Mate from Hell
Mate from Hell
I am standing in a garden; it is breathtakingly beautiful. There is a waterfall and a small river. There is a lovely lady there, baked in a white light. She gave me a very peaceful and comforting feeling. As I wondered where I was, she spoke to me like she was reading my mind. She told me to be patient, and I would have many questions when the truth came out. I started to ask her the truth, but as a growl ripped from the trees, I turned just in time to see an all-black wolf approaching us. She smiled softly and said I bring you no harm, child, and I will explain everything when you are ready. The black wolf kept growling at us, but he never came close. There was a pull to this wolf I could not explain. I did not know him, but I felt comfortable with him. He never came too close; he just stood there and watched me. I reached out to touch him as I was awakened by yelling. It was all a dream, a wonderful dream. I quickly realized it was Aliza and Katelynn yelling. They were screaming at Tyler and Danny about something they said. Danny wrapped his arm around Aliza and said not to be mad at the messenger. It’s what we saw.
Tyler then followed up by saying several people were in the group; they seemed friendly. They had no idea Jarred was part of our group. The mention of Jarred’s name made me sit up. I kicked off my sleeping bag and stood up quickly. Katelynn was by my side as I asked Tyler what about Jarred. Tyler just muttered. I knew the sob was no good and walked away. I yelled again. What about Jarred? Katelynn took my hand and led me to the campfire. I was crying at this time, worried about Jarred, fearing something terrible had happened to him. Katelynn took a deep breath and said I am sorry, Zoe. Tyler saw him with another group of people; he was naked and asleep with another woman.
Tyler flipped out and went after him. This can not be real; I just kept saying it repeatedly. Why would he do this to me? He said he loved me; he asked me to marry him. Is it cause I did not have sex with him? Aliza started rubbing my back, telling me not to think like that. If he loved you, he would have waited. I started laughing when she asked if I wanted her to hex him. Katelynn said she could shrink his package. My eyes widened, and I asked Aliza with a shocked face if she could do that. She shrugged and said I am a witch. I am sure I can figure it out. Beth chose that time to raise the knife she was using and say she didn’t need any magic to cut his balls off. I laughed with tears in my eyes. These girls were trying to cheer me up as my life seemed crumbling. I had lost my home, my career, and now my finances. Could this year get any worse?
I got off the ground; I needed to walk and clear my head. I walked down to the little creek by the camp and splashed some water on my face. I was sitting on a rock, wondering how my life got this messed up. When I heard his laugh and a woman’s laugh. I looked up to see him laughing and splashing water at her. She giggled and called him childish. My heart shattered into a million pieces. Tears started falling down my cheek as I heard Tyler say I am sorry behind me. This caught Jarred and the girl’s attention, and they both just looked at me. The girl gave me a pitty look as Jarred gave me a smug look.
Like he was happy, he had hurt me. They both approached us, and the girl gave Tyler a seductive smile. It wasn’t good enough that she slept with my fiance. She was not hitting on my brother. She asked Tyler if he had thought about Jason’s offer. I did not know who Jason was or what offer she was talking about. But I was going to find out. When Jarred touched my arm, I opened my mouth to ask Tyler what she was talking about. I pulled away as he said we needed to talk. Tyler started towards him, and that girl grabbed Tyler. She smiled that stupid smile at my brother and said so sweetly they really should talk. We do not need any weirdness in our group.
Our group?
Did she say that? What is she talking about?
My thinking was cut short when Tyler said bullshit; He was not being left alone with her.
I knew Jarred would not physically hurt me, and I had so many questions. I needed answers. I would start with Jarred and then ask Tyler what that girl was talking about.
I held my hand to Tyler and told him, “It’s okay. I have to talk to him. Go back to camp. Jarred won’t hurt me.”
Tyler grunted and said,” he better not, or I will skin him alive.”
Jarred just rolled his eyes and walked to a rock. I followed behind and sat down next to him.
I blurted out, “Why?” as soon as he sat down. He actually chucked. He said you couldn’t expect me to wait for you forever, right? I am a man; I have needs! You wouldn’t give it to me, so I got it elsewhere. You can not be mad at me for meeting my needs, can you? I was in shock. Was he really blaming me for sleeping with her?
Did he think I would fall for this?
That I would be okay with him sleeping with another woman.
I looked him in the eye and asked,” Were you even going to tell me if Tyler had not caught you?”
He looked off at the water when he said,” I would have had to tell you; she is my mate, and I can not just leave her.
My face was in pure shock. I must have looked like a fish out of water. Tears were flowing down my face.
I said through my sobs,” She is your what.”
He repeated it: Jennifer is my mate.
So that her name, I set sobbing in shock. My heart was broken; I had lost the love of my life. But how could I stand in the way if she was his mate? Aliza said it was an undeniable pull. That you couldn’t be away from each other. She said she couldn’t even think of another man; Danny was all she wanted. I remember saying that other women did not interest him at all. He said that he didn’t even notice other women. He only had eyes for Aliza and never saw the woman anymore.
I was so mad at him, yet I felt guilty for being angry. If they were mates, I could not stand in their way. They were destined to be together; the moon goddess had put them together for a reason. I realized Jarred had left me on the rock, sobbing.
I fell from the rock, dried my tears, splashed my face with water, and returned to the camp.
Katelynn raced to me and wrapped me in a hug. I thought I had cried all I could. I was wrong; the tears were flowing freely. She was rubbing my back when Ryker walked up and said I could break his jaw. I laughed and shook my head.
He said,” She is his mate.”
Katelynn froze, and Ryker just stared at me.
Katelynn finally spoke up. She looked at me so sweetly. Sometimes, she was more like a mom than a sister to me. She wiped the tears from my cheek and said,” Mate or not, he cheated on you, and that’s wrong. He could have told you first.” I knew she was right but did not want to admit it.
That’s when I remembered what Jennifer had said to Tyler earlier. I looked at Ryker and asked where Tyler was.
Ryker said he was by the fire with Eric, Danny, and Chris. Why?
I told them what Jennifer had said to Tyler and how she acted at the river.
Katelynn looked at me and said, “Hmm, and they are mates.” I did not understand what she meant as she turned and walked over to Azira and Beth, who were preparing lunch.
Ryker just gave me a sad look as he turned and followed me to Tyler.
I found Tyler by the fire; he patted to the spot by him to sit. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in.
I rested my head on his chest as he asked me how I was doing. I was doing as he tussled my hair. He used to do it when I was younger. I just came out and asked him.
What did Jennifer mean earlier about our group?
Tyler just cleared his throat and looked at me with a sad look on his face.
They asked to join our group; they knew where they were going, Zoe and Tyler said sadly.
I know you do not want them with us. But Jason is the leader of their group and Jennifer’s brother. He knows where we are going; he knows someone in the alpha king inner group who gave him the coordination.
He tilted my head up to meet his eyes, little one. I wish there was another way, but we must join them.
He had not called me that forever, not even when I was a kid. I always thought it was because I was only 5ft 2. I was the smallest in my family. Katelynn was 5ft 10, and my brothers were 6ft 4. I was the same height as our mother, though.
I could see he did not want to do this to me; he knew it would hurt me. I looked at him and smiled. I know we have to do this; this is the last thing you want to do. If it gets us there faster, then let’s do it. I do not have to see them when we get there.
Tyler nodded at me, “If he says anything to you, I will punch him again. I do like seeing him with a black eye.
I just laughed and got up to help Katelynn and Azria with the lunch.