Chapter Two
Evelyn’s POV
Immediately after my set, I performed on the lovely stage. I changed into a blue lace set with a leather harness that cinched my already tiny waist even more, and I joined the girls who entertained the regulars around the club.
The night was somewhat slow, but I didn't hate it. I immensely enjoyed easy days like this, especially with the regulars. It was the weekday, and most of the men who came were running on fumes from work and just needed some time to relax. They also didn't have much time to spend, as they would have to soon return home to their families. I was disgusted at these men with wives waiting for them at home. But I wasn't complaining because it got my bills paid.
I didn’t notice the commotion outside until I heard one of the patrons who sat at the end—closest to the strip club's front door —loudly curse.
My brows furrowed as I left another patron with my tips tucked tightly in my hand.
What was going on? I heard a thud and a groan that sounded like... Like my boyfriend.
Alarm bells rang in my head, and I rushed outside, moving quickly to be by his side. I saw it - he was lying on the floor with a man stomping on his head. And our manager was there?
I rushed to his side.
“Charlie!” I shrieked, grasping his face gently and glaring at anyone who would dare come close. I noticed that his hair was matted with blood. And my fury rose even more.
“What did you do to him?” I put steel behind my voice, not caring that the men looked down at me as if I were nothing. I longed to drag my long, fake nails down their faces for what they did to my boyfriend... How dare they...
“This one’s got a mouth on her,” I heard one of the men say with a smirk, and I glared at him. He shut up instantly.
“Eve, go inside,” the manager tried to calm me down. Even with the dim red lights, I could see sweat beads forming on his forehead. This has nothing to do with you, so go. You have a job to do.”
His words only annoyed me further, and I slapped his hand away, standing up straighter and leveling my manager with a defiant look. Charlie was still bowled over beside me, clearly out of breath and beaten up, and he wanted me to go inside?!
“I won't,” I replied coldly, turning my gaze to the tallest man in the place. He had a coat on and was dressed in all black, unlike the other men around him who wore suits. He was the Boss around there.
“What did he ever do to you?” I asked the man accusingly. “What crime did he commit?”
“That...” I was struck by the deepness of the baritone voice coming out of that youthful face. “Is between me and the man in question. Nothing to do with you... Eve, was it?” the last words were punctuated with a look up and down my body. I could practically feel how he looked at me, as if he was gauging if I was even good enough to be in his presence. And it annoyed the fuck out of me to quote Charlie’s favorite statement.
“So you dare to come here and attack one of the bouncers for what reason?” My anger knew no bounds. “You’ve got some nerve.”
“Eve, that’s enough. Go inside now,” the manager finally said, putting more steel behind his voice. I looked at him. He seemed simultaneously angry and afraid. It was a funny sight if his anger wasn’t aimed at me.
I opened my mouth to say more, but then the manager grabbed my arm and tugged me back into the club, muttering curses and shaking his head repeatedly.
The nameplate door of his office was the first thing I saw before I heard the manager shout, “You're such a menace, you know that?!”
I entered the office unwillingly, panting heavily. The manager was pacing the length of the office.
I was shocked at how angry he was. He usually wasn’t like this. He usually protected me and the rest of the workers with his life. Even the bouncers he was so kind and friendly to us that I never looked anywhere else for work.
The manager said, breathless, “Your relationship with Charlie aside, you have to understand that you nearly got yourself in trouble... if you haven’t already. Do you know who you were talking to there? That is Antonio Bernoti.”
I paused.
“Who? I don’t even know who he is,” I said by way of response. “All I know is that he has been rude and attacked one of ours. He attacked Charlie!”
“Charlie made a joke, and it wasn’t very well taken by the Boss,” he chuckled shakily. “Maybe you need to understand who the hell Antonio is. He owns half the bars and casinos in the country. He’s a boss who can tell his men to kill the president, and they aren’t going to bat an eye before doing it. And you, you stupid girl, just made yourself known to him.”
I swallowed.
If all these things he was saying were true, then that would mean that the handsome, tall man was a boss of some kind. A mafia Don?
A knock sounded on the door, and we both turned our heads. The manager walked over to the door but not before saying, “Better figure out how you’re going to apologize to him before he does something to hurt you. He could have killed Charlie, but now he’s spared him. Charlie’s going to have to find another job, though. I can’t keep him here if the Boss doesn’t want him here.”
It dawned on me that he was talking about firing Charlie, and I felt outraged as the spineless manager opened the door and saw one of the men from outside. One of that man’s guards?
“He is in the VVIP room now. He wants a performer,” the man was saying to the manager. “Alright. I’ll get one of our best girls to “
“Not just anyone,” the man said, and I realized he was looking at me. He wants that girl. Her,” he tilted his head towards me in a gesture.
Dread and anger filled my body. He wanted me to perform for him? After all of that crap, he pulled outside!
No. Hell no.