What was the reason for my boss requesting me to be his date and pretend to be his mistress on Saturday? Did he change his mind, and now he sees me as one of his girls, someone he could bring into his bed with him? This wasn't right in any way. I respectfully disagree!
‘‘Excuse me?’’ I shrieked, my gaze fixed on his. ‘‘I'm not going on a date with you!’’ I exclaimed, glaring at my boss. The only way I could express myself was to speak my opinion because this company had one rule that was ingrained in my head from the beginning. 'Honesty is the best policy...'
And it was because of my honesty that’s why I was accepted into this job in the first place.
During my interview, Mrs. Thorn, the CEO's current assistant who was also pregnant, asked me numerous questions, and I answered them without hesitation and with great confidence, despite the fact that I was shivering on the inside. As the woman asked me questions, I could feel Mr. Hudson's eyes burned into my body.
The interview was completed in a jiffy. ‘‘Well, I believe that you are an excellent candidate for the position. I mean, you're young, you have the credentials, you're intelligent, and you're sensible. Mr. Hudson… if you have any questions, please let me know...’’ She turned to face the man who had remained silent the entire time and had only been looking at us.
I was expecting that the boss would refrain from asking me any questions, but to my dismay, he opened his lips and began to talk with me.
‘‘Actually, Miss Stone, I do have a question for you...’’ Damn! I'm completely screwed! I'm well aware of this. ‘‘I would like to know what you think of me. I'm curious about your first impression when you first saw me…’’ His powerful voice sent thrills down my spine, but I had to keep my cool since I needed this job more than anything.
‘‘To be completely honest with you, Sir… I thought that you were an arrogant playboy who believes he can get whatever he wants at any time and who treats women as if they are objects, but I also believe that you are quite smart for having started such a large firm at such a very young age.’’ With a hesitant smile on my face, I expressed my thoughts. That was the most truthful response I could provide.
When I looked at Mrs. Thorn, she looked shocked. When I returned my attention to Mr. Hudson looked so furious. I could see the rage in his eyes, and I knew he was about to burn me alive...or at least to death.
It was only non-qualified women dressed in scant clothing that I saw during the interview process. When it came to my personal assistant, I wanted someone who was qualified, serious, and dedicated.
The amusing part was that they all believed that flirting with me would help them be hired for this position. Despite the fact that it had been a long and tedious day, I had a lot of pleasure seeing all of the women who were trying to acquire the job by flirting.
It was now forty-five minutes past eleven o'clock in the morning, and I was still at the office interviewing candidates for the post of Personal Assistant. Mrs. Thorn had just informed me that there was just one more candidate to interview, which made me sigh in relief. I was so thrilled to realize that I would be able to eat lunch on time.
I looked at her as she stepped in the door and was genuinely impressed with how things were going so far. I mean, I was aware that she hadn't said anything and that she wasn't dressed in the same manner as the rest of the women who had entered earlier.
She did, however, present herself in a professional manner, earning her one point for doing so. Wearing a gray pencil skirt with a long-sleeve white ruffled blouse, she looked really stunning. My exclusion was that her legs were toned and that she was tall, around five feet and seven inches, with the perfect figure that would make any male want to get a boner, but I was an exception. I'm madly in love with my wife.
Mrs. Thorn interviewed her, and she didn't even bother to look at me, which gave me the impression that she was nervous. I think I intimidated her a little bit. Perhaps it’s my turn to pose a question to her.
‘‘I'd like to know what you think of me, Miss Stone...’’ What she thought of me was important not because I was interested in her, but because I wanted someone who was honest and wouldn't sugarcoat things in order for me to comprehend.
And she said it. She said those words without hesitation. And I fucking hated her for that.
I needed an honest answer that was free of sugar-coating, but this woman was too much for me to handle. I was aware that it was only a single sentence, but no one had the audacity to say it to my face. Despite the fact that what she said was untrue, I was enraged as hell. Yes, it’s true, but it was back when I was still single. When I haven't had the opportunity to meet Scarlet. When I wasn't married to her yet.
I jumped to my feet with such force that my chair collided with the glass wall behind me. ‘‘You have the audacity to say anything like that in my face. Do you have any idea who the hell I am? I will be your boss, and you’re throwing insults at me like that? You haven't even been employed yet, but you've already been fired!’’
‘‘Excuse me, sir… But, you inquired as to my opinion of you, and I didn’t lie. If you’re unable to deal with the truth, you should refrain from asking for it in the first place. And if you desire to scare me about losing my work, I hope you’re aware that there are many other opportunities available to me.’’
Even if the woman was enraged and had even stood up to level her gaze with mine, if she didn't look up, she simply leveled her gaze at my chest. This woman had some nerve speaking to me this way. No one had ever spoken to me in such a disrespectful manner and I won’t tolerate it.
Mrs. Thorn interrupted me before I could say anything else. ‘‘Uhmm… We will get back to you as soon as we can on the job, Miss Stone. Thank you so much for coming in...’’ After saying that, the woman smiled at her and walked away. She didn't even bother to give me a glance. Damn! ‘‘Sir…you shouldn’t have gotten mad at her. I mean, it was your fault after all.’’
I was pissed at that point.
‘‘My fault?’’ I let out a scream and she didn’t even flinch. ‘‘Which side are you on, Melanie?’’ How could she just choose the side of some random girl when she had been working with me for two years?
‘‘I am on the side of the truth, Sir…’’ she declared bravely. ‘‘And in this particular circumstance, the young girl was absolutely right. You did ask her and she gave you an honest answer,’’ she said, her voice cool and collected.
‘‘Fine! Whatever you want! She's not going to work for me, though…’’ As I have indicated. And that's final.
‘‘But, she’s the only qualified individual who can fill in for me in my current position. She’s intelligent, confident, and honest, and most importantly, she has respect for herself, in contrast to all of the other girls who came in here dressed like whores,’’ she rolled her eyes, her hands waving dramatically as she spoke. She did have a valid point, but we can always conduct additional interviews to determine who’s the most qualified for the position.
‘‘Melanie… we can hold more interviews...’’ I simply ordered, and she raised a brow at me. Why am I letting my personal assistant treat me this way, anyway?
‘‘The problem is that I'll be giving birth in a month, so we don't have the time. I only have a few weeks to train someone.’’
‘‘Shit! Fine!’’ I sighed, gritting my teeth. It seemed like I had no choice but to deal with this Miss Stone.
‘‘I will give her a call…’’ Melanie's voice had a tinge of levity to it, and I could detect a smidgeon of amusement in it.
I was going to hate working from now on. How was I supposed to work with someone like her?