5. The Apology
" No. I didn't mean to stay away from you, Amy. I was in some other tension that my project proposal was declined. I was hopeless about what to do and where to go. That is why I went to London and joined a company and then in two years, I started my own business and now I'm here. I have been searching for you but no clue", he said.
He seems frustrated. I might be over excited during the fight in the past. When he said to get the hell out of here, I couldn't control myself and the rumour about him and Jenny ( our college football cheerleader) that they were seeing each other. I thought about raising this point now, " what about Jenny ? " I asked him.
" Who the hell is this Jenny ? Stop it Amy . Don't I even deserve to shout at you when I'm not feeling good ? I called you on the day I was going to London but you didn't respond", he said.
I actually went to the airport to see him leaving, I was crying like hell. My only love in my life is leaving me and going away from me. But I acquired courage for the sake of Ayra.
I realised, a small miscommunication made us to live seperately for six years.
I want him now. But, am I going too fast?
Suddenly, my phone ringed, it's Noel asking me where am I.
How can I say that I'm with Robert. So, I said, " I'm coming."
I looked at Robert and said, " Noel is calling, let's go there."
But he doesn't seems convinced. He wants to continue the discussion but I got the information which I was not aware for six years. I'm happy that Roby didn't actually leave me in his heart. He still loves me but I don't want to reveal my love to him so easily again.
I want to be like, I'm not into him.
His face is red with anger. I'm worried a bit and said with hesitation, " shall we go ?"
He looked at me agressively like he might want to punch me. I'm scared now, I started walking out.
" Wait", he said.
I turned back. He took my shirt which is on the table.
Oops, I really forgot to wear my shirt. I'm out of my mind. So innocent of me.
He slowly walked to reach me and stretched his hand with the shirt. I was about to take the shirt but he immediately pulled me and lift me up and walking to the bed room.
" Leave me. I need to go. Ayra and Noel are waiting for us", I said.
But he took me on to the table instead of bed room.
" I LOVE YOU " , Amy.
After hearing this, I just felt like flying in the air. I bite my lip and looked at him with a hesitation.
Because of his anger, I stayed away from him for six years. This six minutes romance will not cools me down.
I see his sincerity in his lusty eyes.
This remembered me our first meeting in the past.
The Past:
( Past began from here on)
Amy's POV:
It was almost 7:30 AM. The sunlight sweeping on my face and asking me to wake up. I use to be lazy in the mornings, so it took me another fifteen minutes to get down from my bed. I looked at the time and it's late. It was my first day to college. I soon got ready and picked a beautiful dress to be comfortable in what am wearing.
I took a bus, standing for half an hour due to the rush inside the bus. Finally, I reached college with a lot of struggle in between.
To add on to my bad morning, the weather was cloudy and the dusty wind was just blowing on my face which helped my make up to smudge properly.
At last, the rain drops falling on my cheeks one by one.
Oh my god, I need to rush into the college but the rain started to fall heavily and suddenly.
I quickly looked around and seen a guy holding an umbrella. Without giving a second thought, I jumped under his umbrella. He stopped abruptly. Looked into my eyes. His aura is as catchy as I never met someone this attractive.
His looks just throbbed my heart for a while on a beautiful but struggling rainy day of my first day to college.
" Do I know you ? " he asked me.
His voice is just tempting and made me stand speechless.
" I'm sorry, it is my first day to college and it's suddenly raining. I might get wet and it would be embarrassing if I sit with wet clothes in the class ", I said.
His eyes furrowed and started to walk.
We were walking step by step feels like a slow motion in a movie. I could see people are watching us strangely.
There was a stream of flowing water due to rain which is a bit wide. I was unable to jump, so I'm scared and standing there and not moving, looked at him and wide stream.
I guess, he found me that I can't jump. He suddenly put his hand around my waist and lift me up and jumped.
I couldn't see in to his eyes because I was shy.
We reached a classroom.
" I reached my lab ", he said in a cold voice.
" Could you please walk me to the administration block ? I have no idea about where it is ", i said . It may be too much but that's okay.
He didn't reply me and walking in to his lab. He was rude. Yeah, the guy who just snaked my waist was actually rude with me. I felt abandoned.
Somehow, I searched the administration block and submitted all my documents and visited my classroom.