Chapter 6
Wednesday arrived. The whirlwind of emotions that swept through me left me feeling a little dizzy. I still wasn’t sure if this was really the right decision, but I reasoned with myself that I could just quit if it was terrible. I could even offer to pay back Mr Stone for the clothes.
According to the email I got, I was to report to the social media department at 9am. I would spend a few weeks there before moving round the different departments. I was actually quite pleased about this. It would provide me with a good varied experience and may give me an insight into what area of marketing I would eventually like to work in.
After I got over my initial nerves, I actually really enjoyed my morning. My mentor Louise was very friendly, and not at all like Mellissa or Greta. She was still well-dressed, but she was much more down to earth. She taught me about the different algorithms of each social media platform, and explained that in a week or so I could help her create some content for a new range of snack bars. I found this genuinely exciting, and tried to take in as much information as I could.
Maybe if I didn’t have to spend too much time with Mr Stone, I would get through this internship without wanting to quit. There was something about him that made me nervous. People like Louise put me at ease.
However, my dream was short lived. Just before lunch, Louise answered a call.
“Yes, Mr Stone. Of course. I’ll let her know.” As she put the phone down, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach.
“Rosie! Mr Stone has requested to have lunch with you! Isn’t that amazing?! You must have really made an impression!” Louise looked genuinely enthusiastic about this. I had to fake mine.
“Er yeah, wow. Okay. Where do I go?”
Taking me to the lifts, she punched in the floor for his office and sent me off. I smiled weakly as she stood grinning at me while the doors closed.
I vaguely remembered my way to his glass domain, spotting Greta at her desk outside.
As I approached, she looked me up and down. “Go straight in. He’s expecting you.”
She clearly hadn’t warmed up to me just yet.
I pushed open the door, clutching my pathetic lunch box in one hand. This time I entered the room, I didn’t stop to take in its décor. Instead, I fixed my eyes straight over to where he was sat.
Concentration was spread over his face as he looked at the computer screen. Despite him unnerving me, being able to watch him like this, he was kind of…beautiful?
“Ahh Miss Woods. I’ll be with you in just a second.” He continued to tap away on his keyboard, and I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to finish.
He glanced up, about to say something, then stopped.
“Did you not do as I asked?” The look on his face told me he was displeased.
“Apologies Mr Stone, what do you mean?” Stupidly, I did not realise what he was talking about.
“Your clothes. I thought I told you to buy new ones. Did you not receive the money in your account?”
My face reddened and I cast my eyes downward. “I’m sorry Mr Stone, this is what I bought.”
He raised his eyebrow, disbelief on his face. “This is what you spent £1000 on?”
I felt myself begin to tremble a little. This scrutiny was too much. “No Mr Stone. I actually wanted to return £900 to you. I felt you were too generous.”
He sighed heavily, and picked his suit jacket from the back of his chair, swinging his muscular arms into it with ease.
“Follow me Miss Woods. We’re going out.” As he passed me, he gestured to my lunch box. “Put that away. You won’t need it.”
I hurriedly shoved it back in my rucksack, wondering where the hell he was going to take me. He was the kind of man you didn’t feel able to question. You just did it.
As he held the door open, he asked, “I trust you have your purse with you.”
I nodded dumbly, feeling too overwhelmed to speak.
As we passed Greta, he called out to her. “Call Louise in Social Media. Tell her Miss Woods will not be returning this afternoon. I will be going with her.”
As he walked off, she tried to scurry after him. “But Sir, what about your 2’oclock and 4’oclock?”
“Rearrange it,” he shouted over his shoulder.
We rode the lift down to the car park in uncomfortable silence. At least it was uncomfortable for me. Mr Stone just stood there rigid, eyes facing forward. In contrast, I couldn’t stop fidgeting. Moving from one foot to the other and fingering the strap of my rucksack.
The doors opened to reveal 100’s of cars glinting under the large strip lights. The underground car park was cold. And I shivered a little as we made our way over to some sort of sports car. I had no idea about cars. I just knew it looked expensive. I noticed his number plate was personalised to reflect his name. I thought that was a bit much.
“In you get Miss Woods. Try not to scuff the leather.”
I nervously slid into the black passenger seat. I placed my rucksack on my knees and tried to touch as little as possible. This was not going to be an enjoyable journey.
I found it hard not to stare as I watched his muscles contract whenever he changed gear or turned the steering wheel. The car smelt like a mixture of his expensive cologne and leather. It was a heady combination.
I worked up the courage to ask him a question. “Mr Stone, can I ask where we are going?”
He continued to fix his eyes on the road as he answered. “We are going shopping Miss Woods. Seeing as you’re clearly incapable of the task on your own. Then we will get lunch and discuss your future.”
I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure I could. I felt too embarrassed to start with. Why was he taking me shopping? Couldn’t one of the women at the company take me? And what was he talking about my future for?
We pulled into a shopping centre. This one looked a lot more exclusive than the one I had gone too. As we left the car to ride the lift, I noticed how many of the cars in the car park looked like they had a similar price tag to Mr Stone’s. I suspected I was not going to feel comfortable here.
Everyone walking around the centre looked like they had money. Except me of course. I noticed that the majority of the shops here appeared to be independent boutiques. The only stores part of a chain were the ones I would never dream of stepping into.
I was struggling to keep up with Mr Stone’s long strides, and I almost crashed into him when he suddenly stopped dead.
His gaze had landed on a salon, his expression thoughtful. “Have you ever considered having your hair styled Miss Woods?”
I blinked. “Erm, not really. I couldn’t afford the up keep.”
“Hmm.” He sniffed, as if banking the thought for another day. “This way.” He continued to walk towards whatever shop he had in mind.
Finally, he stopped outside a store. I tried to read the name but it was such an elaborate lettering style, I had no idea what it said. The entire shop front was pristine white, the inside the same. All the rails were gold, and soft yet illuminating lighting reflected off of it.
Mr Stone approached a shop assistant.
“Good afternoon. Please would you help this young lady to find three appropriate outfits for an office environment. She will need shoes and a bag to go with each.”
I stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to open my mouth to protest. I felt panic beginning to build within me. What if there wasn’t anything in my size in this shop? What if the shop assistant had to tell Mr Stone that I was too fat for this shop? I couldn’t bear the shame. And why was he talking about my hair? Did he plan to change my whole appearance? This was too much. I couldn’t do this anymore.
"It's none of your business how I dress Mr Stone!" the complex emotions pushed my irascible tone out of my throat, "You have no right to humiliate me like that!"