Chapter 4
Sophie rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Oh, she speaks with words of knowledge of wisdoms now darling! The pro that gets invited to every party and doesn't dare to hang out with her two best friends in movie night, because popularity in high school is so important. God forbid you get stuck all senior year with your two Geek friends Lexie!" Troy raises an eyebrow at Alexa making her turn red and squint her eyes.
"How many times am I going to apologize to you guys over this subject? I invite you guys to every party you know? But you two old people always turn me down. We only live once Troy! I want to be able to enjoy and make the best of life. Which is why you two need to start doing the same, as of NOW. So come on, lets get in there." She grabs Troy, looping her other arm around his and pulling them towards the house.
Many girls are in the front yard giggling and watching some of the football guys messing around in a friendly game, tackling each other and throwing the football to one another.
Troy's eyes are caught on a new guy who he hadn't seen before. He stands by Steven holding a solo cup. His golden hair tossed back and to one side. His jawline sharp, and even with his black hoodie, he can tell he is very well fit and very VERY attractive.
"Wow, who's the new hottie? Do you guys see him? He is hot! I wonder if he's gay?" Troy whispers, Alexa chuckles and Sophie rolls her eyes.
"Troy, you wish every hot guy was gay. But if that was the case, then what would be left for us? Selfish Troy, selfish!" Alexa hits his arm softly and Troy chuckles, catching the attention of that particular person he has his eyes on.
The guy clenches his jaw and quickly looks away. Troy brushes it off, maybe Alexa is right. Wishful thinking of him to hope the hot new guy would be gay.
They enter the house and just as quickly, Alexa disperses towards the kitchen Island grabbing a beer and two Jack Daniel's coolers for her and Sophie.
Troy pops open each drink for them, handing the southern peach flavor to Sophie and the fruit punch to Alexa. They click the bottles together before taking their first sip.
In the far end, where everyone grinds and dances together, Logan dances away with Mackenzie. The liquor has already intoxicated him. Trying to forget the fact he came back this summer just to find Amber in Carter's arms. He was now a free man, and all he wanted was to have a good time, and forget the rest. Specially now that it's their last year before going off to embrace adulthood.
He had plans to go to NYU with a full college football scholarship, and study law. She will be heading out to USC to study out there, saying goodbye to this boring old town and her mother, who she despises with every inch of her.
The music plays extremely loud and the house is so crowded, that it's hard for the three to stand in one single spot without being pushed or bumped into.
Troy grabs Sophie's hand, which she quickly gives her drink to a girl near her and grips Alexa's hand and pulls her in the direction Troy is guiding her.
A few times Alexa is almost lost in the crowd, but she manages to retake Sophie's hand, and doesn't let go until they are safely outside in front of the pool.
"Hey there's an empty table over there with plenty of chairs, let's go take a seat." Troy gestures to the girls and they follow right behind.
Soon as they sit, the new hot guy comes over, taking a chair and turning it around with the backrest to his chest as he takes a seat.
"Hey, mind if I sit here with you guys?" He smiles and reveals his beautiful blue eyes and deep dimples matching Troy's.
Troy sits in shock, with his lips slightly parted, and Alexa quickly clicks his chin to close his mouth.
"Promise you won't bite?" Sophie chuckles, and squints one eye. He chuckles and throws his head back slightly.
"No, of course not. Not unless you ask!" He looks at Sophie softly biting his lower lip.
She widens her eyes and looks straight at Troy nervously.
"I'm kidding. I won't bite. My name is Dylan. I'm new in town. I just got here a few days ago, my dad is a sergeant in the military near by." He says smiling and glancing between each one. He stops his gaze on Troy who is particularly overprotective of Sophie, due to the constant bullying the cheerleaders and football guys do to her because of Amber and Logan.
Troy gives him a stern look, narrowing his eyebrows and clenching his jaw.
Dylan clears his throat and looks away towards Alexa. So, what's good around here? What do you guys like to do for fun? I mean, besides partying of course."
Sophie and Alexa chuckle, but Troy stays serious and crosses his hands over his chest.
"Um, well to be honest, we don't get out much. At least not Troy and me. Lexie is another story, she's the wild one in this group." Sophie chuckles, as she receives a soft slap on her arm from Alexa.