Chapter 1 - Good New with My Alpha

Catherine's POV

"Darrien I need you to join me in our room for dinner at 6 pm. Please don't be late." I mind linking my husband Alpha Darrien I am smiling with happiness.

"Luna, the results are in this folder, and all the other results have been removed except for your file under my care. Congratulations, Luna. I'll see you back in one month for a follow-up." The doctor hands me a white file folder.

"Thank you, Doctor." I wave at him as I walk back to the Pack House. It was a beautiful place for nature to meet our humble pack which looks like a little town. We have a little kettle lake of the blues meeting the greens. I love the fall as I watch the fall leaves change colors but that is not for a few months away. I volunteer there in the children's center at the Pack Hospital, as Darrien and I have been trying for years.

I walk into the pack house smelling home with freshly baked bread. I wandered into the kitchen and saw our head kitchen chef was baking. "Oh, that smells so good. Emily, you have outdone yourself again." As I make a big Sniff sound to show my love. Emily had a mate that died early and she is waiting for her second chance mate. She is about 30s and has curves to kill for but her personality is way too innocent. I asked her once she said they were mated for 4 months and then he was killed. She ended up going into heat a week after his death. She made the doctors put her into an induced coma so she would never remember the pain. I felt love and care for her like a sister.

"Luna Catherine you are too kind. I know you wanted to have dinner with the Alpha so I packed it myself. I also added 2 loaves inside for you. I know you have been craving my bread more lately." She winks at me. She is going to be the death of me.

" Thank you Emily but it is just a cover. You know my Alpha who loves your bread and doesn't want to seem to hold them all," I said cheekily as I walked upstairs to our room.

I set up the dining room table with the file placed on his seat. I wait patiently as the clock rolls past 6:15 pm. I put the food in the warmer to keep. "Alpha your wife is begging for your attention." I mink-linked him and I linked him an image of us in a very compromising position. A second later I heard a roar and running of paws on the hardwood flooring of the pack house. I smiled as I opened the room door. His big black wolf Zeus came running in with his tongue hanging out. I ran my hand through his hair rubbing all over his head. "Hey, baby. I've missed you. Wanna play a game with me, Zeus?" I say with a playful smirk. He nods his head and wags his tail.

"Cathy Honey. Zeus is not giving me control back I think he wants to play." Darrien mind-links me while laughing. I smile and nod. "Darrien I want you to block out what we are going to do. I want to play with just him. Is that okay?" linking back Zeus just states at me with his pitch-black eyes and I know they are talking. "Only if Athena and I can Play afterward?" He agrees. I nod knowing she will just have to take over my body.

"Zeus Baby. I am going to hide if you find me in 2 minutes then you can have a secret that only you and I will know." I wink. "Then when Athena and Darrien play he will find out too. Does that sound like fun?" I ask waiting for a reply. He wags his tail so hard that the floor feels like a heartbeat. I walk into the kitchen for the egg and cellphone timer "The egg timer will go off and you can try to find me. No cheating. If you do no fun time okay big boy." I kiss his head as I run out of the dining room and rub my scent on everything along with taking off my clothes.

I am hiding socks in the closets, pants in the bathroom, my panties under the bed, my bra in the bed with pillows trying to make a body, and my shirt in the kitchen. I slid down the hallway to the office leaving the door ajar and placed the blindfold covering my eyes. I lay on the floor behind the big wooden desk. The desk is big enough to hide my 5'5 body. My heart is pounding so I take a few deep breaths to calm it. I hear the timer go off as I wait patiently.

I hear his paws running into each room and a few growls of disappointment at not finding me. Our place is not huge 3 bedrooms, 1 office, living room, kitchen, and dining room. After hearing 5 growls I knew he was close. I heard the door push open and then he left. A few seconds later I hear a whine as he wanders back into the office and sits down. I was waiting then I felt a tongue licking up my left leg and stopping at my knee. "mmm Zeus you found me. Can you tell if there is something different about me?" I questioned while he licked my chest and neck. I hear the cell phone timer going off. He stops and sniffs me all over and stops at my stomach. Then he yips and licks my stomach so that it feels like I poured water all over it. I took off my blindfold. "That's right Zeus. You're going to be a daddy wolf. Which means I can not shift. So if you want me you will have to take Darrien's Body as of 2 weeks from now" He tilts his head and licks my eyes to close them. "Okay, big boy I'll keep them covered." I slid the blindfold back on.

He nuzzles my neck and nips my mark.

*** The Next Chapter is graphic with Sex with a human and a wolf. If you're not interested please skip to Chapter 3 ***

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