah, just tell me about everything that happened today.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips as I remembered what I did to Drayton's car.
“Let's just say, there wouldn't be any more study sessions between me and Drayton.”
“Uh-oh! I know that smile. Rie, what did you do?”
“Nothing, I merely removed myself from an unpleasant situation.” My face was the picture of perfect innocence.
Dan narrowed his gaze on me.
“Why do I feel like you did something really bad and probably illegal?” He raised an eyebrow.
The smirk widened to a full blown grin.
“Jesus Christ, I knew it.” He muttered. “So are we in trouble?”
I couldn't stop the smile that etched on the corner of my lips. This one wasn't mischievous in anyway. “We”. If I got in trouble, it means we were both in trouble. I was sure Dan would tell everyone he was an accomplice if I got caught. He has always had my back.
“Not exactly. What I did was bad, yes. But illegal? Well, it depends on how you look at it.” I shrugged.
“Argh! That sentence just gave me chills.”
I heard a knock on my door before I could say anything.
“Give me a second,” I said to Dan.
“Come in!”
The door slid open and my mum poked her head inside.
“Sweetie, you got a minute?”
“Yeah sure, come in.”
I turned to Dan on the phone.
“I'll call you later,” I waved him goodbye and ended the call.
“How are you, baby?” she asked while walking towards the bed. She climbed on the bed and sat close to me.
“I'm okay.” I flashed her a smile.
“How was school?”
“Shit, as always, but nothing I can't handle.” I shrugged.
“That's my girl,” she smiled and cupped my cheeks. She placed a kiss on my forehead.
I snuggled closer to her and placed my head on her shoulder. She put her arm around me.
She heaved a sigh.
“I'm so sorry for dumping that on you yesterday.”
“It's okay,”
Not like I didn't see it coming. I wanted to add that last sentence so bad but I didn't want to make things harder for her.
I knew part of the reason she as still with my father was me. She didn't want me to grow up in a broken home.
But it all wouldn't matter in a few months. I'm almost eighteen and will soon be done with high school. I wouldn't feel the effect of their break up that much. Right?
“You deserve to be free of him, mum.” I added, but it sounded more like I was trying to convince myself that her.
It was the right choice. She deserves to be happy after dedicating years of her life to him. She deserves to be free of him.
“I'm glad you understand, honey.” She said slowly.
I made an affirmative sound, not able to bring myself to say anything.
“When are you going through with the divorce?” I asked after a few moments of silence.
“I have the papers ready but I haven't given it to him yet.”
She didn't say it but I could tell from the slight trembling of her body. She was scared.
“We're gonna be okay. Things would b different and we'll start a new life somewhere. Away from all of these. And we'll be happy. I promise.” She said and tightened her grip around me.
I could sense the doubt in her voice as she spoke. Would we really be happy?
We stayed in the same position for a long time in silence before her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and her lips thinned.
“It's my attorney. I'll be right back.”
She gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before standing up. I sat upright on the bed and watched as she slowly slipped out of the room.
I laid on the bed and stared at ceiling, millions of thoughts swirling in my mind but I can't seem to focus on one. I didn't want to think. I shut my eyes tight and tried to chase the thought away, but they seem to be winning the battle in my head.
I decided to surf through the internet instead. I logged into my Twitter account and scrolled through my feed.
I came across an article about me. You would think people would have regarded it as old news by now. It's been almost six months since my diagnosis.
I clicked on the post and scrolled through the comments. There were recent ons about people praising me for surviving and beating cancer. I sighed.
If only they knew I didn't really survive it. In the end, cancer won.