Chapter 3
I spend my school days trying to avoid Jace. Luckily, I only have one class with him, and that is last period Study Hall. Most of the time I skip it because I’m so far ahead in my schoolwork that the teachers don’t bother me about leaving. Today was like any other day, I quickly make my way through the halls, avoiding the areas that I know Jace tends to be in. Sometimes I get lucky and make it, and sometimes I don’t.
Watching where I’m going, while zigzagging through the halls, and staying aware of my surroundings, I suddenly feel a tight grip around my arm. I’m yanked into the now empty Art room, and tossed against the wall. The lock clicks, and then I’m staring into a pair of green eyes as the person turns my way. Jace has a smirk on his face as he looks me up and down. He normally slams me against lockers, trips me, and even steals my things, tossing them around with his friends, playing keep-away, like they were kids. This is a new low for him, though.
“What do you want, Jace?” I tried to sound annoyed, but then my voice cracks at the end, giving me away.
“Where have you been hiding all day, Ella?” He crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks down at me. I stand about eight inches shorter than him, so I’m always having to look up.
I roll my eyes at him, “I wasn’t hiding. I just want to get to my classes on time.”
Next thing I know, Jace’s broad chest is right in front of my face, “Did you just fucking roll your eyes at me?” He sneers down at me, making my heart start to race.
Damn, I should have known better than to give him an eyeroll! He warned me last time what would happen, but would he really do it? I glance around the room, trying to find another way that I could possibly escape, and that’s when I see his two best friends standing only a few feet away, wearing identical smirks. Toby and Brandon are two of the school’s popular guys, and two of the biggest jerks as well. Jace started hanging with them shortly after he dumped me; what he sees in them, I will never understand. Now, he has become one of them.
“I’m sorry, Jace. I didn’t mean to.” I dip my head when I see him bring his arm up, thinking he’s going to strike me. Instead, he grabs my nape and walks me over to the nearest desk.
“I told you that you would be punished if you ever rolled your eyes at me, didn’t I?” He bends me over the desk until my cheek is pressed down against it, “Answer me, Ella. Did I not warn you?”
“Y-Yes, you did Jace, but…”
“No buts, Ella. If I don’t keep my word than you will never obey me.” He motions for his two friends to come closer, “Hold her arms, and make sure she stays in place.”
“Please, Jace…you don’t have to do this!” I beg, “I promise to obey you from now on…I swear!”
His hand comes down to caress my hair, “Oh Ella, I know you will obey me, because I’m going to show you what happens when naughty girls don’t listen.” His voice is calm as he speaks to me, but then he shoves my head into the desk even more as he moves away to stand behind me.
I can’t see or hear what Jace is doing behind me, but I can see Toby, who is holding my left arm and shoulder down, nod at whatever his friend is communicating to him. A tear drips from my right eye as I remain bent in this humiliating position while I wait for him to begin. I’m not sure how much it’s going to hurt, but I do know that it isn’t going to feel good either.
I feel the sting of his hand before I even realize it was coming down. I go up on my toes to try and get away from him, but a hand presses into my lower back, keeping me from moving. The spot where is hand met my backside burns already, and that was only the first one.
“Count them out, Ella.” Jace commands, but I’m still too stunned to say anything. My head gets jerked back by my hair, and he leans in so close to my face that I can see the little golden flecks within the green of his eyes. Something passes as our eyes meet, but it was less than a second, and his eyes harden once more, “I said count!”
He holds onto my hair for a few seconds longer before going back behind me. Bringing his hand down once more, I make sure I count each one. I falter on the fifth one because it was harder than the rest, but I quickly call it out. By the tenth smack, my butt is on fire and tingling, as numbness threatens to take over.
“Why Jace? Why do you hate me so much?” Tears are now falling down full force as I ask the one question that I have never gotten an answer to, “WHY?” I scream when he ignores me and brings his hand down once more.
“I don’t answer to you, Ella,” His breathing is heavy from spanking me so hard, “Just know that you did this, all by yourself!” His hand comes down in rapid succession, taking whatever aggression he has, out on my poor backside. When I start to scream, a hand covers my mouth, muffling the sound.
All of a sudden, everything stops, and I’m released, but I don’t move; I can’t move. I hear the click of the lock, and then the door closes. Still, I don’t move. I feel the burn that his hand left behind, but there is something else I feel as well. I don’t understand why I’m feeling this way after he did what he did. It feels both wrong and good at the same time. Is it normal to feel tingles deep inside? I now feel a need that I’ve only felt a couple of times before; a need that I have had to take care of myself.
A moan slips from my lips as I go to stand, which turns into a grunt when my punished backside bumps up against something. Whipping my head around, Jace is still standing behind me. I can’t read his face, and at this moment, I don’t want to. I just want to go home and hide under my covers until I no longer feel the humiliation that Jace and his friends just put me through. I don’t want to be punished again, though, so I ask before I just leave.
“May I go now?” I can’t find it in me to look up at his face any longer, so I bow my head.
“No, I’m not done with you yet, Ella.” His voice is calm now, even though there isn’t an ounce of emotion to it, “Unbutton your shorts and bend over the desk again.”
His words catch my attention, and my head whips up, “W-What?”
“You heard me, Ella. I’m not going to say it again.”
“But you can’t…”
He cuts me off with a grunt, “You obviously haven’t learned your lesson! Maybe a few more handprints will do the trick.” He spins me back around and pushes between my shoulder blades until my chest is flat on the desk, “Don’t fucking move until I say!”
The way he orders me to stay scares the crap out of me, so I decide to obey, even though I’m freaking out at what he’s going to do, “Please, don’t do this, Jace! I’m sorry…whatever I did in the past, I’m so sorry!” I can’t stop the tears from flowing once more.
I cry out when he yanks my jean shorts down just past my cheeks. Cool air from the air conditioner makes me break out in goosebumps, but it also feels good on my heated backside. I can hear Jace hunting for something in his bag just before I hear the sound of a cap popping open. My eyes widen with what I believe he is getting ready to do, and I try jumping up, but he’s there to block me.
“You really don’t listen, do you? I. Said. Don’t. Fucking. Move!” He shoves me back down, and this time, he keeps his hand between my shoulder blades. I feel a cold substance dribble on each cheek, “I shouldn’t even be doing this, “He starts to rub whatever he dripped on me, into my skin, helping to take the heat away, “but I got you good. Next time, obey me, and it will never be this bad.”
His hands feel good as they massage the gel-like substance into my skin. He’s being very careful as he switches back and forth from cheek to cheek. His hand then goes lower to where my sit spot is and keeps massaging. I don’t even think about what he may be able to see, all I can concentrate on is the feel of his big hands on me. I think I may have moaned, because he pauses a moment before I feel his fingers opening my cheeks.