Chapter 5
I was due to start at Stone Marketing on Wednesday. It was currently Monday and I’d put the whole business of clothes shopping off until now.
In the afternoon, after my lectures, I headed to a place I very rarely entered. A department store. Vanessa had insisted on meeting me, although seeing as we both dressed terribly, I had no idea what help she was going to be.
I hadn’t told her where I’d got the money from either. Instead making up some story about my mum lending me the funds. I knew if I told her the truth, she’d speculate about the meaning behind it. I’d decided, there was none. When you were worth £4.8 billion a year, £1000 was practically change.
I spotted her leaning against the wall outside, lazily sucking on the straw of her smoothie. Glancing at me, she grinned.
“Ready for your makeover?” The excitement was practically bubbling out of her.
I pressed my mouth into a thin line to communicate my displeasure at her mocking.
“Come on, it’s going to be fun!” And with that, she linked arms with me and dragged me into the store.
Bright lights illuminated the hundreds of racks within the store. I could hear soft undescriptive music playing from hidden speakers, along with the tap of women’s heels along the marble floor. As I was not a girl who was used to shopping, rows and rows of clothes intimidated me. I had no idea where to start.
Vanessa was flicking through the rack as well, still slurping her drink.
“What about this?” She held a ghastly lime green dress aloft.
I gave her a dead-pan look. “I honestly can’t tell if you’re being serious or making fun of me.”
Vanessa smirked and put the dress back on the rail. “At little of both. Maybe not that colour, but I think you would suit a dress.”
She continued to move the hangers along the rail.
“Under no circumstances am I wearing a dress.” I mumbled.
The thought of going out in public showing my chubby legs was mortifying. I didn’t even go swimming anymore because I couldn’t face having that much on display in front of others. It was another reason why I’d never been intimate with someone. I didn’t want anyone to see me.
I had the trousers, but what was I going to wear on top? Sensing my thoughts, Vanessa shoved a blouse towards me. “Here. Tuck this into your trousers and buy a blazer or a cardigan to cover it.”
I took it, grateful she was finally being helpful.
As we both needed to go to the library, we dropped off my unwanted clothes at my halls before heading back out to study. Both of us had assignments coming up.
As I walked towards the relevant shelves, I noticed someone new behind the help desk. The help desk was where someone would be available to support students in finding the books they needed. It was usually Phyliss. An older lady who smelled like cabbage. But this person was not Phyliss. Far from it.
He didn’t look too much older than me. His shaggy hair lay messy but in a cute way around his features. He was tall and willowy, his t shirt hanging off his shoulders in a strangely pleasing manner. I could see that his jeans were sitting on his hips, a brown belt holding them in place.
“What are you doing?”
The sound of Vanessa’s voice suddenly behind my ear caused me to let out a small shriek.
“Vanessa!” I hissed. “What is it with you always giving me a fright?”
She shrugged unapologetically. “I can’t help it if you have a nervous disposition. Anyway, what were you doing?”
“Looking for books obviously.” There was no way I was telling her the truth.
She raised an eye-brow and tapped against one of the books. “Are you swapping your degree from marketing to political science?”
I looked at the shelves of books. Damn.
Feeling victorious, she crossed her arms in front of her. “I think you were perving over the new guy.”
“I was not!” The high pitch of my voice was not convincing.
Ignoring my poor attempt at denial, Vanessa peered round to the desk. “He’s back now. Why don’t you go and say hello?”
I scoffed. “Oh yeah, and why don’t I do a strip-tease for the whole university while I’m at it.”
“Fine. I’ll go.”
Before I could process what she was doing, Vanessa was striding towards the desk where the mystery guy stood. I wanted to shout at her, but there was no way he wouldn’t hear me.
I watched helplessly as she approached the desk and exchanged a few words. How did she make it look so easy? Please don’t let her mention me. I’d never be able to come back here again.
I watched as she said goodbye, and returned to my new hiding place.
“What did you say?!” I demanded.
“I just asked what had happened to Phyliss and what his name is.”
My eyes widened as I waited for her to tell me more. But she didn’t. Clearly enjoying my frustration?
“Well?” I snapped.
Vanessa began to chuckle. “He said that Phyliss has gone part time, and that’s why he’s here. Oh, and his name is Matt.”
I sighed dreamily. Matt. Wow. What a shame I would never have the confidence to speak to him.